Smoking a Sin??

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Perhaps not among cigarette smokers, but moderate cigar- and pipe smokers are not uncommon.
I usually smoke less than a pack a week.

Most times I wont have one cigarette during the weekdays, then I will have a few on the weekends.

I have now cut this down to one weekend a month.

My father is the same way…he only has sessions about once every two months though.

So I guess I know two moderate smokers.
This is one of those things that’s simply a matter of conscience. No Catholic has the right to say to another that it’s sinful. To say that smoking is absolutely sinful is itself a sin against faith and charity.

The only time smoking would be absolutely sinful is when one smokes when a lawful authority (i.e. parents or the state) doesn’t allow it. Thus, in the USA, its a sin for a minor to smoke. Its doubly sinful if a minor smokes against the wishes of his parents.

Just like with the Harry Potter issue, be sure not to state opinions absolutely, that’s all.
Thank you! Not a smoker, have never tried it, and was astonished at how many times “mortal sin” was repeated 1/2way through this thread!
smoking would definatly be a mortal sin for me since I am allergic to smoke!
Actually, smoking does have some health affects…It is very, very relaxing (kind of like deep breathing).

You can take me as serious or not.

But I will say one thing: Although I don’t smoke anymore, when the suits went up against the tobacco companies, I went out and bought a few packs of Marbs.

A sin? Mary (via the Medjugorie visions) seems to indicate not, as she only asks folks to give up cigarettes a few times a week.
Temperance is a virtue and gluttony a vice. Smoking may be something that cannot be indulged in temperately due to its nature. I don’t see how smoking constitutes a grave matter though, as in itself it does not impact judgement say as an excess of alcohol does. When in doubt, don’t.
I agree but my two cigarettes a day are a far cry from my 2 packs years ago. They taste good to a smoker, as wine to a drinker. I don’t think I will do as much purgatory time for my two cigarettes as I would have for my two packs.:hmmm:
This is my opinion, I do not presume to replace the advice of your confessor. Smoking is one of the dangerous drugs condemned in the CCC passage cited above. Like all abuse of the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, including sexual sin it damages formost the individual who indulges, but also those nearest to him. I am not talking about second hand smoke (although I could) but about your relatives who have to watch you suffer and die and cope with the effects of your illness. If you have some near and dear ones you would like to punish, this would be a great way to do it.

If I smoke in the house and you have a pregnant wife, you are pregnant, or have children I am guilty of child abuse. As you may deduce, I speak from personal, quite bitter, experience.

If it matters, smoking also enriches corporations who are part of conglomerates that use their money to support pornography and objectionable politial action groups.

I fail to see how anyone can support “moderate” use of an addictive substance.

If you have questions about personal sin, your priest is the person to ask, not strangers on a forum. Of course, you could look around for a priest who smokes. That follows the logic of many of us who shopped around for a priest who would excuse our use of birth control, masturbation and a hostof other sins.
Not that it really matters…but I’ve always heard the Pope has a Sunday cigarette. This doesn’t seem too out of line, as most eastern Europeans are better described as chimneys. But can anyone confirm?
Catholic Catechism:

2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

Smoking has NO beneficial effect on the human body. It serves no beneficial purpose except for speeding up the Darwinism process.
i dont think theyre talking about ciggarettes i think theyre talking about drugs, i ve seen priests smoke!
i dont think theyre talking about ciggarettes i think theyre talking about drugs, i ve seen priests smoke!
Good point… Light bulb in head went off when you posted that. My priest smokes.
Is eating a double pepperoni pizza and cheese sticks a sin? If you have high cholesteral or are overweight?

Is it a sin to go parachuting knowing that it’s risky?

Is it a sin to drive in the ice and snow when you don’t really need to go out?

People do stupid things. It’s not a sin.
The religious orders used to have ‘Fumer’ days. That is on high days and holy days the brethren could partake of the tobacco of their choice at association in the evenings. That is a balanced approach.
Dear friends

It might be unhealthy, but it is definitely not a sin to smoke, nor is it a sin to have a drink or two or three of the good stuff (alcohol) , mind you too much of both and it’ll kill you, have a bit and be sensible, but it is not a sin to do either!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

What upsets me is when I see parents/relatives smoking around their children. I just want to cry! Those tiny undeveloped lungs breathing in carbon monoxide. Or worse, pregnant women smoking!! I just want to snatch the cigarette our of her mouth!

Is smoking around children a sin? I sure think so! What say ye?
What upsets me is when I see parents/relatives smoking around their children. I just want to cry! Those tiny undeveloped lungs breathing in carbon monoxide. Or worse, pregnant women smoking!! I just want to snatch the cigarette our of her mouth!

