YES! And effectively. But don’t be surprised if Novella ignores the implications of Owen’s work as well as your arguments.…Dr. Novella again:
The materialist hypothesis - that the brain causes consciousness - has made a number of predictions, and every single prediction has been validated. Every single question that can be answered scientifically - with observation and evidence - that takes the form: “If the brain causes the mind the…” has been resolved in favor of that hypothesis… [w]hat Egnor has not done is counter my claim that all predictions made by the materialist hypothesis have been validated. If he wishes to persist in his claims, then I openly challenge Egnor to name one prediction of strict materialism that has been falsified. To be clear, that means one positive prediction for materialism where the evidence falsifies strict materialism. This does not mean evidence we do not currently have, but evidence against materialism or for dualism. I maintain that such evidence does not exist – not one bit…
…Prove me wrong, Egnor…
I really appreciate the thought and work you put into your 3-part argument. Refreshing departure from references to religious dogma. I was unaware of Owen’s work and will be putting it to good use.
I mentioned an old novel in a previous post. It’s plot fits right into Owen’s research, involving a child who suffers surgical brain damage. Rather than massive brain trauma, the damage in her brain was only to the circuitry which provides the soul-brain interface, leaving her, as soul, fully conscious but unable to control her own brain and therefore unable to express her consciousness.
Classical Cartesian dualism fails essentially because of a bad definition. The soul is regarded by most religions as a spirit, something separate from or beyond physics. The science of physics regards anything which interacts with something physical, as physical. By definition, a brain cannot have a relationship with a non-physical soul.
If the soul is in any way real, it must be integrated with the brain, and must also be physical. Adopting this simple and obvious conclusion has the useful effect of declaring that the soul can be detected, either by current methods of physics and neuroscience, or by methods yet to be discovered.
In this context, I’m inclined to interpret Owen’s evidence as showing that the brain damaged subject suffers from the Anna Klane syndrome. She, as soul, is still connected to her brain but unable to use it to communicate with the world.
Owen may have done some belief-shaking research. Thanks for spreading it around.