We believe He can be detected through philosophy and personal experience.So why should we care? If this being cannot be detected, cannot be fathomed then his existence is irrelevant.
Do you mean He cannot issue commands? If there can be no meaningful communication there can be no commands.One is that this being actually “revealed” his existence to some people a long time ago. That is what I do not believe. There can be no meaningful communication between such vastly different entites. Sure, this being could issue “commands” to “regulate” our behavior.
Why do you believe there can be no meaningful communcation between two vastly different beings? I can communcate with young children, even though they are drasticaly less mentally and physically developed.
God isn’t so concerned with the actions themselves. What He is concerned with is the state of our souls that proceed from our will to do actions.But why would this being resort to such crude methods? Much better to create us with certain design parameters, so we can “behave” as intended. That does not take away our freedom completely, it just limits it to confine it to the desired range of activities. That is what an intelligent creator does. Moreover, our freedom is already limited here and now. We can imagine all sorts of actions, but we are physically unable to cary them out. So why not put in a few more safeguards?
We can give Him love. We may not be able to reach His plane on our own, but God can reach ours to “collect” it. Of course, He gives us love in return.The idea that we “matter” to this creator is also preposterous. We cannot give him anything, since we cannot access his plane of existence. Therefore we can only be a source of “amusement”, or maybe a scientific experiment. Maybe we cannot fathom the intents at all.
Our relationship with God is not a matter of mercantile exchange of goods (heaven for devotion). Rather, it a a selfless relationshp in which we offer ourselves to our beloved, and vice versa.
God cannot force us to love Him. It is not a matter of “love Me or be tortured for eternity”, it is “Love Me or don’t”.But to create “lower beings” and then tell them that they are lower, that they are confined to their level of existence is horribly cruel. It does not alleviate this fact that “some” are promised to get to a higher level of existence. And the rest of us, who do not measure up will be tortured eternally? That is such a horrible concept that I reject it. Whatever this being is, cannot be cruel. Petty cruelty is not compatible with the level of intelligence this being must have.
I do not reject the concept of God, because I find the concept of a completely unknowable creator impossible to verify empirically. I accept that it is possible, but totally irrelevant.
Why is it totally irrelevant?