If you were already willing to risk all holy hell for the sin of child molestation, “excommunication” is hardly a meaningful penalty.Require all clergy (any religious) to state on oath whether or not they have themselves abused minors … Penalty for refusal: excommunication. …
This fails to address the abuse scandal in anyway. Adult women are just as capable of molesting and/or covering up molestation as men.Appoint women to half the positions in the College of Cardinals and half the administrative positions in all diocese and the Vatican.
Already implemented.Forbid in future all clergy to be alone with minors.
Again, does not address abuse in any meaningful way. Plenty of married men molest child, whether their own or others. Often, their wives cover it up, or pretend to not notice.Restore the married diocesan priesthood.
The restriction on persons with homosexual attraction on entering the priesthood has to do with church teaching regarding properly ordered sexuality.Repeal the restriction on homosexuals (not active) becoming priests because of the false idea [it is] cause of the abuse problem…
Priests need a position of respect within the community to function.Introduce an active programme to reduce the tendency to put priests on pedestals (clericalism)
Fails to address abuse in any meaningful way…Abandon/change vestments and clerical clothing associated in the minds of victims with their abusers.
This suggestion has merit. Historically, pastors and associate priests lived in community.Amalgamate parishes so that priests may minister in larger teams with proper oversight and management.
Already implementedDevelop a programme using good science to instruct children in clear terms about unacceotable actions by adults…
Since 2002, clerical abuse incidents have been nearly eliminated. Programs aimed at protecting children must include supervision in all areas of parish life, as predators are far from limited to clergy. All adult volunteers (and even youth volunteers) must be properly trained and supervised around children to limit opportunities for abuse.Install cameras … where clergy may be alone with children.
Confession must remain private. Youth programs can offer confession where other adults are in the waiting area, while the confession itself is private. We must not harbor undue fear of priests, while creating a safe and vigilant environment that precludes predatory individuals from isolating and grooming vulnerable youth.Ensure face-to-face confessions are visible to others, or… are eliminated.