Smoking harms people and it is incredibly hard to stop so I wouldn’t say it’s a sin, but I certainly don’t encourage anyone to start or continue. I can’t stand even secondhand smoke.
Wow!!! you should come hang out in Eugene. I could introduce you to some women who treat the abortions they’ve had as badges of honor. Some women view abortions as a mark of feminine independance and pride. We wouldn’t have over a million a year if most women who were for it didn’t think it was ok.Do you have the same opinion on doing other drugs during pregnancy?** I don’t know anyone Pro-Choice or not, that thinks abortion is “ok**”.
I think you are being very intellectually dishonest here. You cite section 2291 of the Catechism, which does not mention tobacco, to support your claim that using tobacco is a sin. Yet you intentionally ignored section 2290, the section right above it, that specifically refers to tobacco and only condemns the abuse, not the use of it.I suppose if one wants to be technical…in regards to…
Catholic Catechism:
2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.
There isn’t any classification as to which “drugs” are grave.
In closing…just remember, just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s moral. Tomorrow, if heroin were to be legalized…there would be individuals that would consume the substance…because afterall, just because it’s legal…it must mean it’s okay. Our economy flourishes on tobacco…Afghanistan’s economy flourishes upon the opium poppy…this is why we didn’t bomb their fields during the war.
Shame on you,2290 The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkenness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others’ safety on the road, at sea, or in the air.
catherinesiena said:I don’t know, but if smoking tabacco isn’t a sin, then why should smoking marijana be?
Yes, but I thought we were talking about the moral issues of the action of smoking, not the legal substances (or lack of legalness) in the smoke.Marijuana is against the law, tobacco is not (yet).
catherinesiena said:I don’t know, but if smoking tabacco isn’t a sin, then why should smoking marijana be?
He died of Mesothlimoa ( spelling not right ) he was a car mechanic before he was an actor. In his day they still used ASBESTOS in the brake pad linings.Steve McQueen, lung cancer age 50
Lets not forget, that Cigars and cigarettes are two different worlds. I enjoy a “fattie” [Cigar](Acid brand usually) once in a great while, even though I haven’t smoked a cigarette since 12/10/03.I think we’d have to agree with that. After all, comedian George Burns, who smoked cigars throughout his adult life, lived to be only 100.
Adam Costanzo said:*** Remember the commercials where the two kids are smoking weed and all of a sudden one of them pulls out a gun and shoots the ohter? ***
More lies from the devil himself.On the dangers of second hand smoke, see the American Lung Association
Indoor Air Quality Second Hand Smoke
It’s more dangerous to the people AROUND the smoker!