I refuse to slip into the subjective faith debate. I am trying to focus on basic historical evidence. That way we avoid bias. Let’s just take the last example you give about the Maya. I am no mesoamerican scholar, but I do know that non lds mesoamerican scholars do not consider there to be any link between the Mayans and the Hebrews. If you check the links I gave you will find that DNA evidence does not support any genetic link. That is just one refutation of one of your examples. I am sure FARMS can give you lots, but until we see this being treated seriously by archeologists and scholars you are barking up the wrong tree. You have to face the fact that if your examples were so conclusive it would be an archeological revolution. It would make someones career. It would be all over the news. It would be taught in Universities, besides BYU. The people of Santa Rosa would be very surprised that they haven’t noticed the ruins of a huge ancient city all over the place. I mean how do you miss the temple in your back yard? If you could have given me the evidence I asked for you already would have. You have tried, I will give you that. But you can’t prove your case well enough to convince non lds experts or me.
I was once challenged by a Mormon missionary to pray and ask God if the BOM was true. Being fair I did so. I received a reply. God said very clearly, “No”. When you add that to what my reason tells me then the conclusion is also quite clear. The BOM is a figment of Smiths very fertile imagination.
I refuse to slip into the subjective faith debate. I am trying to focus on basic historical evidence. That way we avoid bias. Let’s just take the last example you give about the Maya. I am no mesoamerican scholar, but I do know that non lds mesoamerican scholars do not consider there to be any link between the Mayans and the Hebrews. If you check the links I gave you will find that DNA evidence does not support any genetic link. That is just one refutation of one of your examples. I am sure FARMS can give you lots, but until we see this being treated seriously by archeologists and scholars you are barking up the wrong tree. You have to face the fact that if your examples were so conclusive it would be an archeological revolution. It would make someones career. It would be all over the news. It would be taught in Universities, besides BYU. The people of Santa Rosa would be very surprised that they haven’t noticed the ruins of a huge ancient city all over the place. I mean how do you miss the temple in your back yard? If you could have given me the evidence I asked for you already would have. You have tried, I will give you that. But you can’t prove your case well enough to convince non lds experts or me.
I was once challenged by a Mormon missionary to pray and ask God if the BOM was true. Being fair I did so. I received a reply. God said very clearly, “No”. When you add that to what my reason tells me then the conclusion is also quite clear. The BOM is a figment of Smiths very fertile imagination.