Sola Scriptura

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Notice how Marty often relies on terms such as “circular argumentation” and “infinite regression” when he fails to defend his position through “logic and reason”. If that doesn’t work, he uses his precious A,B,C theory–or sometimes he just flat out says that the Catholic argument is “silly”. Remember, Marty showed his true colors when he lumped Roman Catholicism with mormons, jw’s, and moonies. He believes that we are a cult.
Hello KrebsBach!

I already summarized what Sola Scriptura is and what it is not at the last paragraph on the following link:

It is the historical position, the one found in the Westminster Confession and the London Baptist Confession of 1689.

First of all, to everyone else. I am one human being. I will not be able to respond to everyone’s post, expecially since I am also going to have to go study for a tests today and tomorrow. Keep in mind, this is about a one on fourteen debate here, and it is impossible for me to cover everything brought up.
As regards the Jews, there was no need for infalliablity amongst the Jews becasue the most important person in history was still to come along and thus be able to clarify errors, teach more correctly etc.
If the Jews did non need infallibility, then why did Jesus hold them responsible for knowing what the scriptures were? How could Jesus accuse them of nullifying the word of God for the sake of their traditions if they didn’t know infallibly that the book he was quoting was scripture? You will never find Jesus’ opponents arguing that way when he brings up a passage of scripture.
It is a REQUIREMENT of God to ensure that someone teaches the gospels infalliably from the time of Christ and continue until Christ return.
If there is no guarantee of infalliable teaching being continuos then it is IMPOSSIBLE to know when infalliable teaching/expanantion stopped.
If we can’t know when infalliable teaching(explanation) stopped then it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to know what is TRUE.
Well, I would disagree with the first premise. We have the infallible documents of the Old and New testaments that have been given to us through over 5300 manuscripts down through the centuries. Hence, we have infallible teaching whenever we need it.
Logic requires that the Catholic Church is the true Church. I worked that out when I came in from the “wilderness”. There was no other option, logic through weight of evidence and philosophy only leaves us with one option in Christianity and that is the Catholic Faith.
At the time when I started my search I did not even consider the Catholic Church as a possiblity, yet I was left with no other option.
Pride is what prevented me from accepting Catholicism for a long time.
Actually, what I am finding out from this thread is that the Catholic Church makes nonsense out of the world, undermines all forms of logic and rationality, and makes nonsense out of history and the Bible. We have people not being able to be certain of anything without an infallible interpreter, meaning that barns, houses, roads, and fields are uncertain in their distinctions because we have no infallible interpreter to tell us what each one is. We turn Mary into an ark by saying the glory filled the temple, and Jesus was in Mary ignoring the fact that it would make Mary the temple not the ark. We have no problem giving infinitely regressive arguments for authority, and ignore that they are required from the arguments from scepticism.

If your reason for rejecting the Catholic church was pride rather than academic disputes, then that is fine. You can know something is wrong and not know why it is wrong. That is rather irrelevant to the debate, though.

God Bless,
Martin Luther
Martin Luther,

I would like you to prove to me tha the Holy Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal using only scripture

god Bless 🙂
Martin Luther:
It is the historical position, the one found in the Westminster Confession and the London Baptist Confession of 1689.
This is what Marty adheres to:



No one may vow to do anything forbidden in the Word of God or anything which would hinder the performance of any duty it commands. No one may vow to do anything for which he has no ability and for which he has no promise of ability from God. With respect to these things, Roman Catholic monastic vows of perpetual single life, professed poverty, and regular obedience—far from being steps to higher perfection—are in fact superstitious and sinful snares, in which no Christian may entangle himself.


It is lawful for all sorts of people to marry who are able to give their intelligent consent. Yet it is the duty of Christians to marry only in the Lord. Therefore, those who profess the true reformed religion should not marry unbelievers, Roman Catholics, or other idolaters; nor should Christians be unequally yoked by marrying those who are notoriously wicked in their way of living or hold to damnable heresies.


There is no other head of the church but the Lord Jesus Christ. Nor can the Pope of Rome be its head in any sense.


