I agree with you but feel that it doesn’t really change my argument any. It will never be enough to simply make abortion illegal. We must absolutely follow up with aid for pregnant mothers and assist them in keeping their baby. Or if they absolutely do not want the baby, then adoption should be encouraged. But even if abortions will continue to be performed in the event that they are made illegal, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t prioritize making abortion illegal. What “will” happen if we make abortion illegal is that there will be “less” abortions. This alone makes it trump all others in priority. Once abortion is illegal, then the focus should shift to giving more aid to pregnant mothers and young families. Heck, I would argue that both should be tackled at the same time. But neither party is willing to tackle both at the same time. And the democrats have made it very clear that they will promote abortion in all things, no Catholic can vote for them and not commit a grave sin. There is no invincible ignorance at play here. People who justify voting Democrat even though they know that they are going to spread abortion, WILL be held accountable for the blood of the unborn on their judgement day. That’s a horrifying thought that clearly, people don’t think about.