Values can’t reside in objects or they would be measureable like other properties of objects, and they can’t be said to reside in the subject, since then they would be merely subjective whim.
It also solves the problem of evil. Everything is value when seen from the proper perspective like God on the seventh day–It is good.
The “goal” of “seeing reality” is not to see everything as good, but to distinguish that which IS good from that which IS evil.
Wanting to “see everything (and anything) as good” (even if it is objectively and inherently evil) is the infantile wish to retreat into “mommy’s protection” and be comforted that there is no actual evil in the world.
But there are competing goods. The moral good of existence of physical laws and matter instead of nothingness and chaos is mistaken as evil when viewed as the forces that destroy a living being when set out in the sun to decay.
Any evil comes into this scenario when the question of WHY the living being is “set out in the sun to decay”.
It would be inherently evil to inflict suffering on a being for no good reason.
But it is not an evil for “road-kill” to decompose on the highway.
One of the great dangers of this relativism is that evils can be prolifically created where they don’t truly exist, and goods can be denied as being goods at whim, which is one of the reasons for the massive “psycho/socio-pathy” seen these days.
The moral good of biological pleasure can be seen as evil from the perspective of maintaining social codes concerning sexuality that support the social pattern of the family.
Biological pleasure is not a “moral good”, because it doesn’t involve a CHOICE. Morals imply a choice between good and evil.
Biological pleasure is a “pleasure”, not a good.
Biological pleasure is an evil when SATISFYING that pleasure violates a moral good.
Don’t confuse “a pleasure” with “a good”. When one has no morals other than “what begets pleasure” it’s not surprising that one would confuse the two.
The moral good of the social order can be seen as evil when it tries to subordinate intellectual truth and individual freedom of expression.
No moral good can possibly be evil. Definitionally. Period.
It can certainly be uncomfortable, or “not pleasurable”, which simply highlights your basic confusion of “pleasure” with “good” yet again.
But it is all good. it is all quality or value in this metaphysical perspective.
Once again, to WANT to see anything that one
can look at as being “good” is a retreat from reality.
It is valuing comfort (pleasure) over truth (reality) instead of the correct reverse valuation.
It is abject relativism. It, the valuation itself, is also utterly materialistic because it is based on “pleasure sense” which is intrinsically tied to the “pleasure carrying substrate” which is “the brain”, which is your “container of value”.
You’re not not a materialist because you don’t believe in matter. You’re a materialist because you’re not one who believes in super-nature.
There are only two types of people. Those who are materialists and those who are not-materialists. What distinguishes the two types is non-belief and belief, respectively, in the supernatural.