Of course if you are following this thread you will know that no LDS here is looking to New York. You are prolly not concerned about this. Leave the Catholic Church because the Pope sins (or errs) and is therefore infallible.
#There is a difference between being impeccable and infallible. Also papal infallibility is clearly defined. Not every pronouncement is considered infallible. New York is where Smith says he found the plates. It seems logical to search there.
Much has been found. Much has come of it. A pedigree is a document that tracks origins. The BOM has no ancient pedigree, but evidence suggests that it is an ancient document. Evidence I have presented and you have not dealt with. Evidence I have yet to present and you will likely not deal with. But no pedigree.
#Evidence? I see none that you presented. Perhaps you could give me a peek at an ancient manuscript found in the New World that would verify it. I don’t see non-mormon archeologists heralding any such pedigree.
Worse environment =jungle and humidity.
Usually when shifting the targets you move the goal when those you are debating hit the previous goal. Yes, I did hit the previous goal, but you are expected to make it more difficult. “Perhaps an inscription somewhere in Hebrew.” That is easy. Are you ready to join?
#Even in the jungle you can find at least one artifact. Just one. A nice statue of Nephi or something. I took a look at the site. He isn’t an archeologist, but an economist. It has a link to a site that claims that the Olmecs were Chinese. So which is it Chinese or Hebrew? He shows some coins, but gives on evidence of how they got there. It is quite likely they were brought here in recent times. I have a Roman coin. If I lost it in the yard and someone found it 100 years from now could they claim that Romans had lived here? One of the “stones” is actually a wax model not even the original which is “lost”. A little research on one of the experts of the los lunas stone shows he belongs to a Jewish group that believes in anglo-israelism. Even the author of the site doesn’t state his religious affiliation. Is he Mormon? Also there is a section on “rune” stones. Which if you remember turned out to be a hoax. Look, if all this was incontrovertible evidence you would have real archeologists stating it as matter of fact.
Are you reading what I am posting? It seems you have addressed my parenthetical addition from non-Mormon scholar Margaret Barker.
I was pointing to the town Nahom. It is not in the Bible. It is backed up by multiple inscriptions. It witnesses that Lehi’s band was exactly where they claimed to be. It unlike the other place names (valley of Laman) were inventions of Lehi’s gro, but Nahom was not.
#Then why aren’t archeologist flocking there to agree with you and join the mormon church? I google search shows only Mormon sites discussing this alleged Nahom place. I don’t see it anywhere else. But I did find this that refutes it:
It would be good for you to refute something, but Nahom is not addressable without a radical change in anti-Mormon tactics.
#See the above link.
I made no claims that I thought were profound about the Olemec. Please address Nahom and stop dancing around.
#Just did. And if you check you will see you tried to slip in the idea that they were somehow Hebraic.
Interesting how is it spelled? Please provide some additional data.
#Ah, spelling. Again see the above link about NHM. I don’t remember where I read it. Some guy maybe told me about it. Why should I provide such details? You didn’t provide me any for your sources.
Radical supernatural miracles are the only explanation of the data as I see it. The Devil could perhaps be responsible. This would be interesting. However, please do not let it distract you from addressing Nahom and your much desired Hebrew inscriptions.
#Again see the above link. I do believe the devil was involved. If even an angel of light preaches a different gospel let him be accursed. Paul said that. Smith should have heeded it.
You asked for archeological evidence I gave it to you. Inscriptions on multiple alters at place required, in the timeframe required, and in alignment with the BOM.