The doctrine which teaches that the substance of the bread and wine is changed into the substance of Christ’s body and blood (commonly called transubstantiation) by the consecration of a priest, or in any other way, is repugnant not only to Scripture but even to common sense and reason. It overthrows the nature of the sacrament and has been and is the cause of many superstitions and gross idolatries.

Orthodox Presbyterian Church – 22,000 members. Sometimes called “Northern Presbyterians” A very conservative Reformed denomination. The OPC came into being in 1938 as a breakaway from the old Northern Presbyterian Church. In fellowship with the PCA. Goes by a modified Westminster Confession (XV) to strike out the clause naming the Pope as the Anti-Christ.
Marty can’t face that the Blessed Mother is the ark and the temple of the Lord.

Here are some additional quotes by Marty’s founder, John Calvin:

Quotes by the reformer John Calvin

“Elizabeth called Mary Mother of the Lord, because the unity of the person in the two natures of Christ was such that she could have said that the mortal man engendered in the womb of Mary was at the same time the eternal God.”

“Helvidius has shown himself too ignorant, in saying that Mary had several sons, because mention is made in some passages of the brothers of Christ.” Calvin translated “brothers” in this context to mean cousins or relatives.

“It cannot be denied that God in choosing and destining Mary to be the Mother of his Son, granted her the highest honor.”

“To this day we cannot enjoy the blessing brought to us in Christ without thinking at the same time of that which God gave as adornment and honour to Mary, in willing her to be the mother of his only-begotten Son.”
Ouch… well posted

I guess Martin Luther is going to have to admit that his denomination have, in their treatment of Mary the Mother of God and in Jesus’ so-called “brothers”, been disobedient even to the words of their schismatic forefathers…

Makes sense… the fruit of diobedience is disobedience
Hello, Mickey!

Notice what I said. The councils you mentioned had a different canon then Trent. Read what I wrote again. Because Trent blindly cited the Latin Vulgate, they removed 3 Esdras from the canon. Even The New Catholic Encyclopedia says that. The problem is that even Catholics at the time of the Reformation rejected these books. I think William Webster has done an amazing job in compiling quotes from the fathers from the Jewish age right up until the time of the reformation and showing that even at the time of the reformation people like Cardinal Cajatan, who was sent to interrogate Luther rejected the apocrypha. Even Pope Gregory the Great rejected it. Hence, it is just simply silly to say that everyone believed these books were inspired and then the reformers came along and removed them. The debate over these books raged right up until the time of the reformation. Here are the links:

Mickey, you know that you have not even begun to answer my arguments, and you have admitted that you cannot, because you say that the truth of the Catholic Church is irrelevant to logic. Arguments from authority are infinitely regressive. That is a philisophical fact. I am not the only one who has said that. This is precisely the problem that Christian philosophers, such as Cornilius Van Til, and Dr. Greg Bahnsen have mentioned, as well as non-Christian scholars such as Emmanuel Kant and Burtland Russell.

Second, my putting Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons with you was not to in anyway draw a parallel in relation to cultic vs non-cultic, but to show that you have to make a fallible decision to your infallible authority, which therefore means that the infallible authority is dependent upon your fallible decision, and is therefore not infallible. You would have to have an infinite string of infallible authorities outside of the Catholic Church in order for you to have infallible certitude. That is why philosophers reject this kind of argumentation against skepticism. You have to have a self-authenticating authority, and that is either going to be scripture or the Roman Catholic Church.

God Bless,
Martin Luther
Martin Luther:
Actually, what I am finding out from this thread is that the Catholic Church makes nonsense out of the world, undermines all forms of logic and rationality, and makes nonsense out of history and the Bible. We have people not being able to be certain of anything without an infallible interpreter, meaning that barns, houses, roads, and fields are uncertain in their distinctions because we have no infallible interpreter to tell us what each one is. We turn Mary into an ark by saying the glory filled the temple, and Jesus was in Mary ignoring the fact that it would make Mary the temple not the ark. We have no problem giving infinitely regressive arguments for authority, and ignore that they are required from the arguments from scepticism.

If your reason for rejecting the Catholic church was pride rather than academic disputes, then that is fine. You can know something is wrong and not know why it is wrong. That is rather irrelevant to the debate, though.

