Springsteen drifts further away from his roots

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This rambling aged rocker continues to drift away from Truth and into the arms of Hollywood’s new age moral relativism–


Springsteen chose to be fairly economical with his comments between songs, although he did call for “a humane immigration policy” before playing the new “Matamoros Banks,” lambaste the “dinosaur” mentality of the Bush administration (before “Part Man, Part Monkey”) and talk about drifting away from the Catholic church (as a prelude to the new “Jesus Was An Only Son” ), among other ramblings. He ad-libbed a “That’s right” after one audience member yelled “(Expletive) the president” at one point.
Bush is hated worldwide, and for good reason. Not only is Bush a warmongering fool, he is a hypocrite, and a pharisee. No one can say that about Springsteen. He’s honest, and certainly more Christian than millions of these Jerry-Falwell types.
What does Bush-bashing have to do with stepping away from the Church or moral relativism? I can’t stand Bush, myself, and I feel he’s a disgrace to the intellect of the U.S. people (well, I used to think that, now I wonder about the U.S. people). The ONLY thing Bush has got going for him is that he’s supposedly anti-abortion; even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I get sick of the notion that supporting Bush is equivalent to supporting the Church, and that disliking Bush is equivalent to an attack on orthodoxy. It’s utter non-sense. When Bush is actually guided by Catholic moral principles, we’ll talk. Simply being anti-abortion doesn’t make one Catholic, or even moral; I was very anti-abortion when I was an atheist.
What does Bush-bashing have to do with stepping away from the Church or moral relativism? I can’t stand Bush, myself, and I feel he’s a disgrace to the intellect of the U.S. people (well, I used to think that, now I wonder about the U.S. people). The ONLY thing Bush has got going for him is that he’s supposedly anti-abortion; even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I get sick of the notion that supporting Bush is equivalent to supporting the Church, and that disliking Bush is equivalent to an attack on orthodoxy. It’s utter non-sense. When Bush is actually guided by Catholic moral principles, we’ll talk. Simply being anti-abortion doesn’t make one Catholic, or even moral; I was very anti-abortion when I was an atheist.
You apparently embrace the notion that supporting Bush is equivalent to having a lower intellect.
Was this post about Springsteen or the democratic party? It sounds like the latter. Calm down, people. You have 3 years to try to get ready for the next election.
Huh? I don’t see now Bush = Catholicism. He isn’t the Pope, folks! I voted for him, but only as the lesser of two evils.
Not necessarily; let me clarify. I feel he doesn’t have the intellect for the job that he’s doing, a job that is generally held up as requiring a high degree of mental prowess. The fact that he is in a position to take this job is itself insulting to Americans, including the people who support him who are often very intelligent people themselves.

I certainly prefer him over Kerry, no question, but the fact that it even had to be a choice between the two is a sign of the decrepitude of U.S. politics, IMO.

My statement about how I’m beginning to wonder about the general intelligence of the U.S. population actually has nothing to do with Bush or voting for him, and everything to do with the so-called “intellectual” response to the subject of Terri Schiavo as well as other seemingly plain and obvious philosophical questions.
Ghosty for a change I don’t agree with you. There are many kinds of intelligence. The kind of intelligence that killed Terri Schiavo is different than the kind of intelligence displayed by the late John Paul II. Those who justified Terri’s death are no doubt bright on a 'book learning" scale but they were too blind to see some of the issues.

George Bush is intelligent. He is well educated, scored well on his exams and IMO is a clear thinker. He is a terrible speaker and frankly that makes people believe he’s a dope. Quite honestly I have a number of Southern friends who say their drawl makes the perception of their IQ drop about thirty points. Yet hear someone with a crisp, clear British accent and immediately we think he’s a brainiac. So I think President Bush has been ‘mis-underestimated.’

However none of this has anything to do with the thread. But as I think Alice Cooper said, why would ANYONE listen to a rock star?

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Ghosty for a change I don’t agree with you. There are many kinds of intelligence. The kind of intelligence that killed Terri Schiavo is different than the kind of intelligence displayed by the late John Paul II. Those who justified Terri’s death are no doubt bright on a 'book learning" scale but they were too blind to see some of the issues.

George Bush is intelligent. He is well educated, scored well on his exams and IMO is a clear thinker. He is a terrible speaker and frankly that makes people believe he’s a dope. Quite honestly I have a number of Southern friends who say their drawl makes the perception of their IQ drop about thirty points. Yet hear someone with a crisp, clear British accent and immediately we think he’s a brainiac. So I think President Bush has been ‘mis-underestimated.’

However none of this has anything to do with the thread. But as I think Alice Cooper said, why would ANYONE listen to a rock star?

