Stephen Hawking

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As a physicist, Steven Hawkings is a great scientist.
As a theologian, Steven Hawking is a great scientist.

(Not my own quote, although I wish I had said it. If anybody knows who did say this, let us know!)
IMHO, he has decided that a loving God could not allow suffering, so he is devoted to interpreting findings to prove that assertion. He is a bit batty after so many years of struggling with his physical condition. I can discount a lot of what he says on those grounds.
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It’s a theory with a lot of strong evidence…and it’s a theory that was first developed and proposed by a Catholic priest (who was also an astronomer) Monsignor Lemaitre. The Big Bang theory is very Catholic friendly as it suggests the universe had a beginning… of course a Catholic would see God as the ultimate first cause.
Stephan hawking is not using the same definition for nothing that most do.

His version of nothing is full of energy.

I guess he would be baffled to explain his theory given proper definitions.
What one understands as nothing is different from what you’d imagine I’d imagine.
Like a quantum field, which is itself fairly complex.

Sounds like either a sucky documentary or perhaps you don’t recall it correctly. I’m leaning towards sucky documentary
People need to recognize that scientists have their “agenda” which must be adhered to if they wish to get funding and grow in prestige. Mix religion with “science” and you will be ignored from within the field!
Gravity is no longer a theory, it is a law. Thank you for the example. The theory of Gravity has been proven, and is now known as the Law of Gravity.

Edit: Actually, I just looked up the Theory of Gravity and learned that it is the attempt to explain the Law of Gravity, so I was mistaken in saying that the theory became a law. In fact, the Theory of Gravity is not proven.
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Edit: Actually, I just looked up the Theory of Gravity and learned that it is the attempt to explain the Law of Gravity, so I was mistaken in saying that the theory became a law. In fact, the Theory of Gravity is not proven.
This is an good point. There may well be other theories of gravity that are consistent with observations concerning gravity and accepted “law of gravity.”
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Stephen Hawkings idea of how something came from nothing is only referring to Earth and its Atmosphere. Not too much is known of other galaxies and their forms of life and their forms of existence. And who knows what is beyond all galaxies as in the outer realms which pass the boundaries of what can be seen by the human eye?
People might, but they are speaking colloquially. Science doesn’t prove. Science demonstrates. Science is incapable of proof. All the results of science are by science’s own nature tentative. That’s how induction and the scientific method works.
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I’m sure what he means is he has some series of math that demonstrates is that it is coherent and consistent for here to be nothing before the Big Bang.

This hinges on what his premise and axioms were, what his math was, what he’s taken as granted and what he hasn’t - the things that his hypothesis is coherent and consistent with.
Actually, we can see a tiny fraction in time after the big bang as the light from this event is only reaching us now, and our most powerful telescopes can look directly at what the universe looked like then. The big bang is generally proven by analysis of the cosmic background radiation left over from the explosion. So, it’s a lot more than just a theory. Please be careful of falling for the ignorance trap. i.e. If you don’t understand the science, assuming that therefor it’s not real. In our age of internet, there are too many people assuming that because they can use google, they are experts. Google does not make one an expert. Let me illustrate. To derive the mathematics of the orbital for the hydrogen atom (our simplest atom) took me 15 years of education and oodles of very complex math (schroedinger’s equations) to get to the point where I could do that. If someone else can’t do that, it doesn’t mean that it’s not real. Just saying…be careful of drawing incorrect conclusions…
Passah @webmasterpdx

Everyone knows atoms don’t exist and nuclear weapons are just a hoax. (Warning: there are actually conspiracy theorists who believe this)
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They said that Hawking used the singularity theory to prove that the universe exploded from a black hole. Thus the “universe came from nothing”. I was rolling my eyes the whole time
but a singularity isn’t ‘nothing’ it’s something. Nothing is well, nothing. or in mathematical terms 0. A singularity is still a ‘1’.
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