Something wrong in Colorado?

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That was one of the stupidest cases I have ever heard of…
If the lady had lived in Texas, lawsuit capital of the nation, she would have been smarter and sued Nestle, the maker of the chocolate chips, here we know enough to go after the one with the deepest pockets
but this did make me laugh!

I can see it now… the end of bake sales … someone will probably sue the little kids with the lemonade stands… you gave someone a Christmas gift they didn’t want and face a lawsuit… someone thought your thank you card wasn’t sincere and sues for psychological damage… nothing is off limits now!

(and people wonder why our generation is so jaded)
I would really give that woman an anxiety attack:rolleyes: Just because I would surely conspire with some neighbors and have cookie hanging from every bush.That has got to be the most rediculous thing I have every had the misfortune to hear.So much for good will,huh.God Bless
The judge and Mrs. Young are out of touch with the real world.
Here are a couple of things that happened down here.

When my boys (3)were 7 to 10 years they walked about 2 miles to school. There was a collie that lived half way. He would come out and antagonize the boys. It started to get bad. My next door neighbor was vet. I didn’t know it but he told the boys to feed that collie a bar of chocolate Exlax. They did. One day I asked about the dog. They said thay were told that the dog had died…and they said they fed him two bars of Exlax. (They family would keep their dog in the fence.

When I was maybe 14, another little ruffian and I liked to talk to two of the girls who were sisters. There were six girls , all sisters, living in that house. We were way out on the edge of town and many weed-filled vacant lots were there. The roads were gravel and rock, so we had lots of rocks. The father had come out twice and tod us to “Get Away”. So here came Halloween. They had three or four jackolanterns on the front porch. Well my little friend and I got plenty of rocks and got in the weed-filled lot right across from that house and started throwing rocks on the roof of the house…we were in the dark. The father would come out and we’d stop. He’d go in and we’d throw rocks. Ha Ha we kept it up until he showed up on the porch with a shotgun. When he went back in we turned tail and ran home. Now what would have happened to us today if we’d been caught.
There is a happy ending to the story. Apparently contributions from people around the state have more than covered the legal expenses of the two girls. That and one of the fathers of the girls got a restraining order against the husband of the panicky woman because the husband was making harassing phone calls. If I was those two (the panicky woman and her husband), I would be looking for another town to go disappear into anonymity. They won’t be able to show their face in public now that the story has gotten out! What goes around, comes around, I guess.:tsktsk:
The judge and Mrs. Young are out of touch with the real world.
Here are a couple of things that happened down here.

When my boys (3)were 7 to 10 years they walked about 2 miles to school. There was a collie that lived half way. He would come out and antagonize the boys. It started to get bad. My next door neighbor was vet. I didn’t know it but he told the boys to feed that collie a bar of chocolate Exlax. They did. One day I asked about the dog. They said thay were told that the dog had died…and they said they fed him two bars of Exlax. (They family would keep their dog in the fence.
When we first came to the US we lived in Harlingen, TX. Our neighbors kept “outside” cats that loved to sleep on my mother’s car and thus scratch and muddy it up. My mom would ask the owners to please keep their cats inside but they ignored her. Finally, one day my mom put poisoned meat out in our front door to get the cats. The cats, never touched the meat. Frustrated, my mom threw the poisoned meat in the garbage out in the back of our house. The neighbors dogs (which sometimes got loose) smelled the garbage and ate all the meat. Needless to say, my mom could not kill two annoying cats but managed to kill three very friendly dogs…
Could just be that she was trying to get as much money as she could…and it didn’t work thankfully.
more like SOMEONE wrong in CO

I agree, this is all from the state that hired Ward Churchill! I dare say they better clean house from top to bottom. Just kidding of course, but couldn’t resisit. They are in the news every day now with crazies or sickofants.
That was one of the stupidest cases I have ever heard of…

but this did make me laugh!

I can see it now… the end of bake sales … someone will probably sue the little kids with the lemonade stands… you gave someone a Christmas gift they didn’t want and face a lawsuit… someone thought your thank you card wasn’t sincere and sues for psychological damage… nothing is off limits now!

(and people wonder why our generation is so jaded)
omigosh, the Girl Scouts had better look out. they need to educate the girls on how to approach customers and how not to do it, or they will be a bigger target for lawsuits than the Catholic Church.
Hey, lay off of Colorado. Yeah, we already got enough on our plate with Ward Churchill, CU football scandal, “catholic” Senator Salazar (D-CO) who defeated Catholic Pete Coors (R), and lost Bishop Gomez to San Antonio. On the bright side we got Archbishop Chaput (Denver), Bishop Sheridan (Colorado Springs), and the NBA all-star game!
The woman who brought charges against the girls is getting tons of hate mail and harrassing telephone calls. She is very unhappy now…
“My home isn’t a home any more,” Young said. “We are all on pins and needles.”,2933,147031,00.html.
She is very unhappy now… “My home isn’t a home any more,” Young said. “We are all on pins and needles.”

TRANSLATION: We know what we did to those girls was stupid ESPECIALLY after they offered to pay our expenses, but they should have just accepted it, and not caused negative publicity for us.

So, let me get this straight … according to the judge everytime somebody knocks on my door, I’m entitled to nine hundred dollars.

Hey, the kids next door come over about three times a month. That’s twenty seven hundred dollars a month!

But they usually don’t knock, they tend to ring the door bell. How much does ringing the door bell pay? Do cookies have to be involved?

This is great!
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