Stop shooting the messenger!

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Great video by Patrick Coffin. He talks about a problem that needs to be addressed. A problem that I feel is very prevalent, especially here on this forum!

Nearly every article, video or story that is shared on this forum that is from Lifesite News, Church Militant/Michael Voris, Taylor Marshall, One Peter Five, so and so forth, is almost always dismissed or criticized.

It seems like most posts which cite these entities as sources, won’t get past the first 10 comments, without someone calling them tinfoil hat, radicals who only spread division and hate.
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Lifesite and Michael Voris need to write better articles. It’s pretty obvious that Voris completely loses his kimchee whenever any gay person is involved. He frankly seems irrational on the subject.

I haven’t noticed Taylor Marshall and OnePeterFive getting a lot of criticism. I find some of their posts to be quite helpful, and I’m a moderate, not a traditionalist. OnePeterFive recently wrote a very thoughtful piece on Jonathan Morris’ departure from the priesthood, which I posted here and nobody bashed it. And I was just reading Taylor Marshall’s post today on how to get yourself in the habit of praying LOTH.
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And here’s a recent tweet of his — I mean, c’mon, if you want respect don’t tweet like a middle schooler.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
My great issue is that in terms of catechising the young and the discerning catechumens, teachers have cited faith in the authority of the Magisterium. These characters are now blowing that to smithereens by promoting pick and choose or rather listen to them over the Pope. They are a nightmare and scourge on the seeds of faith that we obedient Catholics are trying to nurture.
Taylor Marshall, One Peter Five,
Not sure about these.
Lifesite News, Church Militant/Michael Voris
They really just repeat saying the same stuff. Very inflammatory too, perhaps if they were focused on helping people instead of complaining and accomplishing nothing then more people would have respect for them. Church Militant might have more to offer.
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Right. I’m sure if Benedict or equivalent was Pope, they’d be exhorting everyone to listen to and follow our Pope. But a good Catholic doesn’t choose to follow a Pope or not follow a Pope based on what Michael Voris or Patrick Coffin or any of the other “Chicken Littles” say about that Pope. A good Catholic believes God guides the choice of a Pope and we are to always listen to the Pope unless he engages in truly egregious, visible bad behavior. No Pope in recent times has done anything even close to being that extreme.
Marshall believes a future pope will decree that Francis was a heretic. Several of these outlets have described the current Church crisis (caused by Francis) to be worse than the Aryan heresy. Worse than the reformation. :roll_eyes:
Yeah, I know OnePeterFive has posted some ridiculous stuff about the Pope too. I simply ignore the anti-Francis ranting at this point. Pope Francis sometimes doesn’t speak as clearly or prudently as he should, but he has not committed any heresy or other bad acts, and I believe any rational person who is not either nuts or trying to get a zillion Internet clicks can see that.

I much prefer the posts by any of these outlets that are actually useful or thoughtful. I think LifeSite sponsored a 50-state rosary one year. That was fine, I prayed for one of the states.
I don’t because I can’t. I have terrible aim. (Also, my issues are with alarmism, not someone having a different opinion)
They are worth consideration, but the reality as I see it is that they are extreme, radical, fringe and/or disobedient.

Sadly, to me it also appears that Patrick has gone off the rails.
I prefer Investigative Journalism over Vlogs.
To make Vlogs is comfortably too easy (in comparison to Journalistic work).

Journalistic Report that present difficult issues, one need to present evidence, not affraid to ask difficult questions, and pursue the answer from first hand sources.

I am definitely not a traditionalist. But I appreciate Journalistic Reports of Church Militant, much more than mere “philosophical” Vlogs. I think victims of crime must be heard, regardless the believe system of the reporter, so long the reporter do his homework as a responsible Professional Journalist.

There is real issues Church Militant speaks about for years now. CM is no powerful organization. It is only one of many catholic media. It cannot have any big impact if their report does not contain truth.

I dont think it is fair to compare compare real Journalistic work to Vlogs about recent news.
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Thank you…I am not finished with this video but it is factual. It doesn’t matter if people on this forum like all the people you mentioned. What matters is you follow what you believe. Look how Justice Scalia was always attacked but he still delivered the message…Thank God. John the Baptist didn’t have a smooth way regarding his speaking for hearts to repent and believe in Jesus.
I am saying, Traditionalists Vlogs about news is not even a (traditionalist) news. It’s only a mere opinion about recent news.

News reported by a traditionalist/ modernist/ progressive reporter is still a news, regardless his “ism”

Cannot lump them up as if they are (media & vlogs) are comparable.
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Would you feel better if I researched their articles and refuted them?

I used to do that, but now I just ignore them.
A real journalistic work can be refuted if you can present other evidence/ info/ interviews that refute the journalistic work. If this is what you mean, then it’s good.

Their vlogs/ articles may insinuate their traditionalist believe. Refuting their traditionalist opinion in their articles/ vlogs doesnot automatically refute the reliability of the news mentioned in the vlogs/ articles.
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Would you feel better if I researched their articles and refuted them?

I used to do that, but now I just ignore them.
I can’t tell if you watched the entire video or not. It’s not an apologetics piece defending the few entities I named.

But your response does get to the heart of problem and yet you ask if you should refute the entire article, as if it’s beyond comprehension to do so. The short answer is “yes”, that’s the whole point of his video.

If you want to ignore the story, so be it. Many people do and many are content keeping their heads in the sand. So naturally it’s become common place to attack the person who is reporting the problem. That is what Patrick was saying in the video.
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Coffin is in the same group of chicken littles.

It’s worrisome simply because they can lead Catholic to despair, which is contrary to the faith.
You certainly seemed to have proven his video to be true.

You expect me and others to believe that those who’ve reported on the corruption and scandals, are nothing more than chicken littles, running around spreading rumors that the sky is falling?

So you don’t like his tweet and find his response juvenile, ok. That doesn’t mean everything he’s saying is untrue and therefore should be labeled as a chicken little, leading others to despair.
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My great issue is that in terms of catechising the young and the discerning catechumens, teachers have cited faith in the authority of the Magisterium. These characters are now blowing that to smithereens by promoting pick and choose or rather listen to them over the Pope. They are a nightmare and scourge on the seeds of faith that we obedient Catholics are trying to nurture.
I find your comment to be completely untrue and a gross misrepresentation of what they say. In fact your comment has me wondering if you’ve even listened to any of them.

You would actually label them a nightmare and a scourge on the seeds of faith, for exposing those clergy who’ve abused and corrupted those same seeds of faith?!?!?!
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