In response to p90, I must say you are wrong. The contention must be made by official church teaching or there is no argument to have. Anyone in any specific church can go off a tangent in there belief, but in order to claim that the church is not the true church you must use official church teaching, as I am sure Brian would agree. To attach a teaching to the church that she wishes not to teach, nor ever has taught, and then claim that it proves where she has gone wrong is foolish. It doesn’t matter who made that statement, unless it was a Pope speaking Ex-cathedra,then its not official church teaching and cannot be used against the church.
Again this argument is getting old.:banghead: Brian. I would move to where it is warm because where your going, speaking against the Body of Christ and doing it with full knowledge, it is going to be dark and cold. Me, I prefer the consuming fire of love that is God, and the very painful pergatory.Faith is a gift, one that I thank God for and wish you had, but you don’t. Remember the sincerity of your decent from truth means nothing, the Jehovahs Witnesses are quite sincere, wrong but sincere. I would ask God for guidance before you lead anyone astray.
I just thought of something. If, when the Canon was assembled, all of the apostles were dead, and Christ was in heaven, who or what was used infallibly to determine what was inspired and what was not. Since they did not use Scripture to assemble the list of Canon, doesn’t that kind of prove that scripture is not the only infallable authority. If that does not prove that to you, then when, and you must prove this from scripture, did the authority cease to be authoritative and when did Scripture become the only infallible rule of faith, and not the Church that assembled and Promulgated it
Sola Scriptura cannot be proven from Scripture therefore it is an un believable and unworkable rule of faith. Without an infallable interpreter. Scripture can and has lead to Kaos,

sincere but substantial kaos:whacky: , without any one entity to say to the sincere believer, “that is heresy and this is truth.” I don’t believe God is that cruel. I would like to know what moral teaching of the CC Brian does not agree with or thinks is anti Biblical