Smoking a Sin??

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Smoking harms people and it is incredibly hard to stop so I wouldn’t say it’s a sin, but I certainly don’t encourage anyone to start or continue. I can’t stand even secondhand smoke.
Do you have the same opinion on doing other drugs during pregnancy?** I don’t know anyone Pro-Choice or not, that thinks abortion is “ok**”.
Wow!!! you should come hang out in Eugene. I could introduce you to some women who treat the abortions they’ve had as badges of honor. Some women view abortions as a mark of feminine independance and pride. We wouldn’t have over a million a year if most women who were for it didn’t think it was ok.

My mom smoked all during her pregnancy with me…and I turned out just fine.:tiphat:
I’m trying to quit.It eats at me every day. has everything to do with my journey and where I’m at now. I have to sacrifice and quit. Smoking is definitely a sin, we all know better. Of course there are mitigating cicumstances but if you are seeking then you know better, and if you know better… It’s all about struggling and seeking.

I don’t know, but if smoking tabacco isn’t a sin, then why should smoking marijana be?
I suppose if one wants to be technical…in regards to…

Catholic Catechism:

2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

There isn’t any classification as to which “drugs” are grave.

In closing…just remember, just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s moral. Tomorrow, if heroin were to be legalized…there would be individuals that would consume the substance…because afterall, just because it’s legal…it must mean it’s okay. Our economy flourishes on tobacco…Afghanistan’s economy flourishes upon the opium poppy…this is why we didn’t bomb their fields during the war.
I think you are being very intellectually dishonest here. You cite section 2291 of the Catechism, which does not mention tobacco, to support your claim that using tobacco is a sin. Yet you intentionally ignored section 2290, the section right above it, that specifically refers to tobacco and only condemns the abuse, not the use of it.
2290 The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkenness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others’ safety on the road, at sea, or in the air.
Shame on you,
catherinesiena said:
I don’t know, but if smoking tabacco isn’t a sin, then why should smoking marijana be?

Marijuana is against the law, tobacco is not (yet).
Marijuana is against the law, tobacco is not (yet).
Yes, but I thought we were talking about the moral issues of the action of smoking, not the legal substances (or lack of legalness) in the smoke.
catherinesiena said:
I don’t know, but if smoking tabacco isn’t a sin, then why should smoking marijana be?

Marijuana clouds your reasoning, and uninhibits you from sinning. Even if marijuana itself is not a sin, the side effects of smoking marijuana may be sinful. Remember the commercials where the two kids are smoking weed and all of a sudden one of them pulls out a gun and shoots the ohter? How about the van full of kids smoking reefer that accidentally run over the little girl? Or the girl that got pregnant because the reefer impaired her judgment? These may be commercials, but it has been known to happen. Would God ignore these sins because the person was impaired at the time? Not likely. Impaired judgment is a risk one should’ve assessed before smoking drugs.

Tobacco on the other hand, does not affect your judgment or lower your reaction time or anything. Smoking may not be healthy, but many of the “world’s healthiest people”, who live in primitive cultures and eat primitive, unaltered diets that are created by God, many of them are daily smokers and they still live to be 100. But they smoke from a wooden pipe, not from artificial fiberglass paper, free of fiberglass “filtering”, and the tobacco is free of pesticides and genetic altering. I’m not saying it’s healthy but we’ve probably made it more unhealthy with all the stuff we put in it.

***What happens if you’re stranded in the middle of a tobacco/reefer field, and there happens to be a forest fire? 😃 ***
Smoking a sin? If I leave mass before it’s over to smoke, or walk in late to mass because I havent finished my cig, or not pray my rosary for a smoke, or not read scripture for a smoke, or not feed my aging Mom on time for a smoke, or not listen to my child for a smoke, or not do my daily errands to smoke, or not pay my mtg, utilities, taxes, tithe for a smoke, extend an allotted 15 minute break for a smoke, not visit a nursing home for a smoke, etc., etc. I would say smoking in itself is not a sin. However, being fully aware or not fully aware of my priorities are in question. I would than have to pray for clarity…assuming it wouldn’t take time from yet another smoke. :rotfl:
If smoking takes us away from doing God’s work and we lose our faith, hope and love for one another well then…however, I have yet to meet a smoker that is unkind or uncharitable simply because he is a smoker.
Steve McQueen, lung cancer age 50
He died of Mesothlimoa ( spelling not right ) he was a car mechanic before he was an actor. In his day they still used ASBESTOS in the brake pad linings.
Karl Keating:
I think we’d have to agree with that. After all, comedian George Burns, who smoked cigars throughout his adult life, lived to be only 100.
Lets not forget, that Cigars and cigarettes are two different worlds. I enjoy a “fattie” [Cigar](Acid brand usually) once in a great while, even though I haven’t smoked a cigarette since 12/10/03.
Cigars are not meant to be inhaled, as cigarettes are, and I try not to smoke them in badly ventilated places.
I don’t wake up in the morning and think about smoking an $8.00 or higher cigar right off the bat. It has to be in the proper setting to fully enjoy the cigar.
I smoked cigarettes from age 11 to age 29, and wished a thousand times a day I could quit those damnable things. they completely controlled my life. I did things and based decisions on whether or not I would be able to smoke cigarettes. Now that I look back, its hard to believe half the lengths I would go to for the almighty cigarette.

