Stop Ignoring The Underground Church in Sudan, China and other parts of the world!

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Why dont we hear hardly anything about the underground Church? Why don’t we pray for the martyrs in every Mass, that are dying and being tortured daily? Why does our American Church seem so indifferent? What can we do to help?

Anyone have links to this type of info? What can be done? Which of us would be willing to go and die for Christ today?
That is an excellent point. You think the least we could do is pray for them. I’m glad you brought this up, I think I’ll say a rosary for them.
Underground church? I"m not real familiar with what you’re talking about, can you elaborate or show some links?
Good topic. You don`t need to go to these countries. You can make a silent rally in front of their Embassies in the US is enough. Can you organize?

In Christ,
Underground church in China? A certain former archbishop granted faculities for Patriotic Church priests to operate in his diocese. Add this to the rumor of the Holy See reaching out to China…
Underground church? I"m not real familiar with what you’re talking about, can you elaborate or show some links?
Please visit the link.

In Christ,
Thanks for the link, that sheds a lot of light on the subject for me.
Please visit the link.

In Christ,
"The list AsiaNews published contains the names of 18 bishops and 19 priests whose fate remains unknown. It also includes a petition to be sent to the Chinese government asking for the clergymen’s release." -Excerpt from above mentioned article-

We must pray for these people! Anyone here know any missionaries, priests, religious or lay that are in a persecuted country or doing any type of missionary work? We can start a prayer group for them!

God is so awesome that he gives ordinary people like these priests and bishops the extra-ordinary strength to be true witnesses of Christ!
Anyone here know any missionaries, priests, religious or lay that are in a persecuted country or doing any type of missionary work? We can start a prayer group for them!

God is so awesome that he gives ordinary people like these priests and bishops the extra-ordinary strength to be true witnesses of Christ!
Thank for your words. I am in Saudi Arabia where there is no Religious Rights. Please pray for us.

In Christ,
Specific to the “underground” Catholic Church in China (where there are an estimated 16 million faithful), please go to their website once in a while, if not more often:

I am so glad this is being discussed. I think it is really important to think about and pray for these martyrs, so we can fully appreciate our faith, and not take it for granted. Reading about this, makes me so sad, but so grateful at the same time that in this country we are able to go and receive Jesus in communion every day. What a privilage we have, one that I think I need to use more often…

Hopefully this isn’t too off topic, but this also reminds me of the messages given in the Fatima apparition.

The warning the Virgin Mary gave us in 1917… If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace (mentioning Russia specifically and all the bishops being there did not ever happen like how Mary had asked for it to). If not…the good will be martyred (perhaps what we are discussing about in this thread right now), the Holy Father will have much to suffer ( That very well could easily refer to the suffering that Pope John Paul II had to go through in his last years), various nations will be annihilated (hopefully that will not happen, but no one knows the future but God, we can only receive His Grace by following His ways, heeding His messages). Infinately more important, souls will be lost in Hell for eternity if the message of Fatima is ignored because Our Lady of Fatima made it clear that true obedience to Her message will result in the salvation of many souls.

This might seem a little naive or unrealistic, but I’m seriously wondering… What can we do to try to get the Pope to do the consecration on Russia the way it was asked to be done by Mary? What would it hurt to have it done this way? I know there are a lot of politics around the whole thing, but seriously 2 of the three warnings she gave us that would happen if Russia was not consecrated to her immaculate heart have already happened or are currently taking place…Do we really want to wait around to see if the final one will happen before we act? Does anyone else feel the same?
I am so glad this is being discussed. I think it is really important to think about and pray for these martyrs, so we can fully appreciate our faith, and not take it for granted. Reading about this, makes me so sad, but so grateful at the same time that in this country we are able to go and receive Jesus in communion every day. What a privilage we have, one that I think I need to use more often…
I agree, it is just a shame that so many in the world are persecuted, attacked and killed for their faith. Jesus never promised his faithful they would enjoy a pleasure cruise through this life, far from it as it has turned out. And we as Americans (and those of other free nations) are certainly priviledged to live in a country where its people have the right to practice any faith they wish according to their conscience, a value many other societies and systems don’t espouse.
Hopefully this isn’t too off topic, but this also reminds me of the messages given in the Fatima apparition.

