Something wrong in Colorado?

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Baking cookies for neighbors ges two teenage girls sued:,1413,36~53~2691638,00.html
That has got to be the biggest wienie on the planet. She should be ashamed of herself for suing these girls for trying to do something nice. If I lived in Colorado, I’d bang on her door every night until she developed some intestinal fortitude.
If I lived in Colorado, I’d bang on her door every night until she developed some intestinal fortitude.
Is that what He meant when He said “turn the other cheek”?
Is that what He meant when He said “turn the other cheek”?
Depends upon what type of cheek you’re referring to. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

😃 :rotfl:
Just imagine the message those teen girls got from this episode.
WOW. I can’t believe that. I have to agree. What a wuss…I hope that Santa Claus stays away…if she hears a noise on the roof she’ll have a heart attack…

Seriously, what stupidity. I don’t see the problem…if it’d been flaming poo in a bag I could see a lawsuit…but cookies? Sheesh…
The most sad thing is the judge sided with her…just another goofy judge without a clue.
She ought to thank her lucky stars that her visitors were Taylor Ostergaard and Lindsey Jo Zellitti instead of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris—some of those Colorado teenagers deliver goods that are less than sweet.

The sad part is that had Harris and Klebold survived, they would have had every liberal lawyer in the US of A trying to get them off because they were the real victims, the poor darlings.

But the same people who would’ve been defending those two are probably the same people who agree with these two girls getting sued.

As for the judge, I can only repeat what a friend of mine from college said: “Never attribute to malice what can be explained by total stupidity.” Give me a break.
Baking cookies for neighbors ges two teenage girls sued:,1413,36~53~2691638,00.html
The girls learned a lesson all right. There are some mean and uncaring people in the world.

I faced a similar experience when I took up a neighborhood collection to replace stolen Christmas decorations from a neighbor’s lawn. Most were generous (asked for $2). But there were a few that gave me “h—” for it. You know, the world owes them something for living in it.
But the same people who would’ve been defending those two are probably the same people who agree with these two girls getting sued.
Be careful what you say and how you generalize.

From the article:
The families had offered to pay Young’s medical bills if she would agree to indemnify the families against future claims.
Young wouldn’t sign the agreement. She said the families’ apologies rang false and weren’t delivered in person. The matter went to court.
Well, no wonder! I wouldn’t stop by the house for fear of causing another heart attack either!
I can imagine the hate mail that the judge will get now. He or she deserves it. IMHO the girls and their parents did learn a lesson: they have a mentally ill neighbor.
Maybe the woman hates cookies.
Hey - now you are onto something. She could sue the sugar, baking sheet, oven, and dough companies.

Yep–maybe she had a bad experience with cookies, perhaps the kids should have brought her a pie…

Yep–maybe she had a bad experience with cookies, perhaps the kids should have brought her a pie…
Cream pie - even better idea - just don’t get caught.
Poor girls. I really hate frivilous lawsuits. My employer knows I can’t eat sugar, but gave me a box of chocolates for Christmas anyway. Maybe I should sue them–too bad I don’t live in Colorado!
If the lady had lived in Texas, lawsuit capital of the nation, she would have been smarter and sued Nestle, the maker of the chocolate chips, here we know enough to go after the one with the deepest pockets.
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