Single as a vocation

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stop Hijacking this thread. It is not about divorce! It is about us who are dealing with being single! There are tons of threads on divorce. i am sure if you go to apologists forum you can start a thread or find one over there. Heck i will even join the discussion but please keep it out of this thread. I think we are having some good discussion.
There are better choices. Just look at the number of Catholic ladies married to abusers and Catholic gentlemen dealing with certain ladies of not exactly straight priorities, so to say. Now, if we could match the good Catholic ladies with the good Catholic gents, wouldn’t the world be a nicer place? Just look at the numbers… But in practice, I don’t know. Are we seeking in bad places or what?
So, the thing is though, I’m not freely choosing the single life, its being forced upon me. (No one to marry). I know the whole thing about in God’s time, etc That certainly is still a possibility, but how do I live a peaceful life until then if it were to happen, or in general? If I don’t get married, how in the world can I consider this living out a vocation when it is forced upon me and not freely chosen.
I know where you are coming from. I have struggled with that for some time. I just knew I was to marriage. While I still have quite a long time left, I am beginning to question that marriage was my calling.

I guess my difference though, is that I have embraced (to a certain extent) the silence and aloneness. I struggle from time to time, but for the most part I come to accept it and embrace it.
I was sure I would be a wife, a mother and a grandmother some day. Why? I wanted it so much…how could something I wanted so much not be what God wanted? So of course I was called to the married life as a vocation - it HAD to be that…because afterall, I am a wonderful auntie and I get so lonely sometimes when it is only me and my animals at the end of the day…so God can’t possibly want this for me, right? I must be called to the vocation of marriage…

In my particular journey I have come to believe that discovering my true vocation depends upon my ability to practice two virtues: obedience and acceptance. The way I practice those virtues is inherent upon my daily spiritual condition. If I strive to practice those virtues every day I will have peace in my life because, even though I may not be getting what I want and what I think will make my life happy and serene, I am doing what God instructs me to do one day at a time.

My life is not what I wanted it to be - but it is second to none and I believe it began with my surrendering to His Will and then practicing the virtue of acceptance and the virtue of obedience one day at a time. That has brought me peace.
I do not want to leave anyone with the impression that my personal journey has been easy or without heartache. I still get lonely at times. I often wish I had lived my life in accordance with Church teaching when I was in my 20’s. However, I have been taught not to regret my past nor to shut the door on it because at the very least it may be of some use as a cautionary tale for others.

I know that 13 years ago I thought “If I do everything right, every day, God will give me what I need to be happy, joyous and free because that is what He wants for me…and what I need to BE happy, joyous and free is a husband who loves me, a job that pays 150k and only requires me to work 2 or 3 yours a week, a beautiful house on a hill, lots of children and a herd of Scottish Terriers and Irish Wolfhounds that win awards”.

One day it dawned on me: “what would happen if the way my life was right THEN, right that MINUTE, is the way God wants it to be until my time here on earth is up? Would I still be able to say Thank you, Lord, for my life today I wouldn’t change a thing even if I could?” And my answer was:

HECK NO - what do you think I am an IDIOT?

Long story short: I struggled with this for a long time. What I realized was that my initial surrender to the Will of God had been conditional…basically, I wanted to have an agenda planning session with God once a week, maybe at my house after Mass…He could come over and we would go over my plans for the week and He would tell me what HIS plans for me were and after a little negotiation we would come to an agreement…then I would turn my will and my life over to HIM.:whacky:

Doesn’t work that way.

When I finally said “Whatever, Lord…if my life like it is right now is what it is to be then I accept it, I thank you for it and I promise to spend my moments living it according to the teachings of YOUR CHURCH”.

Today, as I said previously, my life is second to NONE…but it is NOTHING like I thought it had to be in order for me to be happy.

Except … well, I do have a Scottish Terrier…
When I finally said “Whatever, Lord…if my life like it is right now is what it is to be then I accept it, I thank you for it and I promise to spend my moments living it according to the teachings of YOUR CHURCH”.

Today, as I said previously, my life is second to NONE…but it is NOTHING like I thought it had to be in order for me to be happy.

Except … well, I do have a Scottish Terrier…
I think that’s a very good way to look at it. I would like to additionally point out, that it is still possible to find peace even if you could never describe your life as"second to none", and if, in fact, your life is extremely difficult.

