St. Cajetan (St. Gaetanus)

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St. Cajetan is the patron saint of job seekers and unemployed people. Does any one know of a “formal” prayer to him, perhaps a novena? Anything will work.
I couldn’t find anything on the site I usually find Saint information, but how about you create your own Novena prayer?

Take a look at the format for other Novena’s and read up on all he did then formulate your own prayer. When you get it written, you should share it here.
Charity in all things.

I am not in anyway associated with the sellers of those items but those who wish to buy devotional items have a right to do so and those who sell devotional items can ask money for the transaction. No one is forcing anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. There is nothing immoral about that, regardless of St Cajetan’s exemplary holiness and extreme poverty. If you check that link, there is also a page to ask for a free monthly novena of masses if one wishes to request that.

Prayers are always free and are most efficacious.
Tacmommy is right. We offer Masses for the Unemployed each month (we arrange this every month as our hearts go out to those who are suffering through these hard economic times!)

Re: The St. Cajetan package. It is simply a devotional package. The items cost us money and thus we have to ask for a dollar amount, even though we would love to give everything away for free :-).

And lastly, The Most Reverend David L. Ricken, DD, JCL the Bishop of Green Bay has recommended this package. He developed a resource package and sent it out to the entire diocese. In it, we were one of the recommended resources. We were deeply honored.

As Bishop Ricken stated: "In the course of the past year there is hardly an organization, family or person that in one way or another has not been negatively impacted by the downturn in our economy. While we all await what we hope will be a speedy economic recovery, there are many who are fearful, uncertain and anxious. It is in the face of times like these that the Church, and especially parishes, are called to respond with pastoral care and loving concern in whatever ways that it can. "

Let us all offer loving care, concern and extend a hand to those who are suffering unemployment.

God bless all of you!
Wendy Cukierski
I came accross this prayer not long ago to Saint Cajetan (a/k/a Saint Cagetan)
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Dear Father in Heaven, and all the Saints who are known to help those in most need, especially Saint Joseph, Saint Jude, Saint Anthony, Saint Therese, and Saint Josemaria, and the patron saint of the unemployed, Saint Cajetan, (kaw hee taun)

We humbly beg you to hear our cries for help to provide work and income for those among us who need just those things, patience and loving trust in your Divine Providence for those who must wait for these things to come, and strength, creativity, inspiration, guidance, and energy for those who must search and struggle to find these things. We trust in Your desire to answer our prayers as quickly as possible; we believe in Your holy promise to provide daily bread, and we ask you to respond mercifully to so many prayers, from so many of us, for our brothers and sisters in need.

Thank you dear Father, all the Saints, especially Saint Joseph, Saint Jude, Saint Anthony, Saint Therese, and Saint Josemaria, and the patron saint of the unemployed, Saint Cajetan.

We love you and trust in your assistance. Amen.👍
St. Cajetan is the patron saint of job seekers and unemployed people. Does any one know of a “formal” prayer to him, perhaps a novena? Anything will work.
Prayer to St. Cajetano for Job Seekers and the Unemployed

Glorious Saint Cajetan, acclaimed by
all people to be father of providence
because you provide miraculous aid to
all who come to you in need, I stand
here before you today, asking that you
present to the Lord the requests that
I confidently deposit in your hands.

(Mention here the
graces desired.)

May these graces that I now request
help me to always seek the Kingdom
of God and his Righteousness,
knowing that God — who dresses with
beauty the flowers of the field and
abundantly feeds the birds of the
sky — will give me all other
things. Amen.[source]

Try praying this novena style: for nine days straight then after each prayer recite 3 Our Father’s, 3 Hail Mary’s and 3 Glory Be’s.


Just to clarify, you pray to St. Cajetan to intercede for you to God in order to
have your prayer answered.

In the Bible, if you will notice in the Gospel, that whenever Jesus heals or
performs a miracle for somebody he usually grants forgiveness first. By this
example, when we pray to God to ask for something we should first ask for
forgiveness for our sins and our shortcomings.
Zerwein & 07august- Thank you for sharing the beautiful prayers of St. Cajetan. I am asking St. Cajetan to pray for those who seek employment and for those who work.

God bless,
I have to admit that I only learned of St. Cajetan 2 days ago. It was a reference 2 characters on the soap opera The Young and The Restless made while in a scene stuck in an elevator. The character Victor says St. Cajetano is the patron saint of the unemployed, the female character says he is also the patron of gamblers. I found the prayer first, and, then this post in the google search. I am glad I found it. Oddly, St. Cajetan’s feastday is August 7, a logon I have been using for 3 years.

