This is my opinion, I do not presume to replace the advice of your confessor. Smoking is one of the dangerous drugs condemned in the CCC passage cited above. Like all abuse of the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, including sexual sin it damages formost the individual who indulges, but also those nearest to him. I am not talking about second hand smoke (although I could) but about your relatives who have to watch you suffer and die and cope with the effects of your illness. If you have some near and dear ones you would like to punish, this would be a great way to do it.
If I smoke in the house and you have a pregnant wife, you are pregnant, or have children I am guilty of child abuse. As you may deduce, I speak from personal, quite bitter, experience.
If it matters, smoking also enriches corporations who are part of conglomerates that use their money to support pornography and objectionable politial action groups.
I fail to see how anyone can support “moderate” use of an addictive substance.
If you have questions about personal sin, your priest is the person to ask, not strangers on a forum. Of course, you could look around for a priest who smokes. That follows the logic of many of us who shopped around for a priest who would excuse our use of birth control, masturbation and a hostof other sins.