Something to Consider: Please Stop with the Trump vs. Biden Threads

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CAF political threads are not spiritually edifying. That’s for sure.
They should take this off the main page like it was before because this is largely “politics” not straight-up “world” news for the most part. Yes, there is overlap but the political aspect should be toned down just in my opinion.
I really, really, really wish that the moderators would make the “American Politics” section apart from world news.
What’s even more alarming, for me, is how many self professed Catholics seem to justify voting for candidates who are very public with their anti-catholicism or animosity towards God and His Church.
I’m Canadian so I have no dog in this fight, but I can’t see that either candidate upholds Catholic values.

It boils down to which candidate holds the least offensive anti-Catholic values. Neither are lily-white. I guess for most Catholics in the US abortion “trumps” (pardon the pun) all other issues.

Just keep in mind that there’s more to pro-life than just abortion. Don’t conflate anti-abortion with pro-life.

I’m also not sure the abortion problem can be fixed politically. Society’s values are sick and increasingly detached from Judea-Christian ethics. We get governments that reflect those values. In order to seriously reduce the abortion rate, a serious re-evangelization is an absolute must.

I’m all for an “American politics” section, so this section can be dedicated to truly global issues.
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You’re not wrong, but the fact that some will take this stance to justify voting for candidates who promise to expand abortion “rights” in almost every way conceivable does not mitigate their personal guilt. For a Catholic to vote for a politician who promises to do whatever is in their power to allow for more abortions will be guilty of that innocent blood by their supporting that candidate with a vote. While you are right that there is more to being pro life than just abortion, it doesn’t change the fact that the right to life is the single most important right there is. If we don’t have the right to be born, no other rights matter. Securing the right to life for every human being must come first.
Securing the right to life for every human being must come first.
Yes but I think downstream care and nurturing of life, particularly until the child becomes an adult, is just as important to encourage mothers not to abort.

Let’s not kid ourselves, abortion will always exist, even if legal abortion ceases to exist.

I do not say that with joy in my heart. I do have a dog in the abortion fight. I was born to unwed mother in 1958, and was adopted into a loving family. I’m grateful that abortion was not common back then.

A good example of ancillary issues around abortion that some fail to see is open adoption records. Who in their right mind would want a youthful indiscretion come back to haunt them later in life? It seems we are doing our utmost to discourage adoption as a practical solution.

Abortion is a complex multi factor problem. It’s legality, or not, is just part of the problem.
There are a list of posters I’d recommend you ignore. ConcernedAmerican is one of them.

Your post was done in sincerity; their response was yet another attempt to sow division and be mean-spirited. They are not worth replying to.
I agree with you but feel that it doesn’t really change my argument any. It will never be enough to simply make abortion illegal. We must absolutely follow up with aid for pregnant mothers and assist them in keeping their baby. Or if they absolutely do not want the baby, then adoption should be encouraged. But even if abortions will continue to be performed in the event that they are made illegal, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t prioritize making abortion illegal. What “will” happen if we make abortion illegal is that there will be “less” abortions. This alone makes it trump all others in priority. Once abortion is illegal, then the focus should shift to giving more aid to pregnant mothers and young families. Heck, I would argue that both should be tackled at the same time. But neither party is willing to tackle both at the same time. And the democrats have made it very clear that they will promote abortion in all things, no Catholic can vote for them and not commit a grave sin. There is no invincible ignorance at play here. People who justify voting Democrat even though they know that they are going to spread abortion, WILL be held accountable for the blood of the unborn on their judgement day. That’s a horrifying thought that clearly, people don’t think about.
Excellent idea. Some of our posters have kept me from the forum at least as far as commenting is concerned.
Indeed. This is the kind of healthcare our taxes should be supporting. Not contraception and abortions.
Forgive the all caps. I’m not “shouting”. I just wanted the headline to be an attention grabber.

Please everyone. Please. Stop the never ending pro trump/anti trump, pro biden/anti-biden threads. This is not world news. This is American news. America is not the world. America is only one part of the world. If I need to, I can walk everyone through google earth and we can find the United States together lol.

I know I speak for more than just myself when I say that enough is enough. Just cut it out. Everyone already knows who they are going to vote for and why. Running this forum into the ground with article after article (most of which is guilty of the sin of calumny) is doing nothing for anybody, and quite possibly leading some souls into sin. Just…stop already. Please and thank you.


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Did you make the other thread like this?

It obviously isn’t going to stop just through appeals like this. If you don’t want to see content like that then I would advise not looking at the World News subforum.
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I don’t believe I made two threads like this. I mentioned it in another thread though, but wanted to post one directly to the world news thread. I don’t expect it to carry much weight with anyone but if even one person realizes they are annoying the crap out of everyone and decides to stop, then I’ve done my small bit to make these forums a better place.
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Forums and chats that ban politics tend to be the best. If this is not done then ignoring/muting is all we got.
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