Yeah, wisdom is very personal. We seem to have to make our own mistakes. The human race is growing in charity, I think. And inclusion, of races and religions. there is a general coming together.The human race obviously grows in knowledge in a great many areas–math, the sciences, theology…but not in wisdom. I don’t know if that’s right (perhaps it is) but it’s rather a haunting thought, to me.
If you know Myers-Briggs stuff, the “intuitives” are definitely more introspective and focused on the interior, but as we grow older we all tend to become more interior-aware no matter what our personality type. Middle aged people finally look at their lives and ask, “what’s it all for?”.I’ve come to believe that spiritual people are a type of people
That’s an interesting way of putting it. From what I sense/read, God informs our conscience. It is there, available, but experience is what opens our eyes to it. So it’s like: if we have a conscience at all, that conscience is informed by God.But not all of us are similary disposed to engage with God in our consciences.
In a way of framing things, then, you have integrated the projected motives in those replies.But, what I find most interesting is that I can identify something good/positive in each of the replies that you gave.
This would be an external evaluation of what the monkey did. What this monkey has experienced, by being of low status, is whenever he finds food he has to yield most of it to the higher-ups in the pecking order. The monkey wants the food for himself. Sure, he would love to have a higher status, but in the moment the monkey has found something to eat, and makes the “predator!” call to get the rest of the troop to leave while he can eat it himself, undisturbed.In this case from nature, one capuchin monkey has attempted to lead the entire tribe astray and in so doing, he has elevated himself above the group.
Capuchin monkeys can be expected to violate wisdom, right?In this case from nature, one capuchin monkey has attempted to lead the entire tribe astray and in so doing, he has elevated himself above the group. And this is a fundamental violation of wisdom itself.
To the runaway rail car scenario. I can’t steer it to the one guy. I refuse to choose between the two alternatives.As Spock said, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”