I already had three heart attacks (and actually flat-lined the first time), and I am NOT happy about them. All I “gained” is loss of heart muscle, a decreased stamina and the side effects of the medications I have to take every day. Why would that be preferable to have good health?Maybe someone who never got cancer would only be vaguely thankful for their health, but someone who nearly died but then was cured would have a much deeper understanding of gratefulness for their life, having stared death in the face.
My answer to those who prefer to “fall and get up” is simple: your actions belie your words. You never intentionally fail, so that you can recover. If you talk the talk, but you refuse to walk the walk, then you are a hypocrite.
Exactly. This whole redeemer is superfluous.Good question.
I’ll see your question and raise you.
Even if there *was *the “original sin”…there didn’t have to be a need for a “redeemer”.
God could have just forgiven, and that could have been that…
The real love is the one which PREVENTS the car accident.But when you suddenly are in a car accident and your face has burned and you are told you will spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair, strangely you no longer hear from him.
Now imagine boyfriend #2 in this same scenario. He not only stays by your hospital bed day and night, picks up a second job to help pay your medical bills, marries you, has children with you and dies in your arms 50 years later.
That is a cute saying but is not true in all circumstances. Mostly you learn from the analysis performed after the game. But a game is just a game. It cannot be compared to real life.There is an old saying from the game of Chess. You learn more from a game you lose than from a game you win.
But the best is not to be in error in the first place. Or going back to the OP… it is much better to have a perfect dentition than to have problems in need of a root canal.Sometimes a fall and rising from it reorients one to the fact that he was going in the wrong direction. Better to change direction than to never have realized your error.
A “perfect” world is the one which cannot be messed up, either intentionally or by accident.You have a good point because all you are saying is that you wish that everything would be good instead of being all messed up. Couldn’t agree more.
But the answer is that it was in the very beginning. We know this thru divine revelation, that God did set up everything in this way. But…and this is a big “but”…man messed it up by his disobedience. And the disobedience was not an easy thing to do since man in the beginning was made in such a way that it was so much more easy to chose obedience than disobedience…not like we are today.
How would you know that? What is the “objective function” you used? And even it would be true, what was the price for it? What about all those unknown number of people, who were condemned to eternal torture? Without the fall they would be in heaven. You should always perform a cost-benefit analysis.Because our end is now greater than what it would have been without the Fall.
Empty assertion, without a cost-benefit analysis, just like Porthos.I’m still saying that you are misusing this concept. No one is saying that “eternal life without sin” is not good. Yes, we were unable to attain it. Yet, we’re saying that what we have – the possibility of eternal life through the real world in existence – is better.
Better? For whom? For those who are damned to eternal torture?Not the only good, not that the other way was “probably sour anyway” – just that this way is God’s plan, and it’s better. This isn’t ‘sour grapes’.
Nope, not even then. There was no logically compelling reason NOT to create everyone into heaven - directly.I think that the folks who have replied have already summed it up well. It’s critical to recognize one important fact, though: the answers fail to hold if our context is only this present human life. They work – brilliantly and well! – in the context that includes eternal life.
Not even when you believe the eternal life it is the optimal way. Only if you blindly and unthinkingly swallow the words of others, who are equally blind.The rational response is “if you believe in God and in eternal life, then His plan is best; but, if you do not believe in Him, then it is pure foolishness.”