To say that atheists have higher IQs than theists is misleading for a number of reasons, but I don’t want to spend too much time bringing up all the details. However as someone mentioned before, majority opinion does not equate with truth or fact. One person could be right out of one-hundred.
Anyway, I would like to direct the poster to the works of Edward Feser (philosopher), Stephen M. Barr (physicist), Antoine Suarez (physicist/philosopher), G.E.M Anscombe (philosopher) and of course St. Thomas Aquinas. Very intelligent people who happen to be Catholic. Edward Feser actually writes a bit about your concern and what I’ve come to find is that the internet and popular media like to blow “findings” out of proportion in order to cause a stir. However, I wouldn’t let “studies” or “findings” like this trouble you. As a bio/chem. researcher myself, I can say with confidence that most of what you read is bunk. I hate to bash my own field in the process, but it’s true.
Also, regarding Aquinas’ Five Ways, the Five Ways are merely five general bullet points for a much larger work that fleshes out the arguments for God’s existence. Most New Atheists (who are not philosophers or if they are, are not experts in this particular branch of philosophy) attack a caricature of the Five Ways. Even former atheist Anthony Flew changed his mind after reading in depth the works of Aristotle, whom Aquinas read and drew inspiration from.
I digress now to the poster’s concern. If you’d like a more detailed look at the issue I highly recommend you read “The Last Superstition” by Edward Feser. Trust me, the internet trolls and media can be a bit discouraging, but remember, when the church first started we were in the minority. So whether or not most “professionals” are theist or not doesn’t mean that they know something we don’t, or that they’re smarter than us. I find that most people that assert their intelligence over others don’t make sound cases for their assertions, but merely show everyone that they have a high opinion of themselves.
If not, check out some of the articles on Feser’s site.
BTW, I must kindly ask that I not be engaged in a debate or called to defend a point at the time being. I am not open to debate anyone at the moment because I am in mourning and wish to be left in peace. Please understand and pray for my deceased relative. Thank you, and God bless.