So what is the difference between a potential and an actual human being?

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None of these things are a human being.
The OP hasn’t responded. Do you have an answer?
… what species is that growing, irritating, moving, metabolizing, living organism if not human.
I think you’re mixing up adjectives and nouns.
Quote me where it says it isn’t assigned.
You remind me of the trial of Clevinger in Catch-22, where the colonel says:

“I did not ask when you said it. I ask when you DIDN’T say it! When DIDN’T you say that we cannot punish you. And poor Clevinger answered: I always DIDN’T say…” Hilarious in the novel, and ridiculous in an actual conversation.

Here is the actual quote from the book:

At the moment of conception there is no difference between that baby and a person right before their death. Anything before then is potential and anything after that is former.
i think your asking the wrong question. Take a log of wood and ask at one point does it become a table? same thing. Life starts at conception.
Quote me where it says it isn’t assigned.
You remind me of the trial of Clevinger in Catch-22, where the colonel says:

“I did not ask when you said it. I ask when you DIDN’T say it! When DIDN’T you say that we cannot punish you. And poor Clevinger answered: I always DIDN’T say…” Hilarious in the novel, and ridiculous in an actual conversation.
Except that you’re the one who’s making the claim “the Church doesn’t teach it”. Moreover, you’ve been shown that the Church does teach what you claim she doesn’t. So, if you can substantiate your claim, be our guest. If not, at least have the intellectual honesty to admit you’ve been shown that you were mistaken. 🤷‍♂️
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Eventually the fetus is separated from the woman by cutting the umbilical cord, and then the fetus - the potential baby becomes and actual human being.
Just to clarify my understanding of your position, is it your contention that it is at the moment of cutting the umbilical cord that an actual human being is created? And prior to the moment of birth / cutting the umbilical cord, that is not an actual human being, just a potential human being? Is that your position?
Just to clarify my understanding of your position, is it your contention that
… personally, I think he’s just sealioning.

But, his argument seemed to be about transitions from one state to another. And, unbelievably, he posited that the act of cutting the cord was one such transition.

It smells of bluster and snark, from here.
Eventually the fetus is separated from the woman by cutting the umbilical cord, and then the fetus - the potential baby becomes and actual human being.

I wish that y’all would not sweep the act of birth “under the rug”.
You said it was sapience that determined when a person became human. You can’t have it both ways.
Humans are all the species Homo sapiens. Species can be identified by their DNA, there are differences between individuals DNA, but the species can still be identified. Once a human egg cell is fertilized and the DNA has combined to form a new individual set of DNA, you have a new human.

Same with any other species of animal. With a clone, things get trickier because you can get a new individual without a new set of DNA, so that part is more like a hunk of marble vs a statue. At what point do you declare the clone an individual?

There are many animals that produce natural clones in a variety of ways. I would say once they are free of the “parent” they are their own individual selves.
None of these things are a human being.
The OP hasn’t responded. Do you have an answer?
… what species is that growing, irritating, moving, metabolizing, living organism if not human.
I think you’re mixing up adjectives and nouns.
I think you don’t have an answer. That’s strike two. Anybody? Probably not. Case closed.
But, his argument seemed to be about transitions from one state to another.
Perhaps I missed it, but I did not see an argument, just an opinion, and an incoherent opinion at that. Once he identifies the species of the living unborn organism in the womb as non-human, he make birthing a species changing event which is, of course, a biological impossibility.
Why do non-believers think that they’re making valid arguments when they ask for physical evidence of non-physical entities?
Because we only have sensory organs to perceive physical evidence. If you cannot provide physical evidence, all you have is empty speculation.
Aren’t you the one who rails against believers for talking about things that don’t exist? And yet, when it suits you, you do precisely the same thing?
If you will ever learn the difference between “thought experiments” and “unfounded speculations”, you can return.
The Church teaches that “every spiritual soul is created immediately by God - it is not ‘produced’ by the parents” (CCC, 366).
Created and infused are not the same.
Just to clarify my understanding of your position, is it your contention that it is at the moment of cutting the umbilical cord that an actual human being is created?
Not “created”. It is the moment when the new denomination is warranted. It signifies the transition from potential to actual. Just like a pile of uranium atoms will produce an explosion if one extra atom is added and the pile reaches the critical mass.
At the moment of conception. It ends at time of death
I will agree that a human being begins at conception. However, I would disagree that it ends at death. A human being will exist from conception for all eternity.


We are human from conception for eternity. At the last judgement, we will regain our human bodies and will be made whole again.

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