I do not claim that Isaiah Bennett speaks in an ugly way. I claim that he is intentionally deceptive or while presenting himself as an expert he is grossly misinformed (in a culpable way). I wrote to Catholic answers about 1.5 years ago, received a reply and an assurance that they desired to correct lies or omissions.
http://www.catholic.com/library/Mormon_Stumpers.asp (authored by Isaiah Bennett as I understand on fair but not ironclad sources) has not been changed despite the fact that it selectively quotes sources in what (at least now that I have pointed to this deception) one can only assume is intentional misrepresentation. I am a little guy, but I have explained to a Temple Presidents and others that they did not understand the claims of the Catholic Church. If we believe we stand on solid ground we should not have to lie to make our case. And when I see Catholic Answers and Isaiah Bennett do as they have done, I am unimpressed.
Brent Metcalf is a former Mormon. He is a strong critic of the truth claims of the CoJCoLDS. From what I have read of him and from him he is knowledgeable and respectful. I would suggest that he could be an exMormon that stands taller than Isaiah Bennett.
However, I will acknowledge that there likely is some extra sting to the exMormon critic that produces an impetus to be less charitable than we are called to be.
Still, Bennett put down his Holy Orders, wondered away, and then wondered back (some Catholic friends of mine have added in additional negative details to this, but they are personal and hearsay). Ad Hominem arguments do not deal with the substance of his words (I touched upon some of that above and I am not questioning his words with this line of discussion), but I really do not think I would consider him to be much of a hero were I Catholic.
Charity, TOm