This is closer to the truth as anything written in this thread. To become known as a Christian in academia is almost instant career suicide.I believe there could be some issue with the way scientific institutions are set up these days (universities etc). It is very difficult to forge a scientific/academic career and reach the level of Professor without being completely self-serving. Thus I think many truly religious scientists find it harder to reach the heights of credibility that Atheist scientists do, simply because they are unwilling to adopt the cutthroat nature of the successful modern scientist if they are sincere about their faith.
I am not suggesting all Athiest scientists are utterly self-serving (certainly not), but I am suggesting that truly religious people tend not to be.
Modern Evangelical theology hasn’t done Catholic intellectuals any favors. The same Catholicism which produced Dun Scotus, Peter Lombard, St. Thomas Aquinas and a long list of Jesuit scientists is now lumped in with literal 6-day creationism, rapture theories and rock & roll worship “experiences”. Intellectual rigor isn’t associated with mainstream Christian theology in the way it used to be and scholasticism has been replaced in people’s mind with the prosperity Gospel.
Announce that you now believe in God and watch your chances for tenure disappear.