That’s close enough! Well done, let’s roll with it.WAIT! I HAVE IT!
Material Cause: Desire for status/glory
Formal cause: People who love to play football
Efficient cause: Our creator, by means of evolution (or other means)
Final Cause: The NFL
How’midoin’ how’midoin’. Am I getting the hang of it?

To speak of essences/natures (ie, what it means to be a human) would be the formal cause. Think of material cause in the normal way we today think of matter—what’s the “stuff” the thing is made up of? We don’t have to get too sciencey here and talk about quarks and atoms. You can keep it “macro” and talk about humans being self-moving creatures, with a variety of organs that form a wholistic neural and musculoskeletal system. Something like that…A want to live a good life, to be happy, is a material cause, is it not? It is part of our nature
I think we’d have to say that pleasure is partly also on the soulful level. That is, one cannot merely speak of the physical phenomena that accompany pleasure (say, the firing of various things in the brain, serotonin, etc). Because all would probably agree that part of the act of feeling/receiving pleasure is an internal sense of satisfaction. Like feeling satisfied at having put together a complicated child’s swing set would be pleasurable. Not bc there’s all sorts of brain chemicals firing off but bc of the internal sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.Pleasure, of course, is a physiological phenomenon, part of the mechanism driving human behavior.
You ain’t lyin!Reasoning is a manifestation of intelligence, and intelligence…is an advantage toward survival. In a more spiritual sense, intelligence gives us capacity to be in deeper, aware relationship. Feel free to argue all these points. I’m sure I’ve hit a few “materialist” triggers.

We’d have to throw in logic too—sometimes by “by reasonable” folks mean “think logically.”
Yeah, I’d probably follow Aristotle and Aquinas here and subsume “experiencing pleasure” within the category of happiness, which would be the final end of man.Except that pleasure itself is material, and serves a (slightly) deeper purpose, right?
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