Springsteen drifts further away from his roots

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I certainly don’t feel that my opinion of Bush is infallible, and it is definately subject to change.
You might want to read these two books:

Bush at War and Plan of Attack both give a good insight into President Bush’s thought processes on important issues. Then read Truman
I never cared for Sprinsteen. Don’t have any of his music. His voice is not appealing to me along with George Thoroughgood:nope: I was surprised to hear that he was Catholic. I agree with Laura Ingraham “Shut Up and Sing!”. I too do not care to hear polictics when I pay alot of $$$$ for a concert:banghead: . I don’t care what side of the fence you’re on:whistle: .
Bush is hated worldwide, and for good reason. Not only is Bush a warmongering fool, he is a hypocrite, and a pharisee. No one can say that about Springsteen. He’s honest, and certainly more Christian than millions of these Jerry-Falwell types.
“If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you.” John 15:18-19
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it.” John 14:16-17
I believe President Bush is in good company.
I still love Bruce. But I really am disgusted at the cesspool of American hypocirsy, ignorance, and warmongering. You people are asking to be destroyed.
Your Catholic???

Give an example this countries “hypocricy”, and “ignorance”?

How are we asking to be destroyed?
I still love Bruce. But I really am disgusted at the cesspool of American hypocirsy, ignorance, and warmongering. You people are asking to be destroyed.
You need to switch to decaf.
I still love Bruce. But I really am disgusted at the cesspool of American hypocirsy, ignorance, and warmongering. You people are asking to be destroyed.
What Country are you from (you people are asking to be destroyed)?
Sorry but your post seems a little:whacky: !
Bush at War and Plan of Attack both give a good insight into President Bush’s thought processes on important issues. Then read Truman
I can’t say I’m too keen on reading any political books right now, of any kind, but I might thumb through them if I see them. Unless they specifically bring up intelligence that is contrary to what has been publically revealed to have been used as the basis for Bush’s decision, however, they are very unlikely to change my mind. Motive is irrelevant to my judgement, it’s the intelligence information that leads me to my thinking that he absolutely violated Just War. Nations are held not just to have good intentions, but to properly and carefully evaluate available information before making a decision for war. In two years of listening to the debates, I’ve never found the intelligence to be sound justification for war, and I don’t require an impossibly high justification.
I could have sworn that Springsteen was a Jew.
As Adam Sandler said, Bruce Springsteen isn’t Jewish, but [Sandler’s] mom thinks he is. Springsteen’s of Italian descent, and we Italians make the best storytellers. Charlie spun tales of gangsters, gamblers and hustlers from the same tableau from whence Bruce gave us his first three albums. As a professional writer, I’d kill to be able to turn a phrase like Bruce did in “Spirit in the Night,” about being hurt and a girl saying, “Honey, let me heal it.” She later kissed him just right, like only a lonely angel can. (I got a kiss like that once…just once.)
I still love Bruce. But I really am disgusted at the cesspool of American hypocirsy, ignorance, and warmongering. You people are asking to be destroyed.
whoah buddy. so now that you’ve offended 250 million people…
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