
This is a bit rash. His concerns are valid, but this husband needs to talk with his wife and their friend the seminarian about these concerns first. I would involve the man’s superiors only if the seminarian has this concern pointed out to him and doesn’t immediately take the concerns seriously. I would not worry about having to go to the bishop, either. I find it highly unlikely that it will take that much, as this is not something a religious superior is going to mess around about.Seek out his superior and inform them, immediately, just the facts but also HOW it is effecting you.
If nothing is done there, contact your Bishop and demand action.
If nothing is done there, sorry, no one else can do a thing to force a bishop to act properly.
He also needs to talk to his wife about whether the spiritual side of their marriage may not need some work… are they praying together, are they praying for each other, are they each other’s best prayer partner? It doesn’t matter if his way of praying isn’t “her thing.” Mutual marital prayer, like sex, is one of the duties of marriage. If she cannot manage it, they will need to get busy and get themselves some counselling and get to work until they learn how to do it.