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Got rid of all my “satanic” CD’s. Though their were actually only about 4 of them that were. I tried to do a spell with friends when I was 12 i think, after we watched The Craft. It didn’t work, never tried it since. I did borrow some books on wicca from a friend to read but my fiance made give them back, he thought they were evil as well,though my intentions were never to do anything wiccan, just to read about the religion. Yeah, I know a few goths who are wiccan/occultists, but the majority that i know are just athiests. Thanks for the info!!
Your friends are wiccan occultists… so im sure they dabble in spells.

Id be careful , whats to say if you made them angry one time that they wouldnt put a spell on you? Or even if they intended a good spell the forces there in tune with arent kosher. Id be very careful being Friends with people like this. For as paul says what fellowship does light have with darkness and what fellowship is there with those who partake in the cup of the lord and those who partake in the cup of demons. This might sound a bit extreme but it could be the cause for these manifestations .

God bless
“Fear knocked on the door
Faith answered
No one was there.”

I think you should not fear. Whatever it is that you may be experiencing is always less powerful than God. The times when I’ve “seen” things or experienced the temptations of evil or demons or anything, for that matter, I’ve always invoked the name of Jesus. And it always works.
Jesus did say, Anything you ask the Father in his name will be granted. So, at times when I’ve been “freaked” out by stuff, I’ve always said, “Leave me now, I ask this of the God, the Father, in the name of Jesus, Amen.”
Your friends are wiccan occultists… so im sure they dabble in spells.
Id be careful , whats to say if you made them angry one time that they wouldnt put a spell on you? Or even if they intended a good spell the forces there in tune with arent kosher. Id be very careful being Friends with people like this. For as paul says what fellowship does light have with darkness and what fellowship is there with those who partake in the cup of the lord and those who partake in the cup of demons. This might sound a bit extreme but it could be the cause for these manifestations .
No, i said a few people I know, not necessarily friends, more like acquantences (sp?). Actually, my one friend who I borrowed wicca books off of, converted to Jehovah’s witness, not much better but a start. She hardly would take the books back!! I have one friend who is a supposed satanist, though I haven’t spoken to him in a year or so since he moved away. The rest of my friends are atheists or are christian but don’t talk about religion AT ALL. So yeah, I doubt that is what cause these manifestations. But thanks for the suggestions. As for spells, i hardly believe in them, I think they are more power of suggestion, mind-over-matter anyway, pure psychology. “A spell will only work if you believe it will”, straight from one of those wicca books. Though I’m sure there are probably some spells that may work, i dont know.
Dear Raphaele;
Have you ever read Fr. Amerth (my spelling is off :o ) book called “An Exorcist of Rome”? He mentions spells as really evil and that they are calling on the devil to do harm to someone. It really depends on if God allows the evil to be done through them. Sometimes nothing does work but Fr. Amarth sites a few cases where great evil was done by someone casting a spell on someone else. I would take them very seriously. Try to get his book. It’s available from Ignatious Press. Their web is Fr. Amarth always stresses that anyone who is being bother by demons to start living a very intense Christian life. Prayer, fasting, devotions, and for a Catholic the sacrament of penance, receiving the Eucharist and true devotion to Our Lady. Most of all to reject Satan by staying away from all things (tarot cards, yugee board (my spelling :o ) fortune tellers, interpeting dreams, psyhic readers etc…that open the door for the devil to enter. If needed go see a priest. Keep us informed because Fr. Amarth always asks for prayer from the church or faithful when he is performing exorcistism. So we too should join in intense prayer for you. ❤️ God bless you. We’'ll be praying for you. 👍 👍
Most of all to reject Satan by staying away from all things (tarot cards, yugee board (my spelling :o ) fortune tellers, interpeting dreams, psyhic readers etc.
Oh i fI ever brought those things into my house and my fiance found them, he’d freak, he’s terrified of all those things, especially ouija boards, so don’t fear, none of thse have ever been near me since I was like, 12 or 13. I’ll look into that book, it sounds like a good read. My fiance is helping me out a lot with this since he is very satan-fearing. He was the first person in my life that ever told me to pray…about anything!! He gets me praying everyday by asking me to pray for him for some reason or another, i think he’s doing it just so I do pray, but I can’t say no to him!! I’m also glad I have you and the people on this forum to talk to, because my family would just blow it off as me being crazy (as usual) and his family would have me straight to the best exorcist imaginable, both are a little extreme!!
Dear Raphaele;
 I don't think if his family urged you to go to an exorcist that would be extreme.  That is why I urged you to read that book.  Going to an exorcist is like having a routine checkup with your doctor.  He knows what to look for, what to ask and how to evaluate all that you tell him.  With all the info then he can tell you what you need to do.  Many times just living an intense Christian life is what is needed.
You imply that you have used the ouija board when you were 12 or 13. 😦 Maybe a priest can help you with this, your trouble might stem from it. Even if you don’t believe in what your doing with the ouija board, you think its a game, it still opens the door to the devil. 😦 The Exorcist movie that came out years ago was based on a case of a boy that was possessed. The boy used to play with his aunt or grandmother on the ouija board. Soon one thing led to another and they started to hear noises. It is detailed in a video call “In the face of Darkness” or something close to that as the title.

I would urge you to respond to that website (I’d post this question to St. Michael’s Call: and go to the self help section if you haven’t already. Remember we’re praying for you. God bless you. 👍
I don’t think if his family urged you to go to an exorcist that would be extreme.
Oh by that I meant, that his family’s idea of an exorcism is straight from the movie, you know, tie me to the bed and through holy water at me while I spew pea soup and turn my head in a 360. They are protestant so the idea of exorcism is very extreme. That is what I meant. I understand that the ouija board could cause some of this but this began before i even knew that this stuff exsisted so i don’t see how it could’ve caused all of it. I went to the St. Micheals Calls sight and posted the question, i tried to go to the self-help section but it was closed temporarily, I’ll try again though!!
I’ve seen, heard, and felt things in my home, but since blessing every room and door with holy water, nothing’s happened. 👍
Hi Rapheale:
How are you doing? I went to that St. Michael's site too. It looks very good.  I was able to get to the self-help part so I thought I'd let you know it was available now. (I clicked on the St. Pio Center for Deliverance on the left and then clicked on the upper left on the word HELP.  When I got to that page, I clicked on "self-help" and scrolled down to the links, one of which is "seven steps of self- deliverance")
I hope you will be able to go on it and it will help you. I remember you every day in our family rosary, and my private prayers and Holy Communions. Take care and keep praying 😃
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