God Bless,
Martin Luther
Before you start railing against an infallible interpreter, you should know what it is.

The Catholic Magisterium is infallilble in a narrow sense regarding faith and morals. It is NOT infallible, nor ever claimed to be infallible on issues not related to faith and morals. So, we don’t need the Church to tell us infallibly the distinction between a house, barn, etc… This is a Strawman.

As for Sola Scriptura…

Sola Scriptura has no basis in Church history prior to the 1600’s, and is therefore suspect.

No Father taught it and the bible makes no mention of it, therefore it is a late innovation invented in the 16th century.

We as Catholics have an Apostolic Faith and cannot add anything we please. We have to stick with what was handed down by Christ to His Apostles and to us through His Church.

According to your sola scriptura ‘logic’ cults like the mormons and jehovah’s witnesses are actually more doctrinally correct than you…

let’s evidence this with the doctrine of the trinity… how can anyone prove the trinity are co-equal and co- eternal using only scripture

Ans: they can’t… the word trinity isn’t even mentioned in the bible, and it is only a coherent and supreme doctrine because of private revelation, ironically which Protestants have rejected…

Therefore one can conclude that scripture without tradition is not enough…

If that doesn’t persuade you then the 36,000 schisms should

God Bless 🙂
Arguments from authority are infinitely regressive.
No. Arguments from infallibilty are infinitely regressive. Authority can be established from mere facts, like the fact of the Church’s existence for 1500 years before the Deformation undisputed by both sacred and secular sources, disputed only by the ideologically-addled.

Martin Luther,
Please have patience with me as I have problems resolving your point of view, as it seems to me to run contrary to my Christian beliefs.
Could you please explain how my understanding is problematic. I don’t understand how you can assert that scripture is self authenticating. That reduces the Bible to the same level as the Book of Mormon. Please explain how I as a Catholic can resolve this problem, in addition as a Catholic this would mean to me that Jesus was a failure in creating a Church. If I go by your hypothesis this means that Jesus created a Church with no real direction or authority.
How would I know by self-authentication that 3 John is scripture? What if I was illiterate, how would I receive salvation? This really seems to me to run contrary to the logic that the Church teaches.

Please respond in plain english

God Bless
To All,

I know this stuff can get heated but we need to stay calm, I dont want this thread locked.
Just need to respond to a few things…
I would like you to prove to me tha the Holy Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal using only scripture
John 1:1, and Hebrews 9:14 for starters. Since the Bible says God is omnipotent, then it would be hard to say that they one is lesser in power then the other, because then they would cease to be God. The Trinity is pancanonical. You cannot escape that fact, and to see it parallelled with things such as the Queen of Heaven dogma is just amazing.
Sola Scriptura has no basis in Church history prior to the 1600’s, and is therefore suspect.
Absolutely unfounded. I have an entire 309 page book here filled with quotes from the early fathers with regards to the sufficiency and ultimate authority, and another one discussing the use and meaning of tradition in the early church fathers. In fact, most historians recognize that your view is not apostolic, but that it is actually gnostic in origin. The gnostics had exactly the same structure of authority [scripture+tradition] that you do. In fact, Irenaeus deals with them much in the same way I have been dealing with you.
If that doesn’t persuade you then the 36,000 schisms should
Sources, evidence, citations please?
That reduces the Bible to the same level as the Book of Mormon. Please explain how I as a Catholic can resolve this problem, in addition as a Catholic this would mean to me that Jesus was a failure in creating a Church. If I go by your hypothesis this means that Jesus created a Church with no real direction or authority.
How would I know by self-authentication that 3 John is scripture? What if I was illiterate, how would I receive salvation? This really seems to me to run contrary to the logic that the Church teaches.
With regards to 3 John, then click here:

You will also need his evidence for the gospel:

And for the first epistle:

Keep in mind that I do have a word limit on these posts, so I can’t write a doctoral dissertation on the canon of scripture [although I would like to]. I have already pointed everyone to Dr. Daniel Wallace’s page, and I agree with his conclusions, as well as the conclusions of Bruce M. Metzger in his book.

