Smoking a Sin??

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Bravo to that post, Mandi! I couldn’t agree more that using something like anti-smoking to divert people’s attention from their own pride and self-righteousness is one of Satan’s subtlest snares. I’ve been bothered for a long time now by the tendency to equate health with virtue. People say things like, “I’m going to be good now and work out at the gym”, when in reality, for some people working out has nothing to do with being good, and in fact may actually be confirming them in the sin of vanity. Or I hear stuff like, “Oh, I’d love to be bad and eat that piece of lemon pie, but I’ll be good and have an apple for dessert instead.” Well, again, to paraphrase Shakespeare(badly!), “Lemon pies are neither bad nor good; 'tis thinking makes them so.”
The reason why I asked this was because I confessed smoking as a sin at Confession, hoping to recieve some grace to help me quit, and the priest said that it was not a sin, so I could not confess it.

Then on the way home, Fr. Corapi says it is a MORTAL sin.

Obviously, this is not something that all priests agree on!

I know there are other sins to be concerned with, but I want to know how best to follow Christ on this particular issue.
The reason why I asked this was because I confessed smoking as a sin at Confession, hoping to recieve some grace to help me quit, and the priest said that it was not a sin, so I could not confess it.
That priest would have been correct! But if you want to quit smoking because you want to kick a dirty habit, sure go ahead! and God’s grace can help you quit, no question about it. I quit by showing God there was nothing on this earth I loved more than Him. So when I put it that way a cigarette would not touch my lips"
Then on the way home, Fr. Corapi says it is a MORTAL sin. Obviously, this is not something that all priests agree on!
This is just one more example that demonstrates the trouble The Church is in!
I know there are other sins to be concerned with, but I want to know how best to follow Christ on this particular issue.
God bless you for your love and desire to follow Him in all things. Those who pick up their cross and follow Him will have great reward in Heaven.:getholy:
Jason Hurd:
I couldn’t agree more that using something like anti-smoking to divert people’s attention from their own pride and self-righteousness is one of Satan’s subtlest snares. I’ve been bothered for a long time now by the tendency to equate health with virtue.
Absolutely Jason :tiphat:! I am reminded of the story (and I wish I could remember his name) about the fellow who wrote the book entitled “How to live to be 100” He died before 40! Heartattack!

coincidence … :hmmm: I think not!
My son reminded me that we our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. So, what’s wrong with a little incense?

(I only smoke a cigar or two a month.)
My son reminded me that we our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. So, what’s wrong with a little incense?

(I only smoke a cigar or two a month.)

I’m gonna quote you on that one.

There is a good book “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.”

At one point of the book, I recall the master martial artist is the epitomy of health and his student regards him as such. One day, to his dismay, he takes out a bottle of scotch, pours himself a drink, and then lights a cigarette and begins smoking it.

The student can’t fathom this disrespectful behavior to his body, questions him, and the wise master replies, “None of these things are unhealthy in of itself; it is the habit of these things that is destructive.”

I think the same applies to smoking, and alcohol, which is a drug too.

I think the habit is sinful and destructive, but the act is not. After all, we can all sip a little tabernacle wine and drink some wine on holidays, in which alcohol is a drug but not be guilty of sin.

(I apologize for paraphrasing the above story, I can’t recall who exactly the characters were, just the point of the parable)
Like so many things, I think it’s only a sin if you abuse it. Just like overeating and drunkeness can be sins. However, when used properly, food and alcohol can be sources of nourishment and pleasure. The real question is asking yourself why you want to do this and will doing it lead you away from Christ Jesus? I’m not a doctor, but it seems like one or two cigarettes a day would not have an overwhelming effect on the average person. However, if you are smoking because you are addicted, then you have a problem. Our only “dependance” should be on the God who created us. Knowing what we know about the dangers of smoking, it hardly seems worth it. The numbers don’t lie, and the truth is, there are not many people that have the will power to just smoke one or two cigarettes a day. If it is a burden, give it to Christ and offer it up the next time you have an urge for a smoke.
Is smoking a sin? Fr. Corapi suggests that it is a mortal sin.
I recently watched a Fr. Corapi conference on EWTN where he went into smoking as being in violation of the Fifth Commandment (Thou Shalt Not Kill).

