It may well be that the first true humans were those “God souls” and that there is no room for further evolution of the soul.I mentioned at one point, and Science and Science Fiction have already considered these questions, too, that if that speculation is correct, that the soul is a product of a natural evolution, Bodies evolving and then “growing” souls, that eventually evolution would lead to a “singularity” of a “God Soul” that would essentially Become the God people believe in…
No, that is far from my concern here.Are you’re looking for some kind of “proof theory” that God exists,
But that goes a bit beyond the bounds of philosophy, doesn’t it? Are ~we~ beating a dead horse? Or are you just going to keep wrapping your mind around the subject in avoidance of an answer you’re not going to get, without personal experience? That’s a bit solipsistic, to my mind. I believed in the experiences I read of Saints, and that Transubstantiation was a Reality, not just a ritual, and things like that, and I was also quite an Atheist for a time, only “believing” in Science for a time, too…
Perhaps you could point to what you regard as the best answer so far and we could discuss that specifically.No offense intended. It just seems like no matter how someone tries to answer the question for you, you’re gonna find a way to dodge any answer you could gain from the conversation…
I think you’re equating animal behaviors with self indulgence and sin which is an argument you made earlier. However, even animals build nests, hunt in packs, and protect their young so it’s not as simple as that.Mentioning the Atheism part actually brings up another point… When I Did go there, I did it trying to treat what Christ had to say as a Philosophy that I took Very Seriously, so even then, there was a lot more to it than simply indulging myself in “animal behaviors” so much as exploring the boundaries of “sins” I was “comfortable with” one might say… things that didn’t hurt anyone, other than my own physical body. I still smoke cigarettes and I’m in a coffee shop drinking coffee all day, for example, but what can I say, I’m human =P
Christ (and Christology) is such a huge mystery Himself that I don’t think it’s going to be very helpful. Still, Christ was ressurrected as we celebrate today.And you also claim to have searched for a Christian account, that simply turns out to make the statement that souls exist after the body dies… What about Christ? Christ was Fully Human, and lived in Communion with The Father and The Holy Spirit. You might have more research to do on others, as well, but that’s not precisely my area… As a Pagan, you also have a lot more lee-way on what accounts you can decide are credible or not, strictly speaking…