(I have cats; pets are great!)
Now that you say all those things, I do feel more myself when I’m single. Kill me if I know why. The fact I wear long coats that fall well on the back of the legs when you kneel, can improvise prayers in Latin, preach for hours no end and am a stuck-up moralist with a bleeding heart to it doesn’t mean I’m called to be a priest. However, come to think of it, I don’t think any of my romantic relationships rested on surrender to God’s will. I did have the feeling that the last one started as an answer to my prayers (I said, “your will be done,” and I meant it, and the girl who had turned me down came to me soon after), still have, but who knows. I’m praying for Him to hit me on the head with a woman or with a priestly vocation (oh yes, hit me on the head with a Heavy Religious Object (HRO), maybe I will understand), but so far I feel more myself than at many other times in my life. In fact, I can even breathe more deeply. I feel closer to God as well. Time will show, I guess.
One may regard their life as second to none, even if it IS extremely difficult…in fact, that is the very quality that may make it second to NONE…some of our greatest saints believed that the more suffering, the greater the chance for Loving God fully and without reservation. How wonderful a life spent like that could be!
The point is we must be willing to practice the virtues of acceptance and obedience if we want, as the OP stated, peace of mind and heart. It does not mean that there will not be a place in our lives for redemptive suffering.
I also think we, as humans, have a tendency to believe that something is ‘meant to be’ simply by virtue of our wanting it to be so…which is why that silly Health and Wealth Gospel is so popular…I really REALLY want to be a wife and mother…I am NOT happy being single…therefore that must be what I am MEANT TO BE…
Rather, let’s try this attitude:
I would really like to be a wife and mother. I am, however, willing to be and do whatever God would have me be or do. For today, I will live my life within the parameters provided me by the Holy Mother Church. I will do what I am supposed to do today, right in front of me, with joy and love for my Creator.
It doesn’t seem that many people actually READ what I wrote.

I did not want the advice about “be patient , God’s time”…I already said that. That is NOT what this was about.

It’s about the peace. Peace of living as a single person right now, when I am designed for marriage. It’s not about waiting

Peace of living the single vocation forever, if I am forced to do so, because it would not be freely chosen. Becasue I am highly extroverted.
Agapewolf - I am married now and a couple years younger than you, but I thought almost my entire life that I was supposed to be single and for a while thought I might be called to the religious life. I am an introvert and enjoy being by myself, but also enjoy the intimate company of a few friends and family. When I was single I would sometimes be sad about not having someone to share my life with. I prayed long and hard about it and realized that I can also find so much joy and love out of the platonic relationships that I had with my friends. I also had more time to devote for volunteering, charities etc., which isn’t as easy when you are married with a family. I found peace in my heart when I prayed over this and became very happy about being “alone”. My life was full. Of course, as soon as I was at peace with this, God brought my husband and I together. (Although this was not something I was expecting at all.)

The only advice I can give on this is to continue praying for the peace that you are yearning for. The key is to not want it too much and to just let yourself be open and free. When you want something too much, it isn’t usually given to you (at least in my experience). I just basically let God take me where He wants me to be and try not to ask Him for too much.
Agapewolf - I found peace in my heart when I
prayed over this and became very happy about being “alone”. My life was full. Of course, as soon as I was at peace with this, God brought my husband and I together. (Although this was not something I was expecting at all.)
Oh Agapewolf, I cannot tell you how similar my situation is to what you were experiencing as a single person. I am getting more and more peace with the idea of being alone. And, your advice of not wanting somebody too much has been my reflection over the past couple of years. It’s bringing me enormous peace.

“(My) Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you,” He said. Then it goes, but doesn’t appear at Mass, “not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.” This is something I’ve just thought of, but the first part has been going in my head for quite some time. He gives us peace. He gives us peace at mass. He is peace, in a way. Prince of peace is one of His names.
Chevalier, I actually started focusing on that word “peace” during Mass after your mention of it. It does have so much significance when one meditates on it.

I’m a single woman in my early 40’s who still believes that marriage is my vocation after much prayer and discernment. Looking back at my life I can see that several times when I came close to marriage in my 20’s and 30’s it was probably not the best idea. My life would have been dramatically different if I had married each of these men. I might have had a serious problem when I became Catholic in my late 30’s.

My career path would have been harder if not impossible following either of the 2 guys who were military officers around the world. I would not have become an attorney despite my hard work because it generally takes 3 years in one place for school. I’m not so worried about the career for myself, but because I’ve spent my adult years in various forms of serving the public in social agencies and law enforcement. Would some of those people have been helped if I had not been there?

Now, I’m a joyful, faith-filled, enthusiastic Catholic who is finally “home.” If this is the trade off for not having biological children, then I guess I know which I would have chosen given the choice up front. I have more peace and joy than at any other time in my life, including when I have been a great relationship. My life is filled with thoughts of God and service in my parish and the wider church in a way that would not be possible if I had children and/or a husband at this time. One friend whom I really admire was a great example of a faithful, chaste Catholic woman who lived abundantly as a single right up until the day that she married (in her 40’s). Now she lives just as abundantly as a faith-filled wife.

I think that I accept each day as a gift from God now regardless of my marital/relationship status. I don’t dwell as much on the “what ifs” of not having a relationship. I don’t let being single keep me home as I did for many years. I don’t worry about not having a “date” for weddings and other events. I just go alone or with other singles or married women whose husbands can’t or won’t attend. I don’t feel like a 3rd wheel anymore by attending something alone. I guess I feel like I have something to offer without the need to bring a man along for social validation.

I can see myself having a rich life if I never marry, although I do believe it is still in God’s plan for me for some reason. However, I’m also aware that not everyone for whom marriage is a vocation actually gets married. The person whom God has planned for me could reject their true vocation or marry the wrong person by not waiting for the right time. I could mess it up in some way also and end up alone. I believe that we all have the free will to goof up our lives and those of other people if we are not prayerful and careful in our choices.
A vocation is one that must be freely chosen.

So here I am, 32, single female. I work for the Church, I live a chaste life. I believe I am called to marriage:
The way God designed me as an extrovert… I live by myself and although I like my alone time, it drives me crazy to not be able to process my days with someone. When I am dating someone and speak often with them on the phone, I am so at peace, feel closure on my day, etc
When I have extended periods of being alone alot, I get feeling toxic, and not peaceful. Sometimes its loneliness, but other times it is real psychological energy that isn’t being expended the way I should.
I study theology of the body and I ache to be married and have children.

Having a past with a spiteful father, sometimes I question myself as God’s choice of a vocation for me… because I desire marriage so much, does God want me to stay single… this thought depresses me. God puts these desires in me just for suffering sake.

So, the thing is though, I’m not freely choosing the single life, its being forced upon me. (No one to marry). I know the whole thing about in God’s time, etc That certainly is still a possibility, but how do I live a peaceful life until then if it were to happen, or in general? If I don’t get married, how in the world can I consider this living out a vocation when it is forced upon me and not freely chosen.
I recently went to a wedding of someone who I think was 34 and was very faithful to the church. She finally found the right person and they were married within a year.
My life would have been dramatically different if I had married each of these men. I might have had a serious problem when I became Catholic in my late 30’s.
I think that I accept each day as a gift from God now regardless of my marital/relationship status. I don’t dwell as much on the “what ifs” of not having a relationship. I don’t let being single keep me home as I did for many years. I don’t worry about not having a “date” for weddings and other events. I just go alone or with other singles or married women whose husbands can’t or won’t attend. I don’t feel like a 3rd wheel anymore by attending something alone. I guess I feel like I have something to offer without the need to bring a man along for social validation.
Yup. I even went to prom with a friend, which was her idea, or otherwise I’d have gone even to that alone. 😃 However, it’s painful sometimes. I do realise I’m a difficult person and I have much focus on things not so crucial to many other people, so matching might be difficult and living in a poorly matched marriage… I believe the sacrament brings grace in abundance, but realistically, even that doesn’t prevent people from suffering from ill matching. Sometimes it’s better single than poorly matched. I would only hope to find out before 30 if God wants me married, single or ordained, but I’ll be fine enough if I don’t get called while engaged or something like that. I sometimes make a point of looking the best I can, being the most brilliant I can and the most courteous I can, just to pwn… ooops, I mean, debunk, a couple of stereotypes about single people being losers. Not like it isn’t hard sometimes. Especially lately.
The person whom God has planned for me could reject their true vocation or marry the wrong person by not waiting for the right time.
I’m not sure God plans specific people for each other as in the one single soulmate theory. I don’t think God would leave someone alone just because a different person made the wrong decision. 😉
I could mess it up in some way also and end up alone.
Sure and believe me it gives me headaches, but God isn’t a single chance person. 😉
I believe that we all have the free will to goof up our lives and those of other people if we are not prayerful and careful in our choices.
It’s been killing me since my last relationship’s end, but I’m sort of moving on. We could surely end up with a wrong person and then be in real trouble, but on the other hand, I don’t think it would be so easy to lose “the intended one”. I imagine one would have to make some effort to get there. If it were just a good candidate, God would perhaps provide another and give us another chance. 😉
This thread has really depressed me. I am a single male, 35 and really want to fall in love. I was in the seminary but that did not work.

It seems from reading this thread that it is more difficult than I had hoped to find the right woman. I am determined to marry a Catholic, and I am hoping that waiting will be a great reward for me, rather than thinking that God is somehow punishing me by making me stay single.
@Kangnamdragon: If you’re worried that God’s punishing you, get an indulgence ASAP, remitting temporal punishment. One example would be passion services in Lent, but you’d need to ask your priest. 😉 But in reality, it’s probably either a bad coincidence or, if there is a plan of God’s in it, maybe you aren’t ready or maybe God has a specific woman in mind for you and she isn’t ready or you both aren’t, or maybe He has a different calling for you… who knows. I’ve noticed you say, “the right one.” Why “the”? Are you convinced there’s one special woman out there, the only one with whom it can work out? I think there are many possibilities but sometimes once two people click, they won’t get out of each other’s mind. 😉 But that’s more like a bond forming than two people “discovering” themselves, I think.
Flirts with kangnamdragon. 😉
Dang agapewolf got to you first. 😉

Kangnamdragon. Don’t let this thread depress you. I have hope that i will be open to falling in love and get married. For me i have some wounds i need to close first before i can be whole enough to move forward in a relationship. Right now i know i am suppose to be single and hopeful after i work on my relationship with God i will figure out my path.

I would talk more but i am really really tired.:yawn: The cake i just baked is now falling over because my fudge frosting is too heavy so now i have to go buy a cake from my friends 41st birthday and I am still getting over this nagging sickness that i caught this weekend at a retreat. God bless and see ya’ll tommorrow!
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