It was quite interesting to see all these replies. Answering in reverse order.
But first: let me see. A rooster and a hen get together, and then the hen lays an “egg”? Nah, she produces a new chicken in the earliest stage of development. A cruel human performs an egg-abortion and prepares a breakfast, which contains 3 fried chickens - which are mistakenly considered to be fried eggs by the non-believers! After all the differences do not matter! Once it has a new DNA, it is a chicken! Why should we WASTE another useless word on an egg, when the chicken is already there?
Sure sounds like NewSpeak to me! Why come up with “bad”, when it is more precisely described as “ungood”… all the way to “doubleplusungood”?
Here’s a more basic question:
Since you don’t seem to have a well defined moral position, are you willing to give a human being the benefit of your doubts, more than you would a piece of marble?
How do you answer that question?
A human BEING, yes. The question is “what is a human BEING”?
A counter question: “Is there a difference between a fried chicken and some scrambled eggs?”
You are missing a couple concepts: accidents and form.
I am not a Thomist. What is the “essence” of a chicken?
The form of the human is the soul. It exists SINCE CONCEPTION and will exist forever.
Do you have a soul-o-meter, which produces the actual evidence for this immortal “soul”?
For Catholics this is at the moment of conception, we believe a soul is present at that point.
Not according to the church, which does not declare the moment of ensoulment. This applies to all respondents who mention the “soul”.
I would say:
A human being is an organism of the homo sapien species.
A new human being occurs the moment a sperm fertilizes an egg or when a zygote generates identical siblings.
But that does not account for “mutants”. And, of course it does not account for CLONES!
A hunk of marble could be made into any number of things, a human egg cell either gets fertilized, at which point it’s a human, or it doesn’t. As soon as it’s fertilized it’s a human.
Again: “what about mutants”?
The offspring of human parents.
Clones? And maternal twins?
This is why scientifically we define human beings as human beings at conception, and why ethically we should not define it any differently for the purpose of the convenience of a third party.
Which science?
As for a human being, once you have an organism, there isn’t a difference in kind between a blastocyst and a fifty year old man.
Difference in KIND? That needs to be defined.