With regards to the Church, the church has survived the centuries. However, two things. First of all, this is not the Roman Catholic Church, as I have already argued noting that we have complete silence on some of these alleged traditions in the early church. Second, that doesn’t mean the church is infallible or that it doesn’t have authority. The authority that the church has is a fallible authority corrected by the text of scripture. That is the church’s authority. That is the whole point of Sola Scriptura.

God Bless,
Martin Luther
Hey Marty!

I’m not compelled to respond to your version of re-written history or revisionist theology. 2000 years of Catholic Sacred Tradition responds sufficiently. Your theology is perhaps 500 years old, and your church began in 1938. Like leo123 states: “the fruit of disobedience is disobedience.

The Catholic Church as well as the Greek and Russian Orthodox Church all accept the deuterocanonicals.

William Webster is a well-known anti-Catholic author who writes books misrepresenting the Catholic Church and Her history in order to impress the uneducated protestants. His specialty is taking known facts from history and explaining them in novel ways that support his prejudices while ignoring the interpretations of serious historians. He is always engaged in hateful attacks against anyone who doesn’t agree with him. His views are based on anachronistic protestant presuppositions.

Cornelius Van Til is a Calvinist scholar. He states, “all reasoning is, in the nature of the case, circular reasoning”. Now I know where you get this from, Marty. Van Til was an early leader of the orthodox presbtyerian church. Need I say more?
Martin Luther:
Absolutely unfounded. I have an entire 309 page book here filled with quotes from the early fathers with regards to the sufficiency and ultimate authority, and another one discussing the use and meaning of tradition in the early church fathers. In fact, most historians recognize that your view is not apostolic, but that it is actually gnostic in origin. The gnostics had exactly the same structure of authority [scripture+tradition] that you do. In fact, Irenaeus deals with them much in the same way I have been dealing with you.

Sources, evidence, citations please?

With regards to the Church, the church has survived the centuries. However, two things. First of all, this is not the Roman Catholic Church, as I have already argued noting that we have complete silence on some of these alleged traditions in the early church. Second, that doesn’t mean the church is infallible or that it doesn’t have authority. The authority that the church has is a fallible authority corrected by the text of scripture. That is the church’s authority. That is the whole point of Sola Scriptura.

God Bless,
Martin Luther
Sources, evidence, citations please?

The early Church believed your doctrine of Sola Scriptura?

Sources, evidence, citations please?

Please show me where the early Church Fathers believed the 16th century doctrinal invention known as Sola Scriptura? They have the same view of Scripture as the Church and that is the Scripture is authoritative and the Word of God. The Church has never changed this view.

In what way is the Church gnostic in this regard? I would say that you are a Docetist in your view of the Eucharist, for you deny that Christ is actually present.

I read the link you provided, and this is not something clear to me as a lay person. You have to go to other authorities to illustrate this which is not really self attesting to the scripture itself. As a person just picking up the Bible none of this stuff you posted is apparent to me. So I have to trust someone else to validate it as scripture to me. The Church does this logically or do I have to rely on Martin Luther circa 1500’s?
I have to trust this, or Martin Luther to determine the canon of scripture for me. This kinda runs counter to the thought that Jesus Christ founded a Church that determined the canon of scripture.
How did Martin Luther get the authority to make his own doctrine of sola scriptura? If I made a doctrine of sola new testament would you follow me?
Here is my problem in calling the Church that Jesus founded a fallible institution. Didn’t he say so as the Father sent me, so I send you. Wouldn’t this assertion on the fallibility of the Church directly point to fallibility of Jesus?
If someone has a problem with another scripture tells us to take it to the Church. Wouldn’t this apply to a problem with doctrine as well?

I know these are a lot of questions but they should all have simple answers. I have made this as clear as possible

In Christ
Martin Luther Quote

Well, I would disagree with the first premise. We have the infallible documents of the Old and New testaments that have been given to us through over 5300 manuscripts down through the centuries. Hence, we have infallible teaching whenever we need it.

Marty, we have lots of documents that say lots of things or purport to say lots of things. It is not about the fact that we don’t have any documents, it is about how those writings are interpreted in relation to their meaning.

