EENS said:“See what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.” Ps. LXXIII. 3
Since the New Mass…
Communion has been received standing and in the hand showing disbelief in the Real Presence
Firstly, I am trying to contain my anger. I truly believe in what I am receiving at Communion, and it’s in my hands. God created my hands, so it is ok I think, to use them to worship.
Cannot a table be trasnformed into an Altar of Sacrifice through the Blessings at Mass?A table has replaced an Altar of Sacrifice, just as the protestants did
Can we not foster women vocations through female altar servers?Girls have replaced altar boys, showing that they, too, can be priests
I don’t think we are that dumb to get the 2 mixed up. Only the priest can consecrate the host.Eucharistic ministers have replaced priests in distributing Holy Communion, showing that that a priest and a layman are the same thing
Jesus faced His disciples, sitting around a table. I NEVER think I am more important than the tabernacle.The Mass has been turned around to face the people, showing that they are more important than the Tabernacle and what it contains
There is a lot more to being a priest than being able to preach.Laymen have acted as “lectors,” showing that there is no need for Orders since all are “priests”
All lay ministers I have seen are very respectful of the vessels.Anyone has been permitted to touch the Sacred Vessels, showing a lack of belief in the Real Presence
Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Latin anyway, I think.The vernacular has replaced the language of the Church, Latin, showing that Mass is merely a “commeorative meal” just as the protestants belief
Please just stop all the whinging about this mass vs that mass.
Im so sick of seeing it on this forum.
Love Kellie