Radin is religion-neutral, not new-age. I believe that his book will meet your standards.I had a look at the book. I might buy it. I’ve read some parapsychology works and find it incredibly interesting but chose to stop after I realized 90% of what was on the market was either discredited, anti-religion or New Age. But this book seems legit and scientific, so I may check it out when I’m finished with some scholarly works I’m reading on Jesus’ Resurrection.
You will find it very difficult to embrace evidence which contradicts your belief system. That’s natural and human. Darwinists and Jehovah’s Witnesses have a worse case of the same problem. IMO you are far more objective and thoughtful about your beliefs than most, certainly more so than I ever was.They DO have good metaphysical arguments for reincarnation, I believe, and many also suggest they increase evidence, it’s just common amongst them to deny Past-Life Regression as said evidence. That being said, I’ve studied their evidence and wouldn’t say it’s been proven to be part of nature. Don’t get me wrong, I acknowledge the plausibility of reincarnation, but I also acknowledge the philosophical objections for it and the ones for the “heaven/hell/purgation” afterlife system I subscribe to, as well as the evidence against that, in turn.
Recently another CAF poster reminded me of a valuable book which made a difference for me, and which you will find of certain value-- Mortimer J. Adler’s “How to Read a Book.” After reading it I went back and reread the important books I thought I’d read, to surprisingly good effect.
I declined to study comparative religion, so cannot forget it. But I’ve heard the “same truth” bullpucky from more nitwits than I want to acknowledge conversing with. This is the kind of nonsense you will learn to expect from people who figure that “critical thinking” means having a large store of beans and beer in case of a three-day power outage.Don’t forget comparative religion, where you take them all, shuffle them up, give yourself a handful of them, and decide how they all point to the same truth! I have, in recent times, been toying with the semi-heretical “all Gods are one God” idea in my brain.
The “all Gods are one God,” notion isn’t heretical. It is simply stupid. If you are toying with ideas at that level, it is time to up your standards. Toys are for children. What is your field of study? Does it include any physics?
I ask because, IMO, you appear to be curious about many things which you will never understand by reading the writings of those who know no physics. If I guess rightly about your desire to understand, physics will not only serve you well, it will prove essential.
Physics as in the hard science, our best understanding of how the universe works. You’ll want to evaluate the First Law of Thermodynamics in the context of Catholic creation theory. I may have started a thread on the subject awhile back, and have opened the subject in other contexts.Physics as in the hard science or the phenomenon? If the former, I’m personally seeing more and more compatibility between Catholicism and physics.
Let me know if you open a thread on your off-topic reasons.I’m satisfied with my beliefs (planning on entering the seminary post-college) and I still study them. And others. Who knows? Maybe I’m wrong, maybe not. I’ll just see someday(I actually do have specific scientific, historical and philosophical reasons for being Catholic over Buddhist or Daoist or Hindu, but they’re off-topic and unnecessary here IMHO).
I hope that you do enter and finish the seminary. The Church needs minds like yours more than it knows or admits. One open-minded Norbertine priest in a Catholic high school made a big difference in my life.