I have great anxiety over this and seek any solid (name removed by moderator)ut and advice. My wife and I, married many years, recently befriended a seminarian through our parish. This early 30s professing religious formed a bond with my 40 year old wife. They call it a “brother-sister” relationship, which seems innocent enough. But over the last year it has become spiritually intense. They pray together in person whenever possible, and every day they “meet” at least twice at specific times to say prayers (novenas and such) including very early in the morning. The seminarian is currently away on a “semi retreat” assignment another city for a month, yet and they keep in touch with several emails a day, IMs, and phone calls, usually when I am at work (since my wife is home with our children). My wife says he is the brother she never had and their terms of endearment are always things like: “your forever devoted sister”, and he calls her “My lovely sister”, “My life” and other such things. They both close their remarks to each other with things like “read my mind, heart and soul” and little codes like IMYSM (which, I think means I love you so much) or IMYSM (I miss you so much) the ((((hug)))) and etc… This just seems too bazaar to me. Especially since my wife does NONE of these things with me. It is obvious he constantly thinks about her because he says as much in his messages. It is not like I am opposed to deep prayer with my wife. I am more than willing. And I am available. But she is more committed to her “future priest” because he tells her that his advancement is a result of her prayers. Help, please. Is this normal? Or it is a form of spiritual adultery? My heart is sick over this. I want to trust them, I don’t want to be jealous, but it just seems wrong. Please help. What should I do?