South Australia Bans Dog Walking, Outdoor Exercise; Later Relax Restrictions And Blame Pizza Shop Worker

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The hysterics of the left never quits.


South Australia Bans Dog Walking, Outdoor Exercise; Later Relax Restrictions And Blame Pizza Shop Worker​

By Amanda Prestigiacomo

Nov 20, 2020

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Hauke-Christian Dittrich/picture alliance via Getty Images

South Australia underwent a six-day total lockdown starting Thursday that banned residents from even walking their dogs or exercising outdoors.

The harsh lockdown, which allowed only one member of the household permission to leave the residence per day for “essential” activity, has since been somewhat relaxed after officials blamed a single pizza shop worker for allegedly being untruthful to contact tracers.

The severe lockdown garnered attention in the United States on Thursday when the official Twitter account for South Australia Police told a woman she was not allowed to leave her home to walk her dog or exercise. The tweet has since been deleted.
“Hey [South Australia Police],” a woman named Andrea said, “for the sake of my stupid husband, who’s doing a #KarenFromBrighton moan, can you please broadcast very specific information about walking the dog. #lockdown.”
In the now-deleted tweet, the police responded: “Hi Andrea, You cannot leave the house to walk the dog or to exercise.”
This tweet was deleted by @SAPoliceNews

— Amanda (@AmandaPresto) November 20, 2020
The South Australian woman thanked the police for replying and moaned about her husband. “Thanks for replying. It’s what I’ve been trying to tell him,” she wrote. “Good work, stay safe too.” . . .
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This state had an issue with contact tracing, someone lied. South Australia has lifted its lockdown according to the news services.

Restrictions are lifted from midnight their time. This was announced over 12 hours ago. An employed kitchen hand lied and claimed he was only buying pizza at a pizza restaurant he worked in.
South Australia looked like it had a strain of the virus that was contageous within 24 hours.
Quarantine escape in that country again, as in Victoria and New South Wales.
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The hysterics of the left never quits.
South Australia and the Australian nation are conservative governments. Lockdowns are happening in the majority of conservative ruled nations but ironically the only country to have rejected lockdowns and restrictions is Sweden… a Social Democratic Workers’ Party of Sweden run country, and I thought you were cheering Sweden?
What does banning dog-walking (at least temporarily) have to do with what you think
that I thiink about Sweden??
What does banning dog-walking (at least temporarily) have to do with what you think
that I thiink about Sweden??
You stated that banning dog walking was ‘the hysterics of the left’. Once again you are flat out wrong. It was the decision of the conservative State government to do that. The Swedish model which you promote is actually a left decision.
Motherwit . . .
You stated that banning dog walking was ‘the hysterics of the left’.
Then you stated . . .
It was the decision of the conservative State government to do that.
Did you even read the article?

You DO understand this was reversed since yesterday when this began right? (You can get some of that just from reading the title.)

No Motherwit.

This was a woman and a police department issue.
South Australia Police told a woman she was not allowed to leave her home to walk her dog or exercise. The tweet has since been deleted.
The people involved in supressing dog-walking WERE being hysterical. At least that’s my opinion.

As for you? You will have to make your own determinations just as we all are allowed.

Motherwit’s mixing of the threads . . .
The Swedish model which you promote is actually a left decision.
I disagree.

Liberals (at least in the classic sense) and leftists are not the same thing.

Keeping Sweden open was liberal in the classic sense. The leftists exerted great pressure against Sweden to upend that.

Lockdowns are very illiberal.
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Where would the dogs go the bathroom if not allowed to walk?

The injuction or whatever it would be called was based on a few people’s emotions, was not apparently from the state, has been withdrawn, and dogs are once again “relieved” 😄.
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dogs are once again “relieved
That says it all.

They would not allow the Veterans to put wreaths on the veteran’s burial sites until Trump stepped in…

Bureaucrats tried to interfere with a significant memorial event held every year: the placing of wreaths at Arlington Nation Cemetery. Thousands of volunteers go to more than 2,400 cemeteries across the country every year on November 19 to place wreaths on military graves in an event that began in 1992.
On November 16, the placing of wreaths in Arlington was arbitrarily canceled by Karen Durham-Aguilera, executive director of the Office of Army National Cemeteries. It was done under the guise of safety from COVID-19 for the volunteers.
One day later, President Trump tweeted: “I have reversed the ridiculous decision to cancel Wreaths Across America at Arlington National Cemetery. It will go on!”
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This doesn’t make any sense. How could the comments of one person cause such a panic?

Shouldn’t such a decision be based on positive tests?
The true story will come out. Australia reports the true hero in this is a young doctor who picked up on positive testing in an elderly person who randomly tested positive after unrelated hospital procedures. The virus was found to have spread to 11 of the family members.

