The problem of course is that the lds have the burden of proof. If someone asked me to show that there were Jews in Palestine 2000 years ago I could do that. Mormons cannot do the same for the New World despite the claims of the BOM or even FARMS.
Neither you nor I can prove our religion is true. I think that evidence suggest that the Catholic Church does not have a global authority from Peter (and certainly does not have the same authority Peter had). I think that evidence suggests that it is hightly unlikely Catholic priests have valid holy orders. A Catholic friend of mine asked me if I would be a restorationist in waiting if there had been no CoJCoLDS. The answer is no. But in light of what I see in history, I can see the need for a restoration. In light of what I see in the restoration, I can look for an apostasy.
The sub-apostolic fathers you mention were all Catholic. Ignatius said “where Jesus Christ is there is the Catholic Church”. Polycarp mentions the Catholic Church repeatedly. Clement of course was a Pope. Not to mention Ireneaus who wrote Against the Heresies. They don’t mention Mormon temple cermonies, plurality of gods, or other doctrines peculiar to Mormons. But if they came back today and came to my Mass they would know what was going on.
No, the sub-apostolic fathers were catholic as am I and the CoJCoLDS. I do not grant you that the ECF were “your boys.”
LDS godhead concepts have routes in pre-exilic Judaism and Early Christianity. The co-equal formulation of Athanasius was theological novem. I like all Trinitarians embrace a unity of God and a plurality of persons who are one God. Mormon temple ceremonies have solid roots in pre-exilic Judaism and some hints within the writings of the Early Church. If we get into apostasy and restoration, I have a large list of doctrines that were restored.
To discuss the “apostacy” would require a new thread or another forum if you like. However, I am preparing for several weeks in Israel so it will have to wait. But I will give you a homework assignment! What I will be looking for is the exact date and circumstances of this “total apostacy”. I would want to know the people and issues involved as well. Again the burden of proof is on the lds. But we can start when I return. Pax
I hope you enjoy your trip. We can prolly find time afterwards. I do have a certain exactness. What I do not have is proof. If the only reason you wish to address this is so that you can say I have not PROVEN there was an apostasy, then perhaps we do not even need to begin. As I see the evidence, I believe it is more likely that the CoJCoLDS restored the gospel than it is that the Catholic Church still has authority. But your lists of bishops and my “demonstration” that those bishops did not know they were Pope are not proof of either of our positions.
Whey you return, if you like look me up. If I have wondered away, I will try to remember to return and look for a PM from you.
Enjoy your trip. I wish I could go.
Charity, TOm