I made it a point to learn as much about St. Cajetan as possible. If you have any suggestions, please post them.

Correction, I have looked at the links posted in this thread. Thanks for the thread.
I have to admit that I only learned of St. Cajetan 2 days ago. It was a reference 2 characters on the soap opera The Young and The Restless made while in a scene stuck in an elevator. The character Victor says St. Cajetano is the patron saint of the unemployed, the female character says he is also the patron of gamblers. I found the prayer first, and, then this post in the google search. I am glad I found it. Oddly, St. Cajetan’s feastday is August 7, a logon I have been using for 3 years.

I made it a point to learn as much about St. Cajetan as possible. If you have any suggestions, please post them.

Wow! That’s pretty amazing that you were able to “find” St. Cajetan by watching “The Young and the Restless”

Some websites on St. Cajetan

A couple of videos from YouTube

St. Cajetan, please pray for us. Amen.

God bless,
I know you will think this is odd, but I get tips on life from God on Y&R.I have been for 3 years now.

I believe Bill Bell (now deceased, Exec. Producer, who started the soap) was from Chicago & Catholic. I have been panicking about not finding a job – St. Cajetano, patron saint of the unemployed was in the episode. It is online if you want to see it. That was my message that day.

The Young and the Restless - 10/20/2010
Air Date: 10/20/10
Full Episode 37:47
Skye gets stuck in an elevator at Newman with Victor.
at 25:41

You might have to let popups for

I know you will think this is odd, but I get tips on life from God on Y&R.I have been for 3 years now.

I believe Bill Bell (now deceased, Exec. Producer, who started the soap) was from Chicago & Catholic. I have been panicking about not finding a job – St. Cajetano, patron saint of the unemployed was in the episode. It is online if you want to see it. That was my message that day.

The Young and the Restless - 10/20/2010
Air Date: 10/20/10
Full Episode 37:47
Skye gets stuck in an elevator at Newman with Victor.
at 25:41

You might have to let popups for

No, not at all I think that’s neat 👍 and bravo to “The Young and the Restless” for discussing Saints and what have you. I vaguley remember seeing a rosary on a Soap Opera but for the life of me I can’t remember which one since I rarely watch them.

St. Cajetan, Pray for us all. Amen.
Thank you very much for the help finding a novena at Grace and Space. You could probably order it from
My son has been unemployed for over a year now. He was laid off work just before getting married. Since then he and his wife have had a baby boy, Ben. All is well with them except for the job situation. I will share the novena with them and we’ll all try to be patient.
By the way, my mother is named after St. Cajetan because she was born on August 7th. Her name is Cayetana. 👍
bensgrandma- That is truly remarkable that your mom was named after St. Cajetan.

Pardon me for being snoopy but when you state unemployment.

Do you mean that he is out of work or do you mean that he is receiving unemployment/employment insurance/benefits?

In Canada, we can receive Employment Insurance --if you qualify that is.

Either way, I will pray for you son as well.

I know that there are a great deal of people that are seeking a job or a better job or who are not finacially secured so I started a thread titled “Please Pray for those who are strugggling Financially”

God bless,

These people are TRYING TO MAKE MONEY selling stuff and prayers reputing TO find work through San Gaetano through their use.


Please read about the Saint’s life on my web site:

John Scerri
There is absolutely nothing wrong with selling religious items! This is their apostolate and how they provide for their family. When you walk into a catholic book store do they give you stuff for free? The Cuikerski’s are nice people and I’m thankful for what they do.
I want to post in thanksgiving for a friend’s intention that was answered during a novena to St. Cajetan!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with selling religious items! This is their apostolate and how they provide for their family. When you walk into a catholic book store do they give you stuff for free? The Cuikerski’s are nice people and I’m thankful for what they do.
Lucky Scruchy, God bless you. Seeing that this particular thread is 3 - 4 years old I am pretty sure that that problem has already been resolved.

Even though this is an older thread let us continue to Pray for the intercession of St. Cajetan.

Thank you and God bless you for sharing your beautiful testimony with us cecilia97

Thank you very much CAF, if it wasn’t for you and the many wonderful members I would have never known about this wonderful man and Saint.

God bless you,

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