Lisa N
It’s the difference between intelligence and wisdom. It appears that the aging rocker lacks both. Wisdom requires judgment and discernment which require an informed conscience.
It’s the difference between intelligence and wisdom. It appears that the aging rocker lacks both. Wisdom requires judgment and discernment which require an informed conscience.
When I was a teenager I just loved Bruce. Now his comments have tarnished my nostalgia for him. Darn! why can’t anything remain pure?

But really, wasn’t it Socrates who said that poets have a certain kind of genius, but it didn’t give them any sense…, or something like that. My point being that this is not a new problem.
I’m just glad that I saw him twice several years ago, before he started spouting his views on politics, etc. ad nauseum at his concerts. I don’t care what side of the political fence you happen to be on: if I’m paying you $75 or more of my hard-earned money to entertain me, then you’d better stick to entertainment!

It’s really a shame because I have to say that the best rock & roll concert I’ve ever attended, bar none, was Bruce Springsteen. Aside from the over-inflated ego that seems to plague every “celebrity”, especially ones that are past their prime, I can only guess that he is also compensating for his worn-out, predictable songwriting that doesn’t appeal to anyone anymore except for the real die-hard fans (just for the record, that’s coming from someone who considers “Born to Run” perhaps the greatest American album ever…) As for his drifting away from his Catholic roots, what a shocker… :yawn:
When I was a teenager I just loved Bruce. Now his comments have tarnished my nostalgia for him. Darn! why can’t anything remain pure?

But really, wasn’t it Socrates who said that poets have a certain kind of genius, but it didn’t give them any sense…, or something like that. My point being that this is not a new problem.
Yes not exactly “Born in the USA” is it? What a shame. But I think sometimes celebrities start believing their own publicity and we have such great thinkers as Sean Penn and Barbra Streisand weighing in on foreign policy.

Lisa N
It’s the difference between intelligence and wisdom. It appears that the aging rocker lacks both. Wisdom requires judgment and discernment which require an informed conscience.
Brilliant! That’s exactly right. I know that my intelligence level hasn’t increased over the years. But I am a lot smarter about those things that require wisdom. I don’t think people get more or less intelligence over the years but they absolutely do or do not acquire wisdom. Kind of takes me to the quote by Paul about when I was a child…

Lisa N (who’s tried to put away childish things and thoughts)
All I know is that after “The River”, Bruce certainly drifted away from making decent music. I agree with a previous poster who said that “Born to Run” was one of the greatest rock albums ever (still got it and listen to it on vinyl, man!).

All I know is that after “The River”, Bruce certainly drifted away from making decent music. I agree with a previous poster who said that “Born to Run” was one of the greatest rock albums ever (still got it and listen to it on vinyl, man!).

That was me - I’m just jealous that you still have the vinyl! :crying:
When I was a teenager I just loved Bruce. Now his comments have tarnished my nostalgia for him. Darn! why can’t anything remain pure?

But really, wasn’t it Socrates who said that poets have a certain kind of genius, but it didn’t give them any sense…, or something like that. My point being that this is not a new problem.
I still love Bruce. But I really am disgusted at the cesspool of American hypocirsy, ignorance, and warmongering. You people are asking to be destroyed.
I still love Bruce. But I really am disgusted at the cesspool of American hypocirsy, ignorance, and warmongering. You people are asking to be destroyed.
Not all of us friend. :tsktsk:
Ghosty for a change I don’t agree with you.
As long as we agree on the important stuff, I think we can remain friends 😉

I certainly don’t feel that my opinion of Bush is infallible, and it is definately subject to change. I admit that my views on him have softened after his response to the death of John Paul II. I still can not give much credit to either his intelligence or his wisdom, espescially in light of the Iraq War, which I was strongly against to begin with, and only became moreso when I learned about the lack of information the attack was based on (a complete and utter violation of Just War). I’m not anti-war by any stretch, either, as I would have gone into Afganistan myself if I’d been able.

Again, however, this is really unimportant in the long run. I certainly don’t question the intelligence of those who support Bush, nor do I deny that these things are subject to personal understanding and interpretation. It’s also off-topic, so I’ll move on 😛
Bush is hated worldwide, and for good reason. Not only is Bush a warmongering fool, he is a hypocrite, and a pharisee. No one can say that about Springsteen. He’s honest, and certainly more Christian than millions of these Jerry-Falwell types.

Bush is hated because he is a man of conviction and action. People love placators like John Kerry who spend their whole lives kissing everyones behind and do NOTHING. Springstein has lumped himself in with the likes of Sean Penn, Barbara Steisand, and Michael Moore, pseudo-intellectual Socialistic Utopians with a penchant for utilitarianism.
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