Some ideas to respond effectively to the abuse crisis

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Who here knows about the “grooming” scandals in England? Hundreds of vulnerable teenage girls were groomed/drugged into all sorts of horrible situations.

The vast majority of perpetrators were “Asians,” Pakistanis to US readers. The whole thing was covered up, just as happened in the Church.

I think the biggest thing that has to happen all over is to say There are predators out there. Predators go after whoever strikes their interest. Homosexual predators go after vulnerable members of their own sex; heterosexual predators go after vulnerable members of their own sex, etc.

This is not, as so many have been saying all along, a homosexual problem. It is a predator-who-prefers-men problem. In the movie industry, we had a predator-who-prefers-women problem.

The program I went through recently in order to be able to work with children in my diocese had a horrifying film in which two predators-who-prefer-pre-pubescent-girls spoke very openly of how they plotted and implemented long-term strategies to get close enough to the girls to be able to abuse them.

WRT the Church, we do need to root them out, obviously.

But we should also spread the word. Predators are deeply entrenched in the Church, but they are also everywhere else, particularly where there are children and vulnerable teens.

They are in schools, other ecclesial (how is that spelled?!?) communities, children’s activities such as Scouts, getting married to single mothers, and so on.

They are charmers. A girl in my area who reported a teacher (male) was vilified to the point it made the news because the predator was so popular among students, staff, and parents.

And to be honest, all the pushing of sex in our society just eases the predators’ paths, especially among teens.
The problem as I see is that the Church has its own courts and tribunals and, therefore, has historically considered itself to be immune from secular law. In other words, if a priest commits a crime, he is punished by the Church and not by a secular court, and the Church authorities see no responsibility to report the crime to the secular authorities. This is an entrenched way of thinking in the Church, but in order to end the abuse problem, it has to change.

All crimes committed by any Church employees must be reported to the secular authorities, and the failure of any Church authority to report the abuse of a minor must also be prosecuted in secular courts.
I don’t think having women around is necessarily an answer. Most women in church work do not contradict or stand up to clergy.
Not saying it’s typical, but one of the St. Louis archdiocese abusers was a religious sister. In a town near here, two female teachers seduced two high school students. So…
And I think a lot of heterosexuals aren’t aware of “grooming.”
My recent training by the Church spent a lot of time discussing “grooming” and how it is performed by abusers of all sexual orientations.
That sounds like good training.
When I was trained by the foster program, the focus was on being a mandated reporter and not really spotting the abuse.

The Catholic program emphasized watching for changes in the child’s behavior and looking for adults or other youth that may be grooming the kids. You almost need to watch for the most trustworthy person you know and notice how they want to spend all their time with kids, never get burned out by them (like a normal adult)
Regret you miss the point of the deterrent: no support. No funds from ‘the common man’ to support this activity. It’s called “discipline”…in the same vein as Jesus threw the money-changers out of the Temple. I know…it seems harsh…but…providing support and comfort to evil doers is…well…it’s not right and prayer and penance has not worked in the past as a deterrent. The rules must change and this begins with “tough”…
That doesn’t actually show that the priests are homosexual, just that the activity was homosexual. Heterosexual males will engage in homosexual behavior for various reasons; I’ve mentioned the practice of pederasty in ancient Greece, as well as the justification that if the sex is with another male it isn’t really sex (something Catholics say about homosexual sex to defend traditional marriage), and I found an example of that justification in the Report. When we hear that McCarrick is a flaming queen and the majority of the perpetrators are determined to be gay/homosexual/SSA not just assumed to be, then you can say the majority are gay.

These crimes are not about homosexuality; they are about corruption and abuse of power. Having observed abuse of power up close in the workplace and hearing about the corruption in law enforcement, even noting how a victim advocate began to collude with law enforcement resulting in certain victims being told that they didn’t have a case, or even not getting any assistance for protection orders…I read the same thing in how priests and bishops, and maybe popes, deflected, minimized, ignored abuse.
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