my third alias:
so the issue here isn’t the reality of the wickedness of sin, as that has already been long established in Scripture and Church doctrine. what’s a more important is the realization of the process (or processes) to which people must go throught to bear it, and hopefully, towards the goal of being rid of the particular sin. focusing on the reality of sin without giving what really is important its proper due is not only kicking a dead horse, but can lead to stubbornness towards receiving the graces and mercy of God. what good is it to know about the evil of sin when you don’t know what to do about it in the here and now as well?
what the people you disagree with are saying that you must not hate yourself, throw yourself into spiritual paralysis and scruplosity over your sins, especially if they’re random thoughts (which are regarded by all catholic spiritual masters as the most difficult of all sins to eliminate, and more often than not, can only be eliminated by the grace of God after other kinds of spiritual progress). what matters is not to accept them, and to try to do what you can to recover from them before they lead you to act sins out. because of the bad advice of a few spiritual directors, St. Teresa despaired herself from continuing the practice of mental prayer, telling her that she was “too sinful” to be practicing it and receiving visions, etc. she learned the hard way, and later warned people of what spiritual director shouldn’t do, out of unreasonable fear over a person’s sins, in her autobiography
also, it’s within the Church’s tradition, through the Desert Fathers to protect oneself of not only pride and vainglory in being righteous, but also the false humility of considering oneself incapable of any good or progress because of their sins, being convinced that they can never follow the commands of Jesus because of their sins.
but then, don’t take my word for it. read the writings of our Doctors of the Church. that’s what they’re there for: to help us.
let’s face it it’s hard not to make assumptions.I was not being critical or judgemental, you think that because its the way you interprate my posts. I actualy think Flick427 has the principal down to know what his goal is but to say that sin opens up more sin is a Catholic teaching not my own. If im criticizing as you asumed then I guess your saying random/sinful thoughts are completely ok like the other people on this thread who agree with you. My goal was never to put a guilt trip on anyone but for you to accuse me of that is a judging me. I never said random thoughts are none acceptable or even considered a mortal sin. I implied that for someone who goes against what the bible says is being like the people who reject Jesus as the messiah and by saying that im sorry if I offended or scared anyone. If i disbelieved what Jesus said, would that not be rejecting his teaching? Yes, I believe we are all in the same boat as sinners. I don’t even know if ill make it to heven.
- you’re assuming that everyone you disagree is saying that such thoughts are “completely ok,” which they’re not, out of misinterpretation of their posts.
so the issue here isn’t the reality of the wickedness of sin, as that has already been long established in Scripture and Church doctrine. what’s a more important is the realization of the process (or processes) to which people must go throught to bear it, and hopefully, towards the goal of being rid of the particular sin. focusing on the reality of sin without giving what really is important its proper due is not only kicking a dead horse, but can lead to stubbornness towards receiving the graces and mercy of God. what good is it to know about the evil of sin when you don’t know what to do about it in the here and now as well?
what the people you disagree with are saying that you must not hate yourself, throw yourself into spiritual paralysis and scruplosity over your sins, especially if they’re random thoughts (which are regarded by all catholic spiritual masters as the most difficult of all sins to eliminate, and more often than not, can only be eliminated by the grace of God after other kinds of spiritual progress). what matters is not to accept them, and to try to do what you can to recover from them before they lead you to act sins out. because of the bad advice of a few spiritual directors, St. Teresa despaired herself from continuing the practice of mental prayer, telling her that she was “too sinful” to be practicing it and receiving visions, etc. she learned the hard way, and later warned people of what spiritual director shouldn’t do, out of unreasonable fear over a person’s sins, in her autobiography
also, it’s within the Church’s tradition, through the Desert Fathers to protect oneself of not only pride and vainglory in being righteous, but also the false humility of considering oneself incapable of any good or progress because of their sins, being convinced that they can never follow the commands of Jesus because of their sins.
but then, don’t take my word for it. read the writings of our Doctors of the Church. that’s what they’re there for: to help us.
- and i’m assuming you’re being critical because of your assumption.