Any serious cigar smoker will agree with me, even though I am still a novice cigar smoker, that there is more to smoking a cigar than just lighting it and puffing. Your environment is very important to occasion. It all ties to gether to make the experiance and enjoyable one.

Well, at least that’s my humble opinoin. 🙂
Adam Costanzo said:
*** Remember the commercials where the two kids are smoking weed and all of a sudden one of them pulls out a gun and shoots the ohter? ***

Oh give me a break, the only thing I ever whipped out that could kill me when I dabbled in doobage was E-Zcheese for my crackers when it was time to satisfy my munchies :rotfl:
Adam Costanzo:

***How about the van full of kids smoking reefer that accidentally run over the little girl? Or the girl that got pregnant because the reefer impaired her judgment? ***
There are more people that do these things when not smoking reefer :hmmm:

I’m over my “partying years”, thank the Lord, but you have to admit, some of these “anti-drug” concepts are a bit extreme.

Peace of the Lord be with you!
I think smoking becomes a sin when you put it higher than yourself, when it starts to rule your life. Because cigarettes should not rule your life…God should. I know people who miss out on so much because they are so addicted that they won’t go anywhere they can’t smoke. They won’t go to certain restaurants or even fly on a plane because they can’t smoke. My workplace is trying to get the property to be smoke-free. A lady said she’d quit if they did that. She’d give up her friends and a job she loves (not to mention how hard it will be to find another job and feed her family) just to be able to smoke. I think when it comes to that point…it is a sin and the person needs serious help. How can someone enjoy life being tied down like that? I guess it’s the same will all addictions. I’m no better than anyone else. Food gets the same way with me. That’s a sin too.
Liberals are so goofy in their naivity. A lady at work the other day was assuring me that smoking was indeed very evil. Why? Well because the government told her it was. Later in our conversation it turned out that she is married to her third husband now and she has her kids (teens and pre-teens) living all over the country with their fathers and the new mommies. But I guess smoking is what we should worry about right…not the massive divorce or contraception rate, but smoking. Ohhhh but I suppose it was smoking that somehow caused her to get divorced…

simple minded people. wake up and stop persecuting smokers because the government tells you you can. I know it feels good to you to take part in an official government led liberal persecution, but give it up now and refocus your attention on the real moral issues that plauge our society.

thank you and good night.
But I guess smoking is what we should worry about right…not the massive divorce or contraception rate, but smoking. Ohhhh but I suppose it was smoking that somehow caused her to get divorced…
While the mortal or venial character of sin will depend on the prior knowledge and degree of addiction, smoking is DEFINITELY a grave moral evil. It has NO useful purpose whatsoever and is very expensive.

People appear to dismiss the effects that the poisons they put into the air have on OTHERS.

In the past few months apartments below and beside me have gradually been rented to smokers until now there are three stacked below me and one on either side. They fill their apartments with smoke during the evening (with the windows closed because of the cold) and the smoke drifts into MY bedrooom during the night.

I have to freeze to clear the air, bit some exposure is unavoidable. I can’t think or read and I have only slept a few hours IN THE DAYTIME because of this. Visitors even smoke in the hall outside my apartment.

For almost two weeks I woke up every day with burning eyes and a dry cough. There are times when I can’t stop coughing now and I don’t know when I will be able to relocate. It ruined my vacation.

I will be forced to MOVE at great expense to an apartment at least 200.00 more expensive AND before my lease is up.


My anger and unforgiveness will probably put me in hell.

If you smoke it’s time to QUIT. If you don’t, I think it would be a mortal sin to start.
I am not sure if it’s a mortal sin or not, but know that no good comes from it. I used to smoke about 1-5 cigarettes a day in my late teens, but quit not long after that.
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