Is smoking around children a sin? I sure think so! What say ye?
mind your business…smoking is not harmful!!!
What upsets me is when I see parents/relatives smoking around their children. I just want to cry! Those tiny undeveloped lungs breathing in carbon monoxide. Or worse, pregnant women smoking!! I just want to snatch the cigarette our of her mouth!

Is smoking around children a sin? I sure think so! What say ye?
Again, we are assuming a excessively habitual smoker, which I’ll grant is sinful. But that is way too broad an assumption about smoking. We have to consider moderation. Occasional smoking is perfectly acceptable. The only reason not to do it in front of others (children or adults) is that the odor may offend them, in which case you ask permission. It is a question of common courtesy and does not require that everyone who finds smoking distasteful appoint himself Mohammed of the pagan god of bodily health.

Scott I work for a group of thoracic (chest) surgeons and we’d be less necessary if not for smoking! The problem with smoking ‘in moderation’ is that it’s extremely difficult. Many if not most people can drink in moderation. But smoking is different. According to our docs (and before this was common thought) smoking is the most powerful addiction. More addictive and harder to stop than far more feared substances such as opium derivatives. One addiction leads to another. I was on the board of a treatment center for late stage alcoholics. We had a 100% rate of smoking among our clients.

It’s just very hard to quit so I’d sure suggest don’t start and if you stop, don’t even put yourself in a spot where you could become a multipack a day smoker. Besides this habit COSTS A LOT. I am horrified that families who have trouble putting food on the table will spend $35 to $40 a carton on something that lasts maybe a week. This is not a responsible behavior but this substance is so addicting that folks justify it even if it means other necessary elements of life are compromised.

Lisa N

PS Both my dad and grandfather died of lung cancer.
What upsets me is when I see parents/relatives smoking around their children. I just want to cry! Those tiny undeveloped lungs breathing in carbon monoxide. Or worse, pregnant women smoking!! I just want to snatch the cigarette our of her mouth!

Is smoking around children a sin? I sure think so! What say ye?
I don’t think it’s sinful if done in moderation, my father smoked heavily around me when I was young, then again our society didn’t think of it as child abuse then. What is interesting is I don’t seem to be affected, yet two of my nephews have very bad athsma and lived in a smoke free house since birth. I assume if their parents smoked the asthma would be blamed on smoking.

Don’t get me started on drinking or smoking (in moderation) during pregnancy, it is hypocritical for our society to be so anal about what pregnant woman put into their bodies, when it is ok to kill your child at any stage of pregnancy. And it always seems the people who are the most militant happen to be pro abortion.I personally don’t smoke during pregnancy (don’t smoke at all), but I will have a drink every couple of months or so.
Tom of Assisi:
mind your business…smoking is not harmful!!!
Mind my business??? Excuse me? I believe my lungs and my body ARE MY BUSINESS. I’m an asthmatic and seriously allergic to smoke and so if I go anywhere that is the least bit smoky I will be sick for the next day or two. I will bet that your response to that will be to tell me to stay home. Sorry, but I think that I have the right to have a life and enjoy it and I don’t need to choke down carbon monoxide where ever I go in order to “mind my own business”.

Funny I see from other postings of yours that you are anti-abortion, but when it comes to smoking near children you tell me to mind my own business??? Where is the logic there?
Don’t get me started on drinking or smoking (in moderation) during pregnancy, it is hypocritical for our society to be so anal about what pregnant woman put into their bodies, when it is ok to kill your child at any stage of pregnancy. And it always seems the people who are the most militant happen to be pro abortion.I personally don’t smoke during pregnancy (don’t smoke at all), but I will have a drink every couple of months or so.
Do you have the same opinion on doing other drugs during pregnancy? I don’t know anyone Pro-Choice or not, that thinks abortion is “ok”.
Mind my business??? Excuse me? I believe my lungs and my body ARE MY BUSINESS. I’m an asthmatic and seriously allergic to smoke and so if I go anywhere that is the least bit smoky I will be sick for the next day or two. I will bet that your response to that will be to tell me to stay home. Sorry, but I think that I have the right to have a life and enjoy it and I don’t need to choke down carbon monoxide where ever I go in order to “mind my own business”.

Funny I see from other postings of yours that you are anti-abortion, but when it comes to smoking near children you tell me to mind my own business??? Where is the logic there?
God’s law and common custom for most of mankind has been to respect life and not to permit murder. I defend the right people have to live (regardless of old they are), but smoking is not that dangerous and second hand smoke is not dangerous AT ALL!!!

Buy an inhaler if smoke bothers you…don’t inconvienience everyone around you. I don’t think we have a right to enjoy life. A little suffering does us good. I am reminded of this whenever I get my “paycheck.”

Peace…and get an inhaler.
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