I was blown away, I was equally blown away as he related great many sins I always believed to be venial to the Ten Commandments. It was perhaps the most moving conference I have ever seen (it even go me to ackowledge that I needed Confession, something I have neglected for years).

I think that people who started smoking before it was well known that smoking kills you are probably likely to be forgiven that sin. Fr. Corapi did say that in his talk (he said addiction is a mitigating circumstance in sexual addiction, drug abuse, etc.) But I think anyone whom has started smoking inside the past 40 or so years knows full well what the consequences are and is in need of absolution. Sorry if I have offended, that is not my intent (I am a recovering smoker by the way).

Speaking of being a recovering smoker, the only way I was able to quit for good was though prayer, and 30 years later I still have relapses in times of extreme stress (every couple years), but prayer ALWAYS gets me back on track. I will ALWAYS consider myself to be a recovering smoker, knowing that is part of the victory.
When I think about smokers…I’m reminded of…

Christy Turlington, super model, 35…former smoker…has emphysema now.

Nat King Cole, singer, lung cancer, 45.

Babe Ruth, throat cancer, 53.

Carl Wilson, Beach Boys lead guitarist, lung cancer, 51.

Humphrey Bogart, throat and esophagus cancer, 57.

Gary Cooper, lung cancer, age 60.

Steve McQueen, lung cancer, age 50.

Then there is the famous screenwriter, Joe Eszterhas…who was a real big smoker…but now is against it…because he lost part of his larynx to cancer just last year or so.
Christy Turlington has emphysema? Now that is a Sin!
I think that people who started smoking before it was well known that smoking kills
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the obvious which I am sure will send many into shock, but I do not believe that smoking kills! :bigyikes:.

My aunt died at 93 smoked a pack of cigarettes every day of her life

My Godfather died at 85 - smoked

My daughter’s, friend’s mother died at 38 - lung cancer (and no one smoked in the house)

Now why did the first 2 live to a ripe old age, (especially when smoking kills - and the last die so young.

Why is retirement age 65? … Bismark made it 65 because people didn’t live past 66!

The fear of death in this society is more than obsessive.
My family prays everyday to St. Joseph " St. Joseph pray for us and *protect us from sudden and unprovided death" *The key word there is unprovided. If God gives me a warning as to when I’m going to die I will be scared but I will be very, very grateful!!!❤️

:gopray2: Prayer for a Happy Death

" Divine Jesus, incarnate Son of God, Who for our salvation didst vouchsafe to be born in a stable, to pass Thy life in poverty, trials, and misery, and to die amid the sufferings of the cross, I entreat Thee, say to Thy divine Father at the hour of my death: “Father, forgive him;” say to Thy beloved Mother: “Behold Thy son;” say to my soul: “This day thou shalt be with Me in Paradise.” My God, my God, forsake me not in that hour! “I thirst,” yes, my God, my soul thirst after Thee, Who art the fountain of living waters. My life passes like a shadow; yet a little while and all will be consummated. Wherefore, O my adorable Saviour, from this moment, for all eternity, "into Thy hands I commend my spirit.: Lord Jesus, receive my soul! Amen.

P.S. Yes I have seen the pictures of the tarnished lung!
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the obvious which I am sure will send many into shock, but I do not believe that smoking kills! :bigyikes:.

My aunt died at 93 smoked a pack of cigarettes every day of her life

My Godfather died at 85 - smoked

My daughter’s, friend’s mother died at 38 - lung cancer (and no one smoked in the house)

Now why did the first 2 live to a ripe old age, (especially when smoking kills - and the last die so young.

Why is retirement age 65? … Bismark made it 65 because people didn’t live past 66!
There are exceptions to everything. A dear friend of mine spent the last 10 years of his life coughing his brains out every 5 minutes until he died, smoked three packs per day, died at age 60, great quality of life, eh?. Just because you can find statistical exceptions to the ill effects of smoking doesn’t mean the established link between smoking and about 10 bazillion diseases doesn’t exist.

