Since the New Mass

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EENS said:
“See what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.” Ps. LXXIII. 3

Since the New Mass…

Communion has been received standing and in the hand showing disbelief in the Real Presence

Firstly, I am trying to contain my anger. I truly believe in what I am receiving at Communion, and it’s in my hands. God created my hands, so it is ok I think, to use them to worship.
A table has replaced an Altar of Sacrifice, just as the protestants did
Cannot a table be trasnformed into an Altar of Sacrifice through the Blessings at Mass?
Girls have replaced altar boys, showing that they, too, can be priests
Can we not foster women vocations through female altar servers?
Eucharistic ministers have replaced priests in distributing Holy Communion, showing that that a priest and a layman are the same thing
I don’t think we are that dumb to get the 2 mixed up. Only the priest can consecrate the host.
The Mass has been turned around to face the people, showing that they are more important than the Tabernacle and what it contains
Jesus faced His disciples, sitting around a table. I NEVER think I am more important than the tabernacle.
Laymen have acted as “lectors,” showing that there is no need for Orders since all are “priests”
There is a lot more to being a priest than being able to preach.
Anyone has been permitted to touch the Sacred Vessels, showing a lack of belief in the Real Presence
All lay ministers I have seen are very respectful of the vessels.
The vernacular has replaced the language of the Church, Latin, showing that Mass is merely a “commeorative meal” just as the protestants belief
Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Latin anyway, I think.

Please just stop all the whinging about this mass vs that mass.

Im so sick of seeing it on this forum.

Love Kellie
Abuses happen in the Novus Ordo mass.
Abuses happened in the Tridentine mass.
Most Catholics recieve communion these days, at least we recognize that we don’t have to be in a supernatural state to recieve the Eucharist. Back in the day, one would have to be nearly divine ot recieve Our Lord in the Eucharist.
The Tridentine mass only existed for about 500 years. In the beginning of the church, they didn’t use latin. The original mass is what the Novus Ordo is trying to emulate. We have an OK picture of what the early mass looked like from readings in the early church fathers and the Didichae. The New Order of mass really should be called the Old Order, one even older than the Tridentine.
“I can’t pray in Latin because I don’t speak it!” -Fr. John Corapi

Listen, I love Latin. I like the way it rolls of the tongue, and when sung, it is absolutely beautiful. Heres the problem. People who think the only way to worship God is in Latin have the same problem that evangelical folks that jump up and down in worship do: it’s all emotional. Ultimately, what pleases us and makes us feel good have a tendency to be associated with what God likes. The mass is a celebration in community. That’s why the Eucharist is center of mass. Gathered together in the worship of God, the church recieves the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and becomes united by and with the Godhead. This unity goes accross cultures. The churches ancient tradition is lined with cultural encounters from the early spread of the church. The dates for Christmas and Easter were both pagan holidays, which were converted to Christianity after the pagan culture was converted. The Christmas tree, likewise, was originally a pagan symbol.
Oh, and Jesus didn’t come down from Heaven to be untouchable. He wanted to be one with us. Touching Him in the Eucharist is like touching Him when He walked the Earth. I am going to start a new thread in the spirituality forum titled: How Jesus was touched by sin. Come comment on it, it just might interest you.
God Bless,


I admire your passion for defending the faith but please, please do not be a Catholic version of a protestant fundamentalist. Your style of argument is very similar.

I can just imagine it. . .

The Fundamentalist:

*Since the Roman Catholic Church (Whore of Babylon!!!)…

People have knelt before statues and prayed showing that they are idolators, worshiping statues.

A crucifix has replaced the empty cross, since the Catholics are trying to put Jesus back on the cross. He is risen!!

People pray the Rosary, showing that they ignore Jesus when he condemns the vain repetition of prayers.


*Instead of merely emotionally stating these things, please provide a rational argument for why you think these things are true. Perhaps you are not being emotional when you write – it is nearly impossible to tell over the internet – but you come across in the same way as the protestant fundamentalists who are just having an emotional reaction to something that makes them uncomfortable.
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