I merely say “schism” (which by definition is “outside of Holy Mother Church”). And while I have many things to tell my confessor, my conscience is clear on this score at least. The bishops of the SSPX are excommunicate, their priests are without faculties and thus any liturgical action that they perform is illicit, and the faithful are cautioned by the Vicar of Christ on earth not to attend upon their services because of the possibility of the grave sin of attachment to schism. Those are quite simply the facts. One can tut-tut and bemoan the fact that there are people who honestly believe that 2+2=4, who can call that “intellectually dishonest,” but the fact is that when you take 2 pennies and put them with 2 other pennies, you have 4 pennies.Although not much more can be said as to whether your interpretation of Ecclesia Dei is more proper than that of Cardinal Hoyos, it is not intellectully honest to state or imply that the SSPX clergy or faithful is schismatic, involved in a cult, outside of Holy Mother Church or in any way not Catholic.
If those who make these claims do so out of ignorance or lack of knowledge, it is error. If they do so with full knowledge it is a lie, and therefore sin. It is anything but “intellectually honest” and shouldn’t be engaged in.
If you want to discuss issues such as jurisdiction for marriages and confession, honest Catholics can make honest arguments on both sides of the issue. But some of the statements you and other are making here are simply not factual.