The warning the Virgin Mary gave us in 1917… If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace (mentioning Russia specifically and all the bishops being there did not ever happen like how Mary had asked for it to). If not…the good will be martyred (perhaps what we are discussing about in this thread right now), the Holy Father will have much to suffer ( That very well could easily refer to the suffering that Pope John Paul II had to go through in his last years), various nations will be annihilated (hopefully that will not happen, but no one knows the future but God, we can only receive His Grace by following His ways, heeding His messages). Infinately more important, souls will be lost in Hell for eternity if the message of Fatima is ignored because Our Lady of Fatima made it clear that true obedience to Her message will result in the salvation of many souls.
I will be the first to admit that I am not nearly an expert on Fatima and its message as others claim to be. So many have different interpretations of whether Russia was consecrated to Our Lady’s immacualate heart or not. But I can tell you are of the persuasion of a certain priest in Canada (won’t name names), while another priest expert in South Dakota has a completely different take on this, and this chronology of events seems to back his claim

But who am I to say whether the consecration has been done, it might not of been the type of conversion Our Lady had intended. So I am not sure who to believe here.:confused:
This might seem a little naive or unrealistic, but I’m seriously wondering… What can we do to try to get the Pope to do the consecration on Russia the way it was asked to be done by Mary? What would it hurt to have it done this way? I know there are a lot of politics around the whole thing, but seriously 2 of the three warnings she gave us that would happen if Russia was not consecrated to her immaculate heart have already happened or are currently taking place…Do we really want to wait around to see if the final one will happen before we act? Does anyone else feel the same?
Like I said, until I have indisputable proof either way, I have no idea what the Pope had ought to do. But I will continue to pray for the conversion of the world and Russia, and hope the Consecration had been done on March 25, 1984 in the way Our Lady had asked at Fatima. Aside from all the so-called experts and theorists out there, I will be obedient to our present Holy Father Benedict XVI and how he rules and decides to act in this matter, being Vicar of Christ he certainly knows how to lead and guide the Church better than I do.

God’s Blessings,

I will be obedient to our present Holy Father Benedict XVI and how he rules and decides to act in this matter, being Vicar of Christ he certainly knows how to lead and guide the Church better than I do.
I totally agree with you! I will also continue to pray for the conversion of Russia and the world, and our Holy Father right now. It would seem that he might be in a little better standing with Russia than John Paul, so if there would be a chance of talking with them about this, I think he has the potential.

Thanks for your post Catholic 29

I agree with you about the consecration of Russia. I assume you are from the Fatima Crusader point of view, as am I to an extent. My feeling on Russia is that if it is truly consecrated, why is the Catholic Church virtually non-existent there? Why is it so easy to have an abortion and have access to child pornography there? It would just seem to me that if it were truly consecrated, these things would not be allowed at all (or at least kept to a bare minimum). I was fortunate enough to go to Fatima last summer. What a beautiful place!! It truly felt like a small piece of Heaven on earth. If any country in this world is truly concecrated to Our Lady, it’s Portugal. The Catholic population hovers at 86%, abortion is still illegal (although being challenged), and there is still a good number of priests. Portugal still has it’s problems like any other country, but they are not nearly as widespread. God Bless!!
Thank for your words. I am in Saudi Arabia where there is no Religious Rights. Please pray for us.

In Christ,
selvaraj and Escalvo, thank you for bringing this topic up and thanks for the link. I admit that “underground” churches have not been on my mind much, but I am now going to be more diligent in praying for the Christians and seekers in those countries, and for the clergy, and for all who are seeking the Lord and trying to live in service to Him.

I have the luxury of never having been persecuted for my beliefs and I wonder, if I were the victim of discrimination, or imprisonment, or torture, or death, would I still so easily cling to Jesus and His Church? I am awed by the deep faith that these people have.

May God bless them and protect them. May the Holy Spirit strengthen and guide them. May the Holy Spirit soften the hearts of those in government to allow freedom of religion. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Here is the front page of Asia News. It definately shows another face of society. Appears as though we aren’t as civilized as we thought…we may actually have to start relying on God and not on ourselves…
I haven’t seen this link in this thread although it was posted elsewhere on the forum…a good way to get involved with email petitions for persecuted Christians abroad.
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