Sister Lucia

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Tantum ergo:
Scullinus, the consecration was done, but certain groups don’t think it was done “right”. . .

It’s quite the controversy.
One might add to that, Sister Lucia said it was done. The certain groups who argue it, call her a liar. (El Gruner - the self called Fatima Priest for one) :rolleyes:

Not hard really…Satan hated and hates Fatima. He has his minions at work as always, trying to destroy Fatima through confusion and subtrafuge.They have been soundly denied by Sister Lucia before her death - most especially in regards to Gruner and his wacko group.
Pope John Paul II Homily at Fatima

These words from the first reading of the Mass make us think of the great struggle between good and evil, showing how, when man puts God aside, he cannot achieve happiness, but ends up destroying himself.

How many victims there have been throughout the last century of the second millennium! We remember the horrors of the First and Second World Wars and the other wars in so many parts of the world, the concentration and extermination camps, the gulags, ethnic cleansings and persecutions, terrorism, kidnappings, drugs, the attacks on unborn life and the family.

The message of Fátima is a call to conversion, alerting humanity to have nothing to do with the “dragon” whose “tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth” (Rv 12:4). Man’s final goal is heaven, his true home, where the heavenly Father awaits everyone with his merciful love.

God does not want anyone to be lost; that is why 2,000 years ago he sent his Son to earth, “to seek and to save the lost” (Lk 19:10). And he saved us by his death on the cross. Let no one empty that Cross of its power! Jesus died and rose from the dead to be “the first-born among many brethren” (Rom 8:29). In her motherly concern, the Blessed Virgin came here to Fátima to ask men and women “to stop offending God, Our Lord, who is already very offended”. It is a mother’s sorrow that compels her to speak; the destiny of her children is at stake. For this reason she asks the little shepherds: “Pray, pray much and make sacrifices for sinners; many souls go to hell because they have no one to pray and make sacrifices for them”.

Sister Lucia enjoy your eternal reward.

I apologize if this is a fundemental question but here it goes…

The concept of the Pope or a council of Bishops consecrating Russia confuses me.

Definition of consecration from web:
a solemn commitment of your life or your time to some cherished purpose

Isn’t it only possible to conserate oneself? Can a person or persons or country be consecrated? How can Russia be consecrated if Russia does not desire to be consecrated?
Ask anyone if their Bishop in 1984 participated in the Consecration. For those who participated, it was supposed to be done in their Cathedral as part of a public Ceremony. Has anyone have any evidence of Bishops doing this ? if it was done, then it should be easy to see, besides, where is the World Peace that was supposed to happen?
Louis IX:
Ask anyone if their Bishop in 1984 participated in the Consecration. For those who participated, it was supposed to be done in their Cathedral as part of a public Ceremony. Has anyone have any evidence of Bishops doing this ? if it was done, then it should be easy to see, besides, where is the World Peace that was supposed to happen?
World Peace? There will be no world peace until Christ returns and the old order of things has passed away.
we should thank Lord and his mother for giving us such saints as lucia jancita and francisco by always prying for peace in the world and by saying the prayer our lady gave them at fatima; oh my jesus forgive us our sins save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven especially those in need of thy mercy. pray the rosary daily brothers and sister . May the lord bless and keep you all.
I was wondering…The Sedevacantists are big on the Fatima apparitions, right?..They have not consecrated Russia, right?..Since sister Lucia has died, should they realize there error and come back to the Church, because JPII has consecrated Russia?
I get Gruner’s newsletters and stuff and I quit reading them because he now sounds just like one of those non-Catholic preachers always asking for money and spouting end-of-the world rhetoric. I believe that the consecartion was done…hence the fall of the USSR and most of communism. I still pray my rosary for peace and the gajillion other needs that I take to the Holy Trinity. There’s a great many threats to peace out there here in the U.S. and abroad.
Pax vobiscum,
Church Militant:
I get Gruner’s newsletters and stuff and I quit reading them because he now sounds just like one of those non-Catholic preachers always asking for money and spouting end-of-the world rhetoric. I believe that the consecartion was done…hence the fall of the USSR and most of communism. I still pray my rosary for peace and the gajillion other needs that I take to the Holy Trinity. There’s a great many threats to peace out there here in the U.S. and abroad.
Pax vobiscum,
We have a threat to peace. His name is Mahmoud Habib - he did time in Guantenemo Bay.

