'Staying the Course' Won't Do by Patrick J. Buchanan

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Peacemonger said:
In the aftermath of the suicide bombing of the Mosul mess hall, we are being admonished anew we must stay the course in Iraq. But “Stay the course!” is no longer enough. antiwar.com/pat/?articleid=4214

Ahh, yet another article written by a tree hugging, liberal, hippie, beatnik, [insert your own liberal bashing term here ], under the very blanket of freedom provided by people who think opposite of you.

I realize you served in the Military Peacemonger, and for that service I thank you. [This is the point where I stop being supportive of you and people like you] I’m not even going to debate you or try to win you over.

I’m just making my anti-anti-war protest, right next to your anti-war protest, so people get to see cheerleaders from both sides.

That and maybe just in case a soldier who fought, either in our current war, or any other [war] that the U.S. has been involved in, doesn’t get disheartened from yours, micheal’s [moore, or Satan, whichever you prefer ], or “pat’s” unappreciative, demeaning point-of-view.

I think we should start shooting liberals from our guns, right in the middle of crowded areas, which would immediately stand up and start infesting their culture with dissent, laziness, and moral decay from within the society! Then they could teach the enemy about that dream world where "everyone is a winner”, “make love not war”, and "As long as we have our, to hell with you!”

Then when they least expect it, after some time goes by and everyone gets in the mindset that “that couldn’t happen here”, we could fly a couple of planes into their tallest buildings.

YAY TROOPS!!! THANK YOU for all that you do, as im sure millions of Iraqis thank you, who now have schools, running water, food, new social freedoms, no more fear of getting beat in the street by saddam’s cronies because he thought of torture as entertainment, etc.

**May God be with you in your fight for those who could not fight for themselves! **

Peace of the Lord be with you all, and may you have success in your missions.
Ahh, yet another article written by a tree hugging, liberal, hippie, beatnik, [insert your own liberal bashing term here ], under the very blanket of freedom provided by people who think opposite of you.
Pat Buchanan a tree hugging liberal? Duh…
I realize you served in the Military Peacemonger, and for that service I thank you. [This is the point where I stop being supportive of you and people like you] I’m not even going to debate you or try to win you over.
I’m just making my anti-anti-war protest, right next to your anti-war protest, so people get to see cheerleaders from both sides.

That and maybe just in case a soldier who fought, either in our current war, or any other [war] that the U.S. has been involved in, doesn’t get disheartened from yours, micheal’s [moore, or Satan, whichever you prefer ], or “pat’s” unappreciative, demeaning point-of-view.

I think we should start shooting liberals from our guns, right in the middle of crowded areas, which would immediately stand up and start infesting their culture with dissent, laziness, and moral decay from within the society! Then they could teach the enemy about that dream world where "everyone is a winnerE “make love not war”, and "As long as we have our, to hell with you!Elt;/FONT>

Then when they least expect it, after some time goes by and everyone gets in the mindset that “that couldn’t happen here”, we could fly a couple of planes into their tallest buildings.

Been drinking?
Ahh, yet another article written by a tree hugging, liberal, hippie, beatnik, [insert your own liberal bashing term here ], under the very blanket of freedom provided by people who think opposite of you.
No, Pat is an isolationist. He doesn’t believe in helping people outside of the USA.
No, Pat is an isolationist. He doesn’t believe in helping people outside of the USA.
Pat just believes that we shouldn’t use our military unless it’s for the protection of genuin American national interests. That doesn’t mean he believes we shouldn’t help people outside the US. We don’t always have to kill people to help them, you know.
Ahh, yet another article written by a tree hugging, liberal, hippie, beatnik, [insert your own liberal bashing term here…[/color]
You seem to have Pat Buchanan confused with someone else. Pat Buchanan is a self-proclaimed conservative pundit who ran for the Office of the President, in part supported by funds raised at white supremacist rallies.

– Mark L. Chance.
Buchanan’s reasoning is certainly more in line with Church teaching than the neo-con hawks that dominate this forum.
Pat just believes that we shouldn’t use our military unless it’s for the protection of genuin American national interests. That doesn’t mean he believes we shouldn’t help people outside the US. We don’t always have to kill people to help them, you know.
OK, then why does he want the troops home now? Because he doesn’t care what happens to the Iraqis that’s why. Don’t make excuses for the man, he’s Catholic and should know better.
St. James:
Buchanan’s reasoning is certainly more in line with Church teaching than the neo-con hawks that dominate this forum.
Nonsense. Catholics are taught to protect the innocent. If we leave now, millions of innocents will be killed (just like what happened with Vietnam). We made that mistake once, a Caholic should know better than advocate making the same mistake again.

On second thought, this is different, not only will millions die, but this time Bin Laden will be stregthened by our running away, will get BILLIONS in donations, and will be able to amass a massive army of terrorists to hit at the ‘great satan’. Is this what you want? Well it is what you will get, want it or not, if we run away.
OK, then why does he want the troops home now? Because he doesn’t care what happens to the Iraqis that’s why. Don’t make excuses for the man, he’s Catholic and should know better.
Buchanan did not state, “he wants the troops hope now.”

Try to focus your critique on the content of what Buchanan wrote.
Nonsense. Catholics are taught to protect the innocent. If we leave now, millions of innocents will be killed (just like what happened with Vietnam). We made that mistake once, a Caholic should know better than advocate making the same mistake again.