There is no question that smoking kills. I will not enter into a debate on that. However, I will say that it is not just a fear of death that should motivate you to stop now. Its a fear of life that should, that’s right, life with the suffering you may endure yourself and the suffering you will inflict upon your loved ones when you have a hole in your throat to talk through, or have to live with cancer for the last 10 years of your life, or you watch as a non-smoker living with you or close to you gets non-smokers cancer from inhaling the air in your home. How about the financial burden upon society and your family to pay medical bills? Do you have any idea how much of the current health care cost crisis is being directly caused by smoking related illness? The system spends $ BILLIONS $ every year that would not be spent if we as a nation gave up the “habit.”

C’mon Mandi! You are rationalizing! There are support groups that will get you to see that, stop lying to yourself. If you want to smoke go ahead but don’t live a lie! Eventually its going to catch up to you in some very ugly way.
Being overweight costs people lots of money in terms of health care also. Is being fat a sin?

Many people smoke for their entire lives and live into their 80s or 90s. Many people also begin smoking in their teens or twenties and die of cancer in their 40s or 50s. Smoking contributes to an early death in some people…not in others.

But having said that the point still remains…is it a sin to eat at McDonald’s…is it a sin the drink liters of soda a day…is it a sin not to get excersize? Maybe…

Is anything in excess glutony? And where should this be on our priority list?

who can say for sure…

p.s. (cough cough) I’ve been off this thread for a while because I was having one of my lungs removed. Now when I smoke it’s like I smoke twice as much. 😃

p.p.s. just kidding…I don’t really smoke and I still have both my lungs;)
There is no question that smoking kills. I will not enter into a debate on that. However, I will say that it is not just a fear of death that should motivate you to stop now. Its a fear of life that should, that’s right, life with the suffering you may endure yourself and the suffering you will inflict upon your loved ones when you have a hole in your throat to talk through, or have to live with cancer for the last 10 years of your life, or you watch as a non-smoker living with you or close to you gets non-smokers cancer from inhaling the air in your home.
To say you missed my point is an understatement, I must not have been very clear.
First thing although it was not my point but if smoking killed all who smoked would die. And all who smoke do not die! (at least not early)
Back to my point - Society is way to obsessed with death! It is like death is the absolute worst thing that could happen to you. When in fact it is only the worst thing that could happen to you if when you die you die in the state of Mortal Sin.
How about the financial burden upon society and your family to pay medical bills?
I live in Canada - my health care is free … not that that’s an issue. But if you want to talk about cost, lets talk about all the jobs that are created because of tobacco starting with the picker to the truck driver to the waitress. Here in Canada the entertainment industry is dying on it’s feet. Smoking is not allowed in most cities in public places. Try to remember that one of the biggest causes of “The Great Depression” was “Prohibition”. But all this has to do with economy not that which is Catholic.
There are support groups that will get you to see that, stop lying to yourself. If you want to smoke go ahead but don’t live a lie!
I don’t smoke!, I can only assume you have not read my previous posts. So I will repeat myself. Smoking is nothing more than Satan’s “smoke” screen, you’re worried about your “quality” of life when in fact you should be worried constantly about the state of your immortal soul.

Do you think Satan is winning! I think he’s rolling over laughing
Tom of Assisi:
Being overweight costs people lots of money in terms of health care also. Is being fat a sin?

Many people smoke for their entire lives and live into their 80s or 90s. Many people also begin smoking in their teens or twenties and die of cancer in their 40s or 50s. Smoking contributes to an early death in some people…not in others.

