'Solo' sputters in takeoff with $83.3 million at box office

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I think it’s a lot better than the reviews give it. Think there’s a little schaden freude group-think going on there.

I really liked it. Plan on seeing it again probably.

Had they casted Anthony Ingruber instead of that putz Alden Ehrenreich, things could’ve been different.
I agree with you, that guy they picked to be a younger Solo is awful.
I don’t follow Star Wars, but it sure sounds dumb to try to get someone else to be Harrison Ford. You just can’t.
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The Star Wars movies are extraordinarily under-ordinary in their complete lack of risk or ambition.

“Solo: A Star Wars Story” is a parasitic organism using nostalgia and the Millennium Falcon to siphon money out of people’s pockets. Its gross underperformance in ticket sales is well-deserved, and foreign audiences - especially China - demonstrate their good taste and intelligence by leaving the theaters vacated instead of entertaining a movie that is an intellectual wasteland in both creativity and novelty.
I thought it was very good; far better than the reviews said. The pattern for me with the new Star Wars movies seems to be that the one-offs are far more to my liking than the continuing episodes (Rogue One being the best of the four). My biggest concern going in was not believing that the new guy was Solo, but that concern vanished after 20-30 minutes. I bought that he was Solo (and Lando was spot on). I, too, will be going a second time.
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I would go just for the dragon girl but I am in no hurry to see it.
I’d sure like to “sputter” like that . . .

I saw the movie, and it was good, but not great.

At least it was better than that last one, which was a bunch of scenes from earlier movies but with different characters strung together for an hour and a half . . .

I enjoyed Solo more than the last movie or two in the franchise. It had more emphasis on the people than the battles and I liked that. The new guy is adequate but isn’t Harrison Ford. On the other hand, who is?
That piece of junk could make lots of money. Too bad I didn’t get in on it.
Solo is a fun space-western. What else do you want from a Star Wars spin-off? Opie did a good job.
I saw it with my kids this weekend. As a movie in general, it was probably a 6 or 7. As a Star Wars movie, I’d give it a 9. It was better than the last 3 Star Wars movies.
You want to talk about a piece of junk, how about, the destruction of a classic story altogether. The animated Star Wars series does a better job than the live action movies. Talk about ripping off a story and milking it to death and back and shoving it out there and hoping something sticks. The first re release of Star wars featuring Kylo Ren, just, ugh, trolls couldnt wait to ruin that movie and they did for me. Not to mention the story line was just too predictable and pathetic and almost a complete copy of the original. I gave up after that on Star Wars, seeing the writing on the wall of what was coming next. And my fears came true when The Last Jedi hit the screens, all I had to do was wait, and I knew a thumbnail would ruin it for me , and sure enough adios Luke Skywalker, another predicatble storyline of hey how awesome would it be, if we dont think and just do something predictable and have Luke Skywalker follow in the foot steps of Obi Wan kanobi, but with a tiny bit of a change.

I didnt even bother seeing The Last Jedi, and I am done with the Live action series. I might one day get into the animated series.

everything is a spin off now, Solo, then they wanted to do Lando Carlrissian, scrapped that , but are going with Bobo Fett, I mean ya mine as well do a Chewbaca spin off, a Yoda spin off, an just keeps spinning the crap out of everything.

Hollywood is so lazy to come up with anything original, and managed to totally botch Justice League and knew they did from the gate, and just kept going with it because they knew they could probably make a small profit from the first month of the showing.

At least hollywood cant ruin DC comics , the actual comics. You want good stories, Geoff Johns and Robert Venditti ( might of mis spelled that one last name there ) are excellent writers for DC, Kevin Smith did pretty good with two stories on Batman… Havent gotten into Star Wars but I would wager money it s better in the comics than on the screen.
Went to the well a little too often, perhaps?

I might watch in when I can do so for free, and in a venue where I can have a pause button.

Maybe if Star Wars didn’t make Lando a pansexual this wouldn’t have happened lol
I’ll completely agree that the Last Jedi was essentially Star Wars with different characters.

…And the Holdo Maneuver that completely broke their naval warfare doctrine. *sigh
This is a good thing. We need less kid movies and more adult films with deeper themes. Everyone needs to grow up.
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