Socialism and Catholicism

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They’d likely use self defense to thwart any evil , which doesn’t necessitate a State.
That is your definition of “good people” - i.e. people who worship the 2nd amendment more than they worship God.
What is your Official Catholic Source that “self defense” (my post) means “people who worship the 2nd amendment” (introduced in your post)?
That was my opinion - not authoritative.
No, your claim contradicts established constitutional principles so you have burden
A conservative can certainly promote universal health care. The problem arises when it comes to Americans who think it’s socialism to have universal health care.
You referenced the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution. I was replying in that context. It would be my position that a state does have the right to restrict the distribution and private ownership of firearms beyond what a conservative interpretation of the amendment would allow. In short, Church teaching on the right of self-defence is much broader than the specific American constitutional principle… it was only your statement that the 2nd amendment comes from God that I took issue with.
No, your claim contradicts established constitutional principles so you have burden
The constitution of one nation comprising a mere 4% of the world’s population has no authority over Catholic morality. You made a claim about Catholic morality claiming that owning a gun is a natural right from God - with no support for that claim from the Church.
Yes socialism is wrong morally. It has been condemned numerous times in numerous encyclicals.
Ok so you were replying to a Strawman argument I never made about Church teaching and state restricting 2nd amendment.
The Church does teach that self-defence is a natural right.
But is it OK to defend yourself in any way possible? For example, foreign countries now have atomic bombs with which they can threaten your life. How would you defend yourself against that? Should you accumulate your own arsenal of weapons to defend yourself against terrorist threats, which can be coming from inside or outside the country?
That would be an issue to take up with a priest I think. Many Americans become afraid of anything social and brand it as socialism when it’s really not. Social democracy is called democratic socialism in some countries and Benedict XVI himself praised it as close to Catholic social teaching. However that doesn’t involve nationalization of industry which is real, old school socialism.
No. There should be reasonable limits and self-defence should always be proportionate to the threat.
Social democracy is called democratic socialism in some countries and Benedict XVI himself praised it as close to Catholic social teaching.
First you tell us that
socialism is wrong morally. It has been condemned numerous times in numerous encyclicals.
Now you say that Pope Benedict has praised democratic socialism. How can a Pope praise something that is intrinsically morally wrong?
What is your specific definition of socialism and why do you say it is morally wrong?
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He does seem to be an extreme socialist or at least he has held views close to communism in the past. And he is in favor of allowing late term abortion. Actually, though aren’t all the Democrats running for president (except for Tulsi) in favor of letting late term abortion remain illegal.
I am not sure he is anti-church? He seems to have praised Pope Francis on several occasions.
i am sure that all taxes will go up under Sanders and there will be a drastic devaluation of the dollar, assuming all of his proposed programs, —what he recommends now, and what he has recommended in the past, — go into effect. There will be long lines, long waiting periods and an increase in government regulations all around. And there will be the inevitable shortages which will result in people parking their cars in a line toward the gas station and waiting for days to get a gallon of gas, but at a very cheap price. Perhaps he may initiate taxes against churches, but I did not hear him say so. Meat, sugar, eggs and flour will be rationed, but you will be able to buy them at a cheap price. There will be a black market of offset this.
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