On second thought, this is different, not only will millions die, but this time Bin Laden will be stregthened by our running away, will get BILLIONS in donations, and will be able to amass a massive army of terrorists to hit at the ‘great satan’. Is this what you want? Well it is what you will get, want it or not, if we run away.
This kind of hysterical rhetoric is a bit difficult to respond to. Suffice to say that I don’t agree with any of it.
The worst mistake we can make is to leave without getting the job done,some people who have posted on here don’t really know the arab mindset-You cannot show any sign of weakness if you do it plays right into there hands! Then they will start saying"ALLAH is on our side" and it will get them more fired up and more extreme. When they get defeated it makes them second guesss themselves and ask “if ALLAH is on our side how could this have happened?” we must stay the course!
St. James:
This kind of hysterical rhetoric is a bit difficult to respond to. Suffice to say that I don’t agree with any of it.
You need to face the facts. If we leave many, many, many people die. Because
  1. retribution
  2. that is the way the Baathists and Islamofacists take control
  3. they will gain strength in our weakness, and millions will fock to their cause (look how much strength they have gained in Europe because of Spain’s weakness). It will be many times as bad if the US shows weakness. (Fallujah is but a tiny example).
It isn’t histerical rhetoric, it is simply the facts of the situation we are in. It isn’t pretty, but sometimes life is not pretty.
St. James:
This kind of hysterical rhetoric is a bit difficult to respond to. Suffice to say that I don’t agree with any of it.
What will you respond to? Another attack here that kills thousands? Do you understand what is at stake here? Do you understand the scale and scope of the jihad being waged against us? There have been others who’ve held your point of view, they call whatever they don’t agree with rhetoric and will not face facts. Neville Chamberlain comes to mind.
You need to face the facts. If we leave many, many, many people die. Because
  1. retribution
  2. that is the way the Baathists and Islamofacists take control
  3. they will gain strength in our weakness, and millions will fock to their cause (look how much strength they have gained in Europe because of Spain’s weakness). It will be many times as bad if the US shows weakness. (Fallujah is but a tiny example).
It isn’t histerical rhetoric, it is simply the facts of the situation we are in. It isn’t pretty, but sometimes life is not pretty.
As usual gilliam, you don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t have a clue. Our military has done its job. We now know that Iraq can’t us WMD’s against us since they don’t have them. Will Iraq slid into civil war if we leave? It’s possible, who knows. But right now our troops are in a no win situation. It’s time to leave. Let the Arabs take care of themselves. If they need or want our help, they can ask. We need to concentrate on our war against terror and leave the Iraqis alone.
As usual gilliam, you don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t have a clue. Our military has done its job. We now know that Iraq can’t us WMD’s against us since they don’t have them. Will Iraq slid into civil war if we leave? It’s possible, who knows. But right now our troops are in a no win situation. It’s time to leave. Let the Arabs take care of themselves. If they need or want our help, they can ask. We need to concentrate on our war against terror and leave the Iraqis alone.
You are dreaming if you think nothing will happen if we leave. There is absolutely no evidence you can point to that this will happen.

We leave and the terrorists and Baathists take control, or at least try to. Do you think the Shiites will let them? I doubt it. There will be a war, or the Baathists and Islamofascists will somehow produce so much terror as to take control of the country (a real possibility). In either event, hundreds of thousands to millions will die.

If the Islamofacists win, and there is a very good chance if we leave, they will win territory (e.g., many cities like Fallujah), they will again have a base. But much larger this time. Hundreds of thousands of impressionable young Islamofascists will think that we ran away (and who can blame them?) and their cause will gain much strength (it does every time a Western power yields to them, that should be clear to everyone who has been watching the last few years). They will also have another ‘home base’ upon which to train their army of terrorists.

Will terrorism increase after we run away? You bet! It will increase alot. The Islamofascist army will swell and it will seek more territory.

In other words, if we run away, we are giving the region to the Islamofascists and eventually putting the sword to Europe, for they will surely be next.

This is what you want?

As for WMDs both Syria and Iran have WMDs. Syria is an ally of the Baathists and Iran is an ally of the Islamofascists. Either ally can give the WMDs to the terrorists (assuming there aren’t any in Iraq already). Or they can simply purchase them from North Korea on the black market with the oil money that Iraq has or will have by selling oil. So if they want WMDs (and they do) they can get them very easily after we run away and they take over Iraq.

This is the future you are choosing… not sure why…
Let the Arabs take care of themselves. If they need or want our help, they can ask.
BTW, they did ask for our help. Infact, they (the Iraquies) asked to postpone the elections but we (USA) said, “No, let’s get it over with.”
BTW, they did ask for our help. Infact, they (the Iraquies) asked to postpone the elections but we (USA) said, “No, let’s get it over with.”
As far as I know, that is not correct. One person in the Iraqi administration suggested the elections be postponed. He was overrulled by the others in the Iraqi administration.
BTW, they did ask for our help. Infact, they (the Iraquies) asked to postpone the elections but we (USA) said, “No, let’s get it over with.”
As far as I know, that is not correct. One person in the Iraqi administration suggested the elections be postponed. The press jumped on it and asked the US and they said that the US was in favor of the elections being held on time, but it was up to the Iraqis. The Iraqi administrator was overrulled by the others in the Iraqi administration. The Iraqis feel that if they postpone the elections, the terrorists will have won a battle.

Remember: It is the terrorists who don’t want the elections.

The elections may very well be elongated or postponed, but as far as I know, it has nothing to do with the United States.

Iraqi elections will be held on time: Allawi
Xinhua General News Service, December 22, 2004 Wednesday
Iraqi interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said here Wednesday that Iraqi elections will be held as scheduled on Jan. 30, 2005, the official Petra News Agency reported.
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