So what should we personally do about parent/child separation?

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We have a hard enough time vetting our own people in a well functioning bureaucratic state. How exactly do they vet people in countries that must be, by the mere request for asylum, not well functioning? I’d say it is pretty obvious the vetting is inadequate and could not be otherwise.
The only evil are the adults putting their kids in harm way trying to get a welfare gig.
Yes and we concerned citizens could take the responsibility to be sponsors for the good families. Whatever happened to sponsorship? (Don’t forget the word–responsible…)
Find a reputable organization that helps people in Central America and contribute to them.
This last one says a lot doesn’t it? Resist everything…even calling to get your reps and senators to work together to find a working solution.
Very imaginative reading, that! Thinking that the Customs and Border Protection would not be on the alert for questionable asylum seekers.
I would hope so, but we’re talking about and Obama guy, and Obama was famous for facilitating illegal immigration.

He had no facts to back him up, he said they never bothered to verify the family unit.
As I said, the former director of head of Customs and Border Protection answered that question. If you want to read the full interview, it is here.
And the current head, Kirstjen Nielsen, reported that the “…vast, vast, majority of the children who are in the care of HHS right now, 10,000 of the 12,000, were sent here alone by their parents. That’s when they were separated.”
LeafByNiggle said in regards to children at the border . . .
The vast majority are biological parents.
HarryStotle replies . . . .
Can you support that claim with actual data?
I asked the same thing elsewhere HarryStotle.

All I got was Ipse dixit (here) with no support of his position.

The PBS interview doesn’t say what LeafByNiigle is saying (I am one of the two people so far, that watched the link from post 39).

I’ll begin a thread on this just issue (here) to make sure it is better known.

Many (probably “the Vast, Vast Majority”) of these children allegedly torn away “from their parents” have no parents with them.

The selective outrage has done an excellent job of getting the IG report off of the front page though.

Good question HarryStotle.

Looks like you and I will have to wait for an answer.

LeafByNiggle. You will get tagged by virtue of your handle being used here.

Why not come over to the thread and defend the fact that this is a “red herring” and that the majority of kids are or are not with mom and/or dad?

God bless.

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So what should we personally do about parent/child separation?

Let’s begin by having an open honest discussion.

People peddling the photo below (linked) seem to be pouring gas on the proverbial fire instead of attempting to have that open and honest discussion.
A photo is making the rounds on social media of a little boy stuck inside a cage and which many immigration advocates say is a depiction of how the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy is separating kids from their families. However, many people sharing the photo are unaware of its original context.

The photo gained traction on Twitter last week after journalist and filmmaker Jose Antonio Vargas tweeted the photo with the caption: “This is what happens when a government believes people are ‘illegal.’ Kids in cages.”
This type of phony rhetoric is not conducive to America having this open and honest discussion.

the photo is actually from a June 10 protest staged outside of Dallas City Hall . . .


So what should we personally do about parent/child separation?

The eff Trump movement doesn’t seem to be helpful either.

People can condemn this type of rhetoric (I think that would also be helpful in facilitating an open honest discussion).

Now we apparently have interns hollering eff Trump at our President. This is NOT the way to “virtue signal” by this guy either. (so much for “When they go low, we go high.”)

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“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
I would hope so, but we’re talking about and Obama guy, and Obama was famous for facilitating illegal immigration.

He had no facts to back him up, he said they never bothered to verify the family unit.
Nice ad hominem about the “Obama guy.” Never mind that he was closer to the issue than most of us will ever be and was in a position to know better than any of us what was going on. When you look at a family unit and watch the body language and witness the interactions you can tell there is love there. If he says they were familes that is good enough for me.
And the current head, Kirstjen Nielsen, reported that the “…vast, vast, majority of the children who are in the care of HHS right now, 10,000 of the 12,000, were sent here alone by their parents. That’s when they were separated.”
Kirstjen Nielsen is not the head of the same agency. She is a bureaucrat higher up in the food chain and more removed from events on the ground. I don’t expect her to be as well versed about what a detention camp looks like. I think you want to hear from Kevin K. McAleenan.

Anyway, she is deflecting from the issue of separating families who want to stay together by talking about different families who were not in that group.
LeafByNiggle said in regards to children at the border . . .
The vast majority are biological parents.
I was referring only to those that present as a family unit. I was not claiming anything about minors that were unaccompanied by choice.

The selective outrage has done an excellent job of getting the IG report off of the front page though.
Nice deflection, that!
LeafByNiggle. You will get tagged by virtue of your handle being used here.
For future reference, that only happens if you put a ‘@’ sign just before my handle.
Why not come over to the thread and defend the fact that this is a “red herring” and that the majority of kids are or are not with mom and/or dad?
Because that is a misrepresentation of what I said, as I explained above.
Let’s begin by having an open honest discussion.

People peddling the photo below…

…the photo is actually from a June 10 protest staged outside of Dallas City Hall . . .
Your point about mistakes, maybe even intentional mistakes, made by the media is well taken. Now can we get back to discussing the core issue and those who are not making that mistake, but are still outraged at family separations?
That has been replace with a “NO TRESPASSING, VIOLATORS WILL BE SHOT ON SIGHT” sign
LeafByNiggle . . .
I was referring only to those that present as a family unit. I was not claiming anything about minors that were unaccompanied by choice.
I am glad you clarified this Leaf. (It still seems like a tautological point–“the families are the families”-- but it is not what I thought you were trying to say).

It looked like you were attempting to affirm most kids at the border were accompanied by parents.
  1. This would say something the Obama guy you referred me to, did not say.
  2. This would say something contradictory to what our Government via DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is telling us (in which case I want at least some evidence for if I am going to join in that idea. I know our Government lies to us, but I want evidence on a given point.).
  3. It would ignore the fact that 80% of the children making this trek get raped. (If the children were with their parents, this seems unlikely to me. On the other hand, 80% of women are being raped as well. This suggests to me a lack of husband too or father to protect them, or that this trek to America is even MORE BRUTAL than billed).
Thanks for the clarification.
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Yes, the reason I had to make that point is that others were saying that groups that presented themselves as families were actually sex traffickers, and that is just not true.
LeafByNiggle . . .
Yes, the reason I had to make that point is that others were saying that groups that presented themselves as families were actually sex traffickers, and that is just not true.
I don’t know that I would go that far as implying something like this never happens (smugglers never posing as a parent or guardian), but I have a better idea of what you mean here anyway.

Trump, He just signed an executive order putting a stop to family separations.
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