Here’s that Immaculate Conception evidence: enjoy!
“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.” (Gen. 3:15). My namesake!!!
Let’s analyze this little prophetic verse. In this verse, God is speaking to the serpent, Satan. Everyone, including fundies and evangelicals will agree that “He will strike your head” refers to Jesus defeating Satan. Since Jesus is the woman’s offspring, that makes the woman Mary. Now God puts enmity between Jesus and Satan’s offspring. Now, since we know Jesus was conceived sinless and never sinned His whole life, we can say that this enmity is complete enmity. Complete emnity means Jesus was totally in opposition with evil and sin.
Now notice this enmity that God places between Jesus and evil is the same emnity that God has placed between the woman and Satan. Thus, it must also be complete enmity. Mary is also in total opposition to sin. Mary was conceived without original sin because God has put this complete emnity between her and sin. Thus, she also led a sinlesslife as well.
This is supported by the fact that Jesus often calls Mary “Woman.” See John 2:4 at the wedding feast at Cana. Also see when He was on the cross in John 19:26.
“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.” (Gen. 3:15). My namesake!!!
Let’s analyze this little prophetic verse. In this verse, God is speaking to the serpent, Satan. Everyone, including fundies and evangelicals will agree that “He will strike your head” refers to Jesus defeating Satan. Since Jesus is the woman’s offspring, that makes the woman Mary. Now God puts enmity between Jesus and Satan’s offspring. Now, since we know Jesus was conceived sinless and never sinned His whole life, we can say that this enmity is complete enmity. Complete emnity means Jesus was totally in opposition with evil and sin.
Now notice this enmity that God places between Jesus and evil is the same emnity that God has placed between the woman and Satan. Thus, it must also be complete enmity. Mary is also in total opposition to sin. Mary was conceived without original sin because God has put this complete emnity between her and sin. Thus, she also led a sinlesslife as well.
This is supported by the fact that Jesus often calls Mary “Woman.” See John 2:4 at the wedding feast at Cana. Also see when He was on the cross in John 19:26.