Sister Lucy Dies!

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Now I really feel…well…how did the Church Lady used to put it…“Special.” I was literally born on the 13th. 😃 So if you play the 13th backward you get…the 31st. I’ve got it. Antichrist will be born on the 31st. Can someone please check Senator Clinton’s birthdate…thank you!
Responding to #10’s response that Sister Lucia would be present to witness the beginning of Mary’s triumph, maybe the beginning has already begun yet we cannot see it’s signs. As one looks around and sees how the youth are influenced by the society and how society is today plus other attacks against the Church and Christians it has the sense of impending doom coming upon us. It is to be seen how that part of Revelation will manifest itself where the dragon enters the Church only to find a woman with child there and then flees.
Now she is at peace with Jesus, Mary and her beloved cousins.

Thank you God,
I just saw on the news that SIster Lucy has died today. I checked on and it was also reported there. Go to
if you want to read the story.

What does this mean as far as the Fatima prophecies go? I thought Lucy was to remain here as a witness to the Truth, and that she was to see the beginning of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. But, I guess God has other plans.

Futurist in training
Yes, disturbing.
Eternal Memory
Eternal Memory
Blessed Repose and Eternal Memory
(a Byzantine Catholic prayer for the deceased)

I didn’t hear about Sr. Lucia’s entering into Heaven until an hour ago. I really donot watch much tv, let alone radio telling me anything. (I heard it on EWTN).

I just started to read St. Faustina’s Diary and NOW Sr. Lucia. I am sure there are ‘interesting’ conversations in Heaven! :cool:
How happy she must be. Sister Lucia pray for us as we pray for you. 🙂
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord
And let perpetual light shine upon her…
May the souls of the faithful departed,
throught they mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

I will pray a rosary…😦
Me too :gopray:

Sister Lucia’s Death Stirs Memories at Vatican

Papal Letter Arrived to Her on the Day She Died

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 14, 2005 ( The news of Sister Lucia’s death, the last living witness of the Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Fatima, Portugal, is “very sad” for John Paul II, says a Vatican prefect.

“We know very well the profound friendship that existed” between the nun and the Pope, said Portuguese Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for Sainthood Causes, in a report by the Catholic agency Ecclesia. The Holy Father is currently on a spiritual retreat at the Vatican.

The cardinal was commenting on the nun’s death, which occurred Sunday in the convent of Coimbra. Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart was 97.

“They met several times, and for John Paul II they were always moments of great spirituality,” the cardinal said. “The Pope has always said that the Virgin Mary saved him from the attack in St. Peter’s Square on May 13, 1981. And Fatima and the little shepherds have a very special place in his heart.”

The Holy Father has credited the intervention of the Virgin of Fatima with saving his life in the 1981 attack by Mehmet Ali Agca.

In thanksgiving, the Pope traveled to Fatima on May 13, 1982. There he placed the bullet that wounded him in the crown of the image of the Virgin of Fatima.

Over the past few weeks, Sister Lucia’s health condition had worsened. When receiving this news, John Paul II sent her a message last Saturday.

Bishop Albino Cleto of Coimbra confirmed that Sister Lucia heard the reading of the papal message on Sunday and, being “very affected” by it, asked if she could personally read the text of the fax.

“It was, perhaps, the last reaction she had in relation to the life around her,” added the bishop in statements to Ecclesia.

In his message, the Holy Father said that, on hearing of her illness, he prayed to God that the religious would be able to live “the moment of pain and suffering” with a “paschal spirit,” and he ended his message imparting his blessing to her.

Enclosed in her convent cell, Sister Lucia died surrounded by her sisters in religion, and by the bishop of Coimbra, her doctors, and the nurse attending her.

Her death was due to her advanced age; she would have been 98 on March 22.

John Paul II met with Sister Lucia on three visits to the Fatima shrine: in 1982, in 1991, and on May 13, 2000, the day he beatified the other Fatima visionaries, Francisco and Jacinta.
What a wonderful gift she was to this world… Thank you God for the time she was here with us…
I should have counted on EWTN. Watched it on Portuguese on RTP. Yup it was all in Portuguese and have to say I cried at the end. Still shedding tears here. The whole message of Fatima has changed my life and I have been there in that Convent many times since 1992. Never met Lucia, but she has attended our Holy Mass there.

So many great memories and many special moments of the heart make these events and indeed this day ineffible. My poor wife can’t understand my emotions… I can’t either. My heart has once again been moved profoundly.

The last earthly chapter of the story of Fatima is now complete.

I am so sad for us here on earth losing her, even though it be only a temporary seperation thank God. I am imagining the reunion in Heaven. Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco together again.
We have a new devotion folks. Time now to begin the prayers for her beatification.

You know a priest friend of mine said to me today that he was wondering, since the spirituality of Lucia and our Holy Father was so deeply entwined, that maybe Lucia took on the Pope’s suffering in order to let him go on some time more? Something to think about eh?
God Bless Her. May she rest in peace for ever and ever.

“I’ve got it. Antichrist will be born on the 31st. Can someone please check Senator Clinton’s birthdate…thank you!”

That was hateful and uncalled for. Sister Lucy would be ashamed of you for saying something like that.
Re; The last earthly chapter of the story of Fatima is now complete.

I don’t see this, I really don’t.

God bless Lucia, her story changed my life over twenty years ago, I am sure she is now a Saint in Heaven. Pray for us Lucia.

Back to the completion of the Fatima story. How?

Russia is not converted, the Church is in an appalling state, there is more sin on Earth than back in 1917. Our Lady’s warnings have certainly not been heeded, man still offends God, and does it with ever increasing impunity.

The Vatican interpretation of the Third Secret just does not stack up. I do not believe for one moment that it related to the assaination attempt in 1981, especially as Sr Lucia is quoted a few years after that event as saying the prophecy has yet to be fulfilled.

When I look at the steady slide of the Catholic faith into “indifferentism” since 1960, I wonder what the Third Secret was really about. Our Lady told Lucia that the secret would only make sense after 1960. The secret that has been revealed doesn’t strike me as if it would have made any more sense pre or post 1960.

Also there is the missing words of Our Lady “In Portugal the dogma of faith will always be preserved etc.”
Where’s the rest of that sentence?
It implies that the Dogma of faith will not be preserved elsewhere.
No mention of this in the Vatican interpretation.

The Fatima story is very far from over as far as I can see.
My wife, young son, and I made a pilgrimage to Fatima last October as part of a group and we visited Lucia’s convent in Coimbra. We also visited two of her nieces and a nephew in the original houses Lucia and her cousins lived in and at the well. We were told by a niece, through a translator, that Lucia was in good health. Specifically, she said “her mind is clear but her legs are weak.” Although she was cloistered, the Pope has given her relatives permission to visit her and it sounded like they did every so often.

We were also told that it is expected that Lucenta and Francisco would be canonized on May 13, 2005. It was expected that Lucia would have been present for that, though now she will be watching from above. I have to wonder how quickly Lucia will be canonized since Pope John Paul II has been close to her.
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