But having said that the point still remains…is it a sin to eat at McDonald’s…is it a sin the drink liters of soda a day…is it a sin not to get excersize? Maybe…

Is anything in excess glutony? And where should this be on our priority list?

who can say for sure…

p.s. (cough cough) I’ve been off this thread for a while because I was having one of my lungs removed. Now when I smoke it’s like I smoke twice as much. 😃

p.p.s. just kidding…I don’t really smoke and I still have both my lungs;)
Uh, last time I checked gluttony was one of the seven deadly sins…

Eating at McDonald’s is not a sin. Eating (anywhere) until you weigh 400 lbs by the time you are 30 seems counter to God’s plan to me :rolleyes: .

:nerd:Comparing a lack of exercise with sucking poison gas into your lungs on purpose is a little much, don’t you think???
Here is just a little extra info for everyone

The damage done on the lungs when Inhaling the fumes of nail polish remover is equivient to smoking 125 cigarettes!
Reminds me of a saying my Dad was fond of, “statistics never lie, but only liars use statistics.”

I suggest restraint when tempted to sniff nail polish in the future, besides, airplane glue smells much better 😃 .
Btw, most vegetables contain more nicotin than cigarettes, try eating a tomatoe sandwich everyday at noon for a month or even a week then stop.
Nicotine is not what makes cigarettes harmful Mandi, Nicotine is the drug that makes cigarettes addictive (N.B. the level of Nicotine in cigarettes is intentionally maniputaled by the cigarette producers).

It is the tar collecting in your lungs, the carbon monoxide and other carcinogens in cigarette smoke that do you harm. Nicotine is a sort of “caffeine on steroids,” that is why doctors treat cigarette addicts by administering nicotine using various methods in order to control cravings.

A molecule of carbon monoxide (CO) is a real interesting material. It bonds with hemoglobin in a blood cell 1000 times faster than an oxygen atom does, goes through you bloodstream and winds up in a cell, where it kills then kills the cell. Too much CO in you and too many cells die off, and then you do too.
a friend of mine who is a seminarian told me this was a hot topic debat that the seminary this year.

To say you missed my point is an understatement, I must not have been very clear.
First thing although it was not my point but if smoking killed all who smoked would die. And all who smoke do not die! (at least not early)
Actually, I heard your point, its just that your wrong
Back to my point - Society is way to obsessed with death! It is like death is the absolute worst thing that could happen to you.
Back to my point, its not about being afraid of death, its about the quality of life for yourself and those around you.
When in fact it is only the worst thing that could happen to you if when you die you die in the state of Mortal Sin…
Yes, I agree, a mortal sin such suicide, for example.
I live in Canada - my health care is free …
:banghead: Yeah, free, of course. Perhaps we should move this to the Politics forum to discuss the gross fallacy of that argument.
But if you want to talk about cost, lets talk about all the jobs that are created because of tobacco starting with the picker to the truck driver to the waitress.
Yes, good point, and don’t forget the Oncologist, surgical nurses, radiation therapists, pharmacists, morticians…
Here in Canada the entertainment industry is dying on it’s feet. Smoking is not allowed in most cities in public places. Try to remember that one of the biggest causes of “The Great Depression” was “Prohibition”. But all this has to do with economy not that which is Catholic.
If the Canadian entertaiment business is dying, its mostly because you cancelled Second City TV (😃 just kidding). Seriously, we have a ban in New York State that models the Canadian ban and its been a BOOM for the restaurant business because you don’t get choked to death every time you walk into a place with your family. The NY smoking ban is here to stay:clapping: .
I don’t smoke!, I can only assume you have not read my previous posts. So I will repeat myself. Smoking is nothing more than Satan’s “smoke” screen, you’re worried about your “quality” of life when in fact you should be worried constantly about the state of your immortal soul.
Sorry, I’ve brushed up. I have the capacity to worry both issues thanks. I found we do have something in common, we are both former smokers. Surprised? I beat the habit through prayer as I said in a previous post. And prayer has always saved me from a few relapses over the past 30 years. I know the addiction well, and as far as I am concerned Satan is working through the addiction.
Do you think Satan is winning! I think he’s rolling over laughing
After reading your posts and those of Tom of Assisi regarding smoking, I am afraid he might be!

Congratulations on quitting though 😉 .
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