South Australia Bans Dog Walking, Outdoor Exercise; Later Relax Restrictions And Blame Pizza Shop Worker

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In other words you don’t know.

That’s your opinion. I’m fine with that.
Why do you think such sloppy journalism was employed with the unsubstantiated misuse of a non existent quote by a non existent official?
Like I said. These are your opinions.

humilityseeker . . .
Are you fine with taking that at face value and not asking the question which official, where?
I am not going to tell you what I’m fine with.

These are your opinions with built-in false presuppositions with the exception of a “name” which the article that you posted omitted too.

You can use deductive reasoning to conclude an “official”.

The journalism is fine.

I disagree entirely with your criticisms.
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The subjective nature of your responses to the questions you are posing to me has dealt this an unproductive conversation.

If you wish to continue, post an news article or clip with a government official responsible for pandemic control actually stating the pizza worker is as you put it in your title

South Australia Bans Dog Walking, Outdoor Exercise; Later Relax Restrictions And Blame Pizza Shop Worker

blaming the pizza shop worker directly.

If not, its just unsubstantiated ( as in your news article) fake news and sloppy rushed journalism by one conservative media company in a country other then the one where the incident occured.

A media company that proudly boasts
The Daily Wire does not claim to be without bias. We’re opinionated, we’re noisy,

It is unfortunate this company does not go the extra yard and substantiate its claims.
Fake news
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The Daily Wire does not claim to be without bias. We’re opinionated. . .
So what? All media outlets are opinionated.

Some just attempt to fool the reader into thinking they are not.

humilityseeker . . .
The subjective nature of your responses to the questions you are posing to me has dealt this an unproductive conversation.
This is exactly what I was thinking too, only about your responses.

humilityseeker . . .
If not, its just unsubstantiated
Like I said. That’s your opinion. And I already explained why. I disagree with your assertion.
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It wasn’t the pizza guy.

It was bad Andy.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
So what? All media outlets are opinionated.
Opinion does not equal fact. A not fake news resource presents facts, not opinions.
This is exactly what I was thinking too, only about your responses.
Like I said. That’s your opinion. And I already explained why. I disagree with your assertion.
Where are the facts? Where is the official stating what is claimed? There must be none, if there were persons avidly posting threads, posts and news links to these boards would surely have dug one up and posted by now.
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A not fake news resource presents facts, not opinions.
You must be referring to your own news source which likewise did not name the official from whence they garnered THEIR information. At least some of it.


humilityseeker . . .
Where is the official stating what is claimed? There must be none . . .
You go ahead and think that way if you want to.

Go ahead and think because an official is not named, that the story must be fake in the sense of on official giving out that information (“There must be none”).

And continue applying it subjectively.
And continue not applying it to your own sources.

You go ahead and think that way if you want to.

But I will have no part of thinking that way.
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You must be referring to your own news source which likewise did not name the official from whence they garnered THEIR information. At least some of it.
Now you are getting the idea that not one official is reported directly with quotes as blaming the pizza shop worker.
You are wrong in that statement though. I ask which link of mine are you referring to? The first link quotes the Premier of that state and a police commisioner directly. That negates your
‘not naming officials…’ argument you made.
( I note you changed your own links in the op and your premise only after I posted this link regarding the lifting of the lockdown and the contract tracing issues now presenting).

My second link discusses the newly formed police task force into this and the assistant police commissioner of that state’s intentions with the taskforce. It is again, a quarantine escape issue. This link was posted in response to your question.

My third link is about the young doctor who alerted and enabled such a swift response.

Which link do you claim
You must be referring to your own news source which likewise did not name the official from whence they garnered THEIR information. At least some of it.
A further update to this is investigating just which quarantine workers or services coincide with the pizza restaurant and is of great interest to global contact tracing and quarantine. Each one of these incidents, regardless of where situated around the world, gives us good information for what works and what does not work.
Now you are getting the idea that not one official is reported directly with quotes as blaming the pizza shop worker.
No I’m not.

I’m getting at the idea that if they said they were informed by “officials” then they were informed by officials.


Humilitseeker. . . .
( I note you changed your own links in the op and your premise only after I posted this link regarding the lifting of the lockdown and the contract tracing issues now presenting).
Note away.

I take a longtime to craft my posts.

A lot of cutting and pasting, reading and re-reading.
You can notice whatever you want.

I stand by my posts.
I take a longtime to craft my posts.
You are crafting your posts at a speedy time span in response to mine.
You are free to stand by your posts.
I am free to elucidate the holes in them and in your readings of the data or in choice of news article posted. These boards are public.
I’m getting at the idea that if they said they were informed by “officials” then they were informed by officials.
Yet, no officials are quoted or named in that sloppy article of the daily wire.
Hearsay means squat.
Cathoholic. . .
You must be referring to your own news source which likewise did not name the official from whence they garnered THEIR information. At least some of it.

Humiityseeker . . .
You must be referring to your own news source which likewise did not name the official from whence they garnered THEIR information. At least some of it.
No humiltseeker. I was right in that statement.

Here is one of your news posts.

You criticized my news source stating it did not name the offcial so you went on to state it was “poor journalism”.

Here again is your statement criticizing my source which have no basis in my opinion . . .
your link does not quite any direct South Australian spokesperson. It just says ‘officials’. That is poor journalism. It is also the product of hurried timeclock journalism.
Well you either are wrong or you are not holding yourself to your own standards.

Here again is one of your news posts.

. . . That cluster includes a 36-year-old Spanish national, who initially told authorities he was a customer rather than a worker at the Woodville Pizza Bar, which sparked fears the virus was being spread by pizza delivery.

. . South Australia went into a hard lockdown on Thursday, which was relaxed on Sunday after it was revealed the pizza bar worker had lied about his employment.

There was no identification in your article of what “official” told them this either.
  • Dr Thurairatnam did not say the person lied.
  • Chief Public Health Officer Nicola Spurrier who merely talked about Dr Thurairatnam did not say this.
  • The link in the story to here did not identify an “official” souce. (Police Commissioner Grant Stevens just said they were examining the data from the devices.)
Just HOW did your source come to know this?

Just HOW did your source come to know “That cluster includes a 36-year-old Spanish national, who initially told authorities he was a customer rather than a worker”??

Was this too timeclock journalism?

If so, why are you citing it?

If not, is it only “timeclock journalism” for my sources, but not yours when this happens?
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