Well, that’s the whole point-and should be the end of the abortion question really. We cannot logically come up with that answer so to abort means to play God with human life. Now if we don’t care, if we don’t believe human life to be sacred in some way or at any rate worthy of protection by the law at least, then it doesn’t matter. And then the question of eliminating any life, inside or outside of the womb that may be inconvenient to us is likewise answered: kill em.Since the attempt to a conduct a respectful discussion about abortion was unsuccessful, let’s try it again. It was unsuccessful since this question was left unanswered.
What is the definition of a human being? At which point of the development would qualify the entity to be called a new human being? Or when does the potential human being become an actual human being?
The stages are: DNA, cell, stem cell, zygote, blastocyst, tissue, organ, embryo, fetus, newborn.
To help you, here comes an analogy: “let’s take a large piece of marble. The sculptor starts to work on it. When does the potential statue become an actual statue?”