That is the reason I made the statement about infalliable teaching, how many supposedly Christian Churches of all shapes and sizes use basically the same set of Gospels but in many cases have completely different and opposite understandings of what some piece of scripture means.

Remember the books of the New Testament are not what we would call a “how to know book of Christianity”. They were generally writen for those who were allready Christian and like all things in life, if we address an audience of people of the same profession as us, we don’t discuss many of the points of our profession as we take for granted that they allready know and do the same things generally speaking.

For any sort of sola scripture to work, and it does not matter what ever version you choose, you must show that the early Christians believed and practiced as you do, Do you believe and practice as per the early Christians say 100Ad to 500Ad if you believe you do then please supply the names of those so we can assess whether you do believe and practice as they did.

In Christ

Hello everyone!

Two things I need to do. First of all, I need to say what it means when I say that something is self-authenticating, and second, I need to post some quotes from the patristic writers in support of the formal sufficiency and perspecuity of scripture.
I read the link you provided, and this is not something clear to me as a lay person. You have to go to other authorities to illustrate this which is not really self attesting to the scripture itself. As a person just picking up the Bible none of this stuff you posted is apparent to me. So I have to trust someone else to validate it as scripture to me. The Church does this logically or do I have to rely on Martin Luther circa 1500’s?
I have to trust this, or Martin Luther to determine the canon of scripture for me. This kinda runs counter to the thought that Jesus Christ founded a Church that determined the canon of scripture.
How did Martin Luther get the authority to make his own doctrine of sola scriptura? If I made a doctrine of sola new testament would you follow me?
First of all, what do I mean when I say something is self-authenticating. Let’s go back to the argument I made of infinite regression. I said that the only way to avoid the infinite regression is if you use the idea of a self-authenticating authority. Of course, that is the only way to escape the infinitely regressive arguments of scepticism. Let us start with a specific Bible verse:

Romans 1:21-23
For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.**

Notice that when you do not honor God as God and replace him with things in the form of corruptible man, you are foolish in your reasoning. I want to now bring these two together, and show what I mean when I say the the Bible is self-authenticating. Notice, that when you reject that which is divine and refuse to accept what it is, you will be foolish in your reasoning. We also recognize this because when we do not have a self-authenticating authority, we are reduced to skepticism. Obviously, if someone comes along and says that we cannot know anything, then you have to ask how you know that you cannot know anything. Of course, this is because all knowledge is contained in Christ. As the scripture says:
Colossians 2:2-3 that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and *attaining *to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, *resulting *in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Obviously, then we can say that whatever is our ultimate authority, that is, speaking with the authority of Christ, will cause us to be coherent in our reasoning of history and logic. Hence, if something else is put in as the ultimate authority *, we are reduced to absurdity. You see, scylla, the reason we know that the 27 books are in the canon is because of the fact that when you reject them you have no way of consistently looking at the information you looked at. You are reduced to an absurd view of history and textual data. How could we then cogently look at any fact? Notice that if this is the case, there is no way to understand any fact. We would be reduced to complete absurdity. Hence, the canon has been established, yes, from the scriptures themselves, because you become absurd in your view of reasoning and history if you reject them. You see, it is not the evidence that has authority over the scriptures, it is the scriptures that have authority of the evidence, as those scriptures say. The evidence is true because the scriptures are true. When you remove the ultimate authority, the information becomes totally absurd and incoherent.

Now for some quotes and discussion from church history:

Well, rats, my quotes for Sola Scriptura got deleted from another forum:hmmm:. I will have to type all of that out again:banghead:. There is no way I am going to be able to type all of that up again tonight. I will have to type it up tomorrow. That is too bad because I have alot of them.

God Bless,
Martin Luther
Martin Luther:
Well, rats, my quotes for Sola Scriptura got deleted from another forum:hmmm:. I will have to type all of that out again:banghead:. There is no way I am going to be able to type all of that up again tonight. I will have to type it up tomorrow. That is too bad because I have alot of them.

God Bless,
Martin Luther
I HATE when that happens!!! :crying:
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