South Australia is not blaming the pizza shop worker for it’s entry into public health restrictions . That is a media position and is incorrectly reported as the government of that state ‘blaming a pizza worker’ in the edited title of this thread.
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humilityseeker . . .
South Australia is not blaming the pizza shop worker for it’s entry into public health restrictions . That is a media position and is incorrectly reported as the government of that state ‘blaming a pizza worker’ in the edited title of this thread.
How would you know it’s wrong? Especially in light of what was reported?
. . . Officials have blamed a pizza shop employee for allegedly not disclosing that he worked at the shop where there was an apparent outbreak, instead allegedly telling contract tracers he purchased a pizza from the shop.

“It is claimed the worker told contact tracers he had purchased pizza from Woodville Pizza Bar in Adelaide’s north, when in fact he had actually worked there for several shifts, alongside an infectious hotel security guard linked to the Peppers hotel outbreak,” The Sydney Herald reported. “The man at the centre of the extraordinary developments on Friday was also revealed by authorities to have been a kitchenhand at another quarantine hotel, the Stamford Hotel.”

Australia has made headlines in the U.S. before for their coronavirus-related crackdowns. In October, for example, it was reported that four newborn babies died after they were denied lifesaving treatment due to travel restrictions implemented by Aussie politicians.

“Four Newborns in Adelaide have died after being denied lifesaving heart surgery because it wasn’t available in Adelaide, and they couldn’t be transferred interstate because of travel restrictions,” reported 9News Australia.

Their deaths have sparked outrage from medical professionals in the area demanding change . . .
South Australia Bans Dog Walking, Outdoor Exercise; Later Relax Restrictions And Blame Pizza Shop Worker | The Daily Wire
How would you know it’s wrong? Especially in light of what was reported?
It is not enough to read outdated reports in our pandemic world.
This incident is being followed with great interest in the world of Covid tracing. A police task force has been set up to look into it and potential criminal activity of said pizza restaurant.

Here is an Australian news report about the task force.

This is the most current .
The truth will out.
Pizza gate might be left with a whole new meaning.

To answer your question, your link does not quite any direct South Australian spokesperson. It just says ‘officials’. That is poor journalism. It is also the product of hurried timeclock journalism.
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It is also the product of hurried timeclock journalism.
How do you know?

If they are NOT blaming the pizza shop worker WHO do you think they are blaming?

From your own link . . .
Assistant Commissioner Peter Harvey is looking into just how the worker was able to mislead authorities to the point where some of the world’s toughest COVID-19 restrictions were deemed necessary.

The investigation is focusing on a 36-year-old Spanish worker who was in Australia on a temporary graduate visa.

A number of the worker’s electronic devices are being analysed by digital forensics experts to piece together just how the contact tracing debacle occurred.
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How do you know?
Breaking the journalistic bank to get a badly researched news item out.
Anyone who reads it asks now ‘which official’ ’ why wasnt the interview where that official ‘blamed’ included in the article. It is also likely the product of secondary reporting.
Ever read late night breaking news stories. Its basically a scramble to be the first with the news. It is also left in part to the interns, cadets and young less experienced.


here is a little info on the young doctor who tested the elderly patient and was surprised that her ‘slight cough’ returned as Covid.

@Cathoholic nothing in that link you quoted to me blames the pizza shop worker who is now receiving mental health help and is reported as not the only person to have lied to contact tracers ever.

Blame is a word we must be cautious in use.

Whatever happened to the fake news catch cries of a few years back.
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This doesn’t make any sense. How could the comments of one person cause such a panic?

Shouldn’t such a decision be based on positive tests?
Because it affects who needs to self-isolate. His initial comments suggested that he randomly caught it at the pizza place. And it seems South Australia has taken the approach that if it’s unknown then they need to react with a 6-day lockdown to avoid what happened in Melbourne, which was over a month of lockdown.
If information is incomplete or false then contact tracing can lead to wrong decisions. Which is also why New York’s contact tracing was of poor standard because they were told not to ask if people attended protests. Contact tracing only works and leads to the best decisions if people are honest and the information is complete.
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This quote in your post to me is not attributing blame by a relevant authority to one man for the decision to lockdown a state.
is looking into just how the worker was able to mislead authorities
In your disagreement can you give me a specific quote from a relevant government official who is responsible for the pandemic control in that state.
In other words you don’t know.

That’s your opinion. I’m fine with that.
Are you fine with taking that at face value and not asking the question which official, where?
Are you fine with not seeking verification or validation for a quote supposedly reported in a news article?
You post a lot of news articles in World News, I cant imagine them being fake news, can you?
I can see how they may not be fully and thoroughly discerned before being posted with a Title.
Example being the
official, who just happened to have a missing quote attributing blame.
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