Let’s discuss this problem. If there would not have been the “original sin”, then there would be no need for a “redeemer”. As it has been amply demonstrated in the thread about question of the original sin (forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=965431) God could have instantiated a world, where there would not have happened a “disobedience”, no “original sin”, no “cursing of the creation by God”… and we all would happily live in the Garden of Eden.
Some people keep saying that it is “better” to fall down and then to get up than not to fall down in the first place. It is better to get cancer and recover than not to have cancer at all…??
This thread is directed to them. Why is it better to “fall” and then being able to get up compared to not falling down in the first place?
The story of Aesopus in the tale of the “sour grapes” talks about the fox, who craves those grapes, but since he is unable to get them - attempts to rationalize that the grapes are probably “sour”, so it would not be good to get them at all. In German the phrase is “Aus einer Not eine Tugend machen” - which translates into “to make a virtue out of a necessity”.
So, I suggest you start to ponder… why is getting a root canal better than to have a healthy dentition without having a problem at all? Why is it being beaten preferable to not being beaten at all? Do you have a rational argument?
Some people keep saying that it is “better” to fall down and then to get up than not to fall down in the first place. It is better to get cancer and recover than not to have cancer at all…??
This thread is directed to them. Why is it better to “fall” and then being able to get up compared to not falling down in the first place?
The story of Aesopus in the tale of the “sour grapes” talks about the fox, who craves those grapes, but since he is unable to get them - attempts to rationalize that the grapes are probably “sour”, so it would not be good to get them at all. In German the phrase is “Aus einer Not eine Tugend machen” - which translates into “to make a virtue out of a necessity”.
So, I suggest you start to ponder… why is getting a root canal better than to have a healthy dentition without having a problem at all? Why is it being beaten preferable to not being beaten at all? Do you have a rational argument?