I was speaking with one of my priests this morning about the death of Sr.Lucia. I mentioned to him that she had passed away on the 13th. He thought that this was interesting. Then I mentioned that I was not sure of the significance. His reply gave me food for thought:

The number 13 is associated with Satan. The events of Fatima are a triumph over Satan and that includes the end of Communism in the USSR as well as the failed attempt on Pope John Paul II’s life.

Food for thought…

Louis IX:
Ask anyone if their Bishop in 1984 participated in the Consecration. For those who participated, it was supposed to be done in their Cathedral as part of a public Ceremony. Has anyone have any evidence of Bishops doing this ? if it was done, then it should be easy to see, besides, where is the World Peace that was supposed to happen?
Ask the bishop of Rome if he participated in the Consecration of Russia? He has never said he did because his consecration was done by him alone, and was for the whole world… hardly the way the lady asked for it to be done.

Perhaps he is wiser than we are. He is still barred from Russia, and there are less Catholics there now than there were in 1917. So a consecration of Russia (specifically) might be received (by Russia) as an insult and a block to any small success in the efforts of ecumenism realized so far.

As for Sr Lucia, she has never said more than “a” consecration occured which was accepted in heaven. Yep. And if JPII consecrated by parish I think that would be accepted in heaven too. Rather, Sr Lucia continually denied that the specific request was fulfulled. The one who offered his own translation of her singular conversation with him is the one who is suspect., Not Sr Lucia, and Not JPII.

M*******, and other goofballs here who say otherwise are welcome to hold thier opinions. Time will tell. Especially if the Holy Father chooses this May 13th, or another day, to actually consectrate Russia. I hope he is the pope to finally fulfill Mary’s request.
Church Militant:
I get Gruner’s newsletters and stuff and I quit reading them because he now sounds just like one of those non-Catholic preachers always asking for money and spouting end-of-the world rhetoric. I believe that the consecartion was done…hence the fall of the USSR and most of communism. I still pray my rosary for peace and the gajillion other needs that I take to the Holy Trinity. There’s a great many threats to peace out there here in the U.S. and abroad.
Pax vobiscum,
My sentiments exactly. I was so excited when I discovered the site and their newsletter and then it horrified me when I saw the tripe it published.

Funny how some are quick to denounce apparitions which the bishop does not support, but the Gruner’s bishop does not support his consipracy theories, yet EWTN lets him on every so often. I keep trying to get them to stop sending the newsletter too and it has not worked yet. Emailed them. Called them. I don’t live alone and am disturbed by the fact that some one else might read such rubbish if I don’t get it out of the mail first.

I am saddened by her passing, but I welcome the opportunity it has brought to talk about the sgnificance of Fatima and its messge, how Portugal has had a day of mourning. I dont’ thinkt eh Vatican would have claimed to have consecrated Russi if it were not done. I had read that Sr. Lucia claimed Russia was consecrated.

I only recently learned that there was a version of the story from her view point published (in 2000 and revised in and 2003) ordered it yesterday (from some Catholic book dealer on Amazon). I can’t wait to read it. I get goosebumps everytime I read about Fatima.
My sentiments exactly. I was so excited when I discovered the site and their newsletter and then it horrified me when I saw the tripe it published.

Funny how some are quick to denounce apparitions which the bishop does not support, but the Gruner’s bishop does not support his consipracy theories, yet EWTN lets him on every so often. I keep trying to get them to stop sending the newsletter too and it has not worked yet. Emailed them. Called them. I don’t live alone and am disturbed by the fact that some one else might read such rubbish if I don’t get it out of the mail first.

I am saddened by her passing, but I welcome the opportunity it has brought to talk about the sgnificance of Fatima and its messge, how Portugal has had a day of mourning. I dont’ thinkt eh Vatican would have claimed to have consecrated Russi if it were not done. I had read that Sr. Lucia claimed Russia was consecrated.

I only recently learned that there was a version of the story from her view point published (in 2000 and revised in and 2003) ordered it yesterday (from some Catholic book dealer on Amazon). I can’t wait to read it. I get goosebumps everytime I read about Fatima.
Is that the last book she wrote? I am going to order it. It was just published in English and originally was published in 2001. The other books have been revised to include some of the info from her last book…“Calls.”

**Sister Lucia Writes Book on Fatima Revelations

MADRID, Spain, DEC. 5, 2001 ( Sister Lucia, the only surviving Fatima visionary, has just published a book to respond to numerous questions and concerns about the Blessed Virgin Mary’s secret.

The 354-page book, English Edition - is titled "Calls, from the Fatima Message. **
I am sure Sister Lucia is in Heaven with Our Lord and His dear Mother right now. Who is putting forth her cause for canonization?
It was Sister Lucia who remained as the sole living survivor of what will stand as among the most famous apparitions in history, along with Guadalupe and Lourdes.

“A humble person, she recollected herself in prayer whenever she could.” She was always available to people who requested an interview but shied away from contacts that spelled publicity or protocol. She was a true Carmelite.

Controversies over the famed Fatima secret and the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary continue, with those who believe the consecration was not carried out still arguing that it wasn’t while the Vatican has noted that in a recent interview, Sister Lucia – who repeatedly requested an end to the controversy – said the 1984 consecration of the world, and implicitly Russia, to her Immaculate Heart was accepted by the Virgin Mary and led to a “period of peace” due to the collapse of Communism in the U.S.S.R., which at the time had thousands of nuclear missiles poised to strike targets across the world (and which, while at peace with the U.S. since the 1980s, remains a potential threat).

The fall of Communism, Sister Lucia said in the early 1990s, was a “triumph” of the Immaculate Heart.

But that hardly softened Lucia’s prophetic view of the world and the future, which may be in as serious a state as during the initial apparitions. Sister Lucia once said that the world was in the throes of a “diabolical disorientation” and that the devil was “in the mood” for a final confrontation.

God would chastise the world, she fretted as mankind neared the 1960s, and it would be “terrible.”

Whether that concern – whether the specific chastisement she saw – still holds true or was a worry attached to the rise of atomic weapons in the subsequent Sixties is fodder for interpretation. At least for a “period,” the Russian threat has been dismantled.

As one author and Fatima expert Frere Michel de la Sainte pointed out, Lucia was “not talking about the ‘end of the world’ properly speaking, which is identified with the return of Christ in glory for the last judgment. This indicates only that we are entering the last great period of the world’s history, without being able to judge how long it will last.”

Sister Lucia once said in reported conversations with a Mexican named Augustine Fuentes, “the Most Holy Virgin did not tell me that we are in the last times of the world but she made me understand this for three reasons. The first reason is because she told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Hence from now on we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we are for the devil.”

Lucia prophetically indicated that the intense part of the struggle would focus on consecrated souls. She made that prediction in 1957 – as it turns out, the period during which the current sex-abuse crisis had its germination. Such was also forecast in a recent book the seer wrote.

“The devil does everything to overcome souls consecrated to God because in this way, the devil will succeed in leaving the souls of the faithful abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily will he seize them,” she said on December 26, 1957, with chilling prescience.

“That which afflicts the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Heart of Jesus is the fall of religious and priestly souls,” she told Fuentes. “The devil wishes to take possession of consecrated souls. He tries to corrupt them in order to lull to sleep the souls of laypeople and thereby lead them to final impenitence.”

Her main mission, Sister Lucia said, was to indicate to everyone not so much earthly chastisement as the danger of losing one’s soul for eternity. The devil does his best, she warned, to distract people from prayer and take away the love for it. “We shall be saved together,” she said, “or we shall be damned together.”

The devil, she lamented, had focused his assault against the Rosary, which she described as the prayer, after the holy liturgy itself, “most apt for preserving the faith in souls.”

Devotion to the Immaculate Heart would be key, said the famous nun, and that consists of considering the Blessed Mother as the “seat of mercy, of goodness, and of pardon and as the certain door by which we are to enter Heaven.”

“There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary,” she reassured. “With the Holy Rosary, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls.”
Louis IX:
Ask anyone if their Bishop in 1984 participated in the Consecration. For those who participated, it was supposed to be done in their Cathedral as part of a public Ceremony. Has anyone have any evidence of Bishops doing this ? if it was done, then it should be easy to see, besides, where is the World Peace that was supposed to happen?
Thank you Louis, but this didn’t answer my question. I’ll post my question here again in the hopes that someone can help me out.

I apologize if this is a fundemental question but here it goes…

The concept of the Pope or a council of Bishops consecrating Russia confuses me.

Definition of consecration from web:
a solemn commitment of your life or your time to some cherished purpose

Isn’t it only possible to conserate oneself? Can a person or persons or country be consecrated? How can Russia be consecrated if Russia does not desire to be consecrated?
The life of Lucia is a life of some one who The Blessed Virgin Mary took out of obscerity and put on the world stage to give a message that could only be seen as a warning to repent and follow Jesus and His Church. The appearing on the 13 over and over again is to remind us that the time we are in, is at a millenial friday. If you put all of creation into perspective it was a week and if you understand that with God a day is 1000 years, the four thousand years of the Old Testament and the two so far of the great commission puts us at the 13th day “7+4+2=13”. As for me I say thank God it’s friday.
Seven years ago the Holy Spirit began to show me that the great moments of the Bible are written from Indianapois, Indiana to Lansing, Michigan to Columbus, Ohio in a symbolic journey. The Journey of the Children of Adam and Eve can be followed as they leave Indy on highway 69 between the Fall Creek and the White River because where sin abounds grace much more abounds. They gain the New Testament at Fort Wayne as Highway 27 joins them. This is the most important stop on the journey becasue the curse 930 in the middle of the city brough about by 930 of the first Adam is surounded and swallowed up by the New Adam with 30 over the city and Highway 33 under as He swallowed up death in victory and leaving a New Haven at it’s eastern gate. The Best in all the tens of thousands of symbols on this journey of 69 is when you leave the left foot of Indiana to the right hand of Michgan with 120, to have a upper room experiance, to pass the 12 who are now the fulfillment of Isaiah 60, passed the tourch 94 years before the end of the 4th millenia of Adams curse of darkness and death, to go to where the land sings and see 96 that we are now children of and New Eve and a New Adam. These Highways tell of “our journey” but the Highways of in Lansing where the land sing tell, that Jesus came first 127 years before the end of the 4th millenia of Adams curse and 27 tells us He will come 27 years before the end of the 2nd millenia of the great commission in 2033.
I said all that to say this that 321 days were left in the year at Sister Lucia’s passing to show us the cound down to 2006. God Bless
Thank you Louis, but this didn’t answer my question. I’ll post my question here again in the hopes that someone can help me out.

I apologize if this is a fundemental question but here it goes…

The concept of the Pope or a council of Bishops consecrating Russia confuses me.

Definition of consecration from web:
a solemn commitment of your life or your time to some cherished purpose

Isn’t it only possible to conserate oneself? Can a person or persons or country be consecrated? How can Russia be consecrated if Russia does not desire to be consecrated?
A person may Consecrate oneself…but a person is not a Bishop nor successor of the Apostles, nor the Church Militant inclusive.

Bishops are successors to the Apostles. They can consecrate people, places and their own countries. In the instance of the Fatima Consecration, Bishop Hnilica, who’s diocese is Moscow, was there and Consecrated Russia.
Bishop Hnilica:
As you know, the Holy Father consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 1984, in the year of the Redemption. He invited all bishops to do the same, each in his own diocese.

My diocese, is Moscow. On the day of the consecration of Russia, I was in Moscow, and I performed the consecration in Moscow, in spiritual union with the Holy Father!
Mijoy, it is indeed possible for countries to be consecrated, and they have been, over centuries. Consecration is not just for individuals. The Pope indeed consecrated the Third Millennium to our Lady of Fatima, and he consecrated the world’s youth to the Virgin Mary as well. The United States is under the consecration of the Immaculate Conception.
Sister Lucy’s Cell Ordered Sealed by Cardinal Ratzinger

…As Messori notes, “the departure of the last visionary has not closed the case. Perhaps, on the contrary, it has opened new and unknown horizons. We do not know what will be found in her inaccessible cloistered cell …” Even in death, Sister Lucy of Fatima remains under lock and key by order of Cardinal Ratzinger - the same Cardinal Ratzinger whose “interpretation” of the vision presented as the entire Third Secret was so clearly aimed at “gently debunking the cult of Fatima,” as even the Los Angeles Times could see.
A person may Consecrate oneself…but a person is not a Bishop nor successor of the Apostles, nor the Church Militant inclusive.

Bishops are successors to the Apostles. They can consecrate people, places and their own countries. In the instance of the Fatima Consecration, Bishop Hnilica, who’s diocese is Moscow, was there and Consecrated Russia.

Interesting site… could there be two Bishop Hnilica’s

here is some of it…

…In the early 80s Bishop Hnilica took an interest in Medjugorje and began making countless trips back and forth from Rome to Medjugorje, even though the Bishop of Medjugorje forbade him to go there. Hnilica lives in the Prati section of Rome about a mile from the Vatican. According to Vatican Officials, he has no connection with the Vatican whatsoever.

Medjugorje was trying to distance themselves from him. What Hnilica needed was a seer in his pocket. In October of 1992 Hnilica met Theresa Lopez in Fatima and on December 8, 1992, with Theresa present, Hnilica should eventually had ordained four priests at Fatima, who never went to a seminary. With these four newly ordained priests and Theresa Lopez, Hnilica tried to make Denver, Colorado the Medjugorje of America.

Problems started for Hnilica when the Italian Police arrested and convicted him for involvement with Mafia connections to Roberto Calvi and Flavio Carboni. On March 23, 1993, Mgr. Hnilica was found guilty of receiving stolen goods and was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment in a case connected to the 1982 Banco Ambrosiano scandal in Italy. Together with him were sentenced Flavio Carboni to 5 years and Giulio Lena to 2 years. It had to do with the mysterious briefcase of the murdered director of the Banco Ambrosiano, Mr. Roberto Calvi! Calvi was found hanging from a rope under Blackfriar’s Bridge in London and Carboni was placed under house arrest in Rome. Hnilica was convicted for paying millions of dollars to Carboni for documents from that briefcase. The case has recently reopened and they are now exhuming the body of Calvi. Reports are that his death was a ritualistic murder in the Masonic lodge P-2 style.

On March 25, 1994 Hnilica organized a Theresa Lopez style “Consecration To the Immaculate Heart of Mary” for the “conversion of Russia” and the triumph of the IHM, (Immaculate Heart of Mary). Theresa was to finish what Fatima could not accomplish. The following May, Hnilica tried to organize all the Medjugorje Centers in America under his umbrella by having a conference at Notre Dame. It failed. He now needed a new plan and a new seer, one that doesn’t have all the sex and drug problems of Theresa Lopez. In October of 1994 he moved Lopez into his apartments in Rome. There he met with those who tried to organize the American Medjugorje centers, Marcia Smith and Ardie Kronzer. It failed, but there still was ‘Amsterdam’ and he looked at it with money in his eyes.
Bishop Hnilica had already sent in one of his boys first - Paul Sigl. Paul Sigl was one of the five men working with Bishop Hnilica in Rome. Sigl began working on Ida to become the inside man, much like Hnilica’s other boy, Luciano Alamandi did with Theresa Lopez. A confidant of Ida Peerdeman once said, "that Sigl again and again came to visit Ida, constantly begging her to become his so-called godmother. She found him weird. At the end Ida gave in and Sigl finally became a priest. Ida had hoped now to be rid of him, but… instead he hung on to her and he would come now and then with big tom-tom together with Bishop Hnilica to the chapel, where he, to Ida’s dismay, dared make propaganda for Medjugorje from the altar after H.Mass. Ida could not stand the charismatics and Medjugorje. In 1994 Hnilica and Sigl had promised Ida a big brake-through of ‘The Lady’ in America. Thousands of people should come there, to Notre Dame, Indiana USA. Ida did not know where that place was and did not know, that it was a charismatic and Medjugorje stronghold. She waited for the phonecall with the good news. But Sigl, the ‘godson’, instead of phoning his ‘godmother’, phoned the most fanatic Medjugorje runner of the Netherlands, Mrs. …, who had to phone Ida. She told Ida, that it had been fantastic, … but